At Sunday Mass at Christ the King Church in Ludlow, MA I saw an example of what the Founders of our country intended. The confluence of God and country. In honoring Memorial Weekend the Mass was dedicated to those who fought for, and served our country, and for those that died in doing so. As I looked at the faces of the uniformed members of the American Veterans one could only imagine what they had experienced in World War II, and the Korean, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars. All true heroes. The altar was decorated with a patriotic wreath, and all the flowers dedicated to the statues of the Saints were adorned with red, white, and blue ribbons. The American flag was proudly displayed. The Star Spangled Banner was sung, as well as God Bless America.
There are those who attempt to distort the intentions of our Founders with respect to the importance of God and religion in the formation of our country. It was not the Founder's intent to allow religion to rule our country, but is WAS their intention to always recognize the importance of God as being not only foundational to our country, but essential. The result has been the greatest country in the history of the world.
Yet today, the American people watch in horror as our country is being destroyed from within right before us. Our Constitution, our great representative democracy, our freedoms, our sovereignty, our economy, and our very country are not only being severely threatened, but dismantled as we look on.
The past Memorial Weekend should be a reminder to us all that we should not just sit back and allow this to happen to our great country.
May God Bless America.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
A China Wake-Up Call
I found the recent announcements by China very interesting. (USA Today, May 24, 2010 article by David J. Lynch). In particular the fact that China is increasing focus on developing its own powerful companies and innovative technologies. Imagine a country doing something for its own benefit! This includes developing its own company / corporate structure, manufacturing, and technology base, that will benefit China. This will greatly strengthen their country, employ their people, give them the benefit of close proximity to their huge market, and strengthen their economy.
This should be a wake up call for the United States. We have essentially given up our greatest strength as a nation of manufacturing, as well as much of our technological strength. We seem to have done this by allowing our country to be lulled into believing the fallacy that we should become a "service economy". Yet our greatest strength as a nation since the Industrial Revolution has been manufacturing. Technology goes hand in hand with this. We are blessed with plentiful raw material resources, transportation systems, a work force second to none, and our own vast North American market in close proximity. Yet we seem to have given that all up based upon false and losing strategies, and false economics.
No single move by the United States would be stronger in resurrecting our economy than bringing back manufacturing to America. Our greatest strength historically and in the future, is, and always should be...Made in America!
This should be a wake up call for the United States. We have essentially given up our greatest strength as a nation of manufacturing, as well as much of our technological strength. We seem to have done this by allowing our country to be lulled into believing the fallacy that we should become a "service economy". Yet our greatest strength as a nation since the Industrial Revolution has been manufacturing. Technology goes hand in hand with this. We are blessed with plentiful raw material resources, transportation systems, a work force second to none, and our own vast North American market in close proximity. Yet we seem to have given that all up based upon false and losing strategies, and false economics.
No single move by the United States would be stronger in resurrecting our economy than bringing back manufacturing to America. Our greatest strength historically and in the future, is, and always should be...Made in America!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Mexican President Calderon a Hypocrite
Mexican President, Felipe Calderon, in still another hypocritical example not challenged by the media or by Congress, was allowed to freely criticize the United States over the Arizona immigration law. Apparently he, members of the Obama administration, and many other critics, haven't taken the time to actually read the law. Yet the Arizona law is very fair and rational and simply allows the state to protect itself against immigration violations that are severely affecting the state. This is in the absence of the federal government doing its job to secure our borders and protect our citizens. The un enforced federal laws are even more severe than the Arizona law, and were even supported by a unanimous Supreme Court decision.
In regard to his criticism of the Arizona law Calderon is a hypocrite of the highest order if you compare Mexico's very harsh immigration laws to that of Arizona. The Mexican law requires immigration authorities to have a record of each foreign visitor; immigrants must have the means to sustain themselves economically and not be burdens on society; be of good character and have no criminal records; foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country's internal politics; foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses or violate their terms of entry are imprisoned or deported; and those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison. It goes on and on, but one can quickly get the impression that Mexico deals harshly with immigration issues. It is a felony in Mexico to be an illegal immigrant. Mexico annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does.
Why is it that all these FACTS and the blaring hypocrisy escape the media, members of Congress, and the Obama administration? Why is it that a PLATFORM is given to the Mexican President to hypocritically criticize the United States and Arizona law?
The American people are getting sick of all this!
In regard to his criticism of the Arizona law Calderon is a hypocrite of the highest order if you compare Mexico's very harsh immigration laws to that of Arizona. The Mexican law requires immigration authorities to have a record of each foreign visitor; immigrants must have the means to sustain themselves economically and not be burdens on society; be of good character and have no criminal records; foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country's internal politics; foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses or violate their terms of entry are imprisoned or deported; and those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison. It goes on and on, but one can quickly get the impression that Mexico deals harshly with immigration issues. It is a felony in Mexico to be an illegal immigrant. Mexico annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does.
Why is it that all these FACTS and the blaring hypocrisy escape the media, members of Congress, and the Obama administration? Why is it that a PLATFORM is given to the Mexican President to hypocritically criticize the United States and Arizona law?
The American people are getting sick of all this!
Friday, May 21, 2010
An Open Letter to Scott Brown, His Support of "Financial Reform"
To: Senator Scott Brown May 21, 2010
Fax: (202) 224-2417 (Washington)
(202) 228-2646 "
Fax: (617) 565-3183 (Boston)
Dear Senator Brown:
This is to express my deep displeasure over your vote in favor of the so called "financial reform" legislation. This shows voters that you totally lack an understanding of the big picture since it was the federal government that caused the financial crisis in America and now with your support the Obama administration has rammed through legislation to gain even MORE control over financial Institutions and markets. This is still another move, with your support, that continues to concentrate more and more power with the federal government. One has to check their sanity when observing what is happening in Washington.
The real story that is being ignored by you is that the nation's two largest mortgage finance lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were totally out of control. Supposed federal government oversight was under the leadership of Congressman, Barney Frank, and Senator, Chris Dodd. Their actions and failures of oversight in protecting our nation border on criminal negligence and malfeasance. They had a DIRECT role that led to the financial crisis in America. They are ON RECORD in misleading the American people. Not only were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial practices out of control, wide spread corruption existed with lead executives walking away with millions of dollars of taxpayer money, while the two agencies were in a state of collapse. The legislation that you helped pass did NOTHING to bring control over these two institutions, as they continue their corrupt practices, unchecked.
Your assurances by Senator Harry Reid would be laughable if the consequences of your actions were not tragic and harmful to our country. Reid has proven to be a person not to be trusted and is nothing more than a "lame duck", a fate that you may soon experience if you keep up your alarming voting record.
Fax: (202) 224-2417 (Washington)
(202) 228-2646 "
Fax: (617) 565-3183 (Boston)
Dear Senator Brown:
This is to express my deep displeasure over your vote in favor of the so called "financial reform" legislation. This shows voters that you totally lack an understanding of the big picture since it was the federal government that caused the financial crisis in America and now with your support the Obama administration has rammed through legislation to gain even MORE control over financial Institutions and markets. This is still another move, with your support, that continues to concentrate more and more power with the federal government. One has to check their sanity when observing what is happening in Washington.
The real story that is being ignored by you is that the nation's two largest mortgage finance lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were totally out of control. Supposed federal government oversight was under the leadership of Congressman, Barney Frank, and Senator, Chris Dodd. Their actions and failures of oversight in protecting our nation border on criminal negligence and malfeasance. They had a DIRECT role that led to the financial crisis in America. They are ON RECORD in misleading the American people. Not only were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial practices out of control, wide spread corruption existed with lead executives walking away with millions of dollars of taxpayer money, while the two agencies were in a state of collapse. The legislation that you helped pass did NOTHING to bring control over these two institutions, as they continue their corrupt practices, unchecked.
Your assurances by Senator Harry Reid would be laughable if the consequences of your actions were not tragic and harmful to our country. Reid has proven to be a person not to be trusted and is nothing more than a "lame duck", a fate that you may soon experience if you keep up your alarming voting record.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Obama Attempting to Control ALL Communication
It is very clear that the Obama administration is attempting to control all avenues of communication. This has been the trademark, throughout history, of oppressive totalitarian regimes and is now happening right here in the United States. By controlling all communication people are more easily led and controlled.
Approximately 85% of the media are already in the "back pocket" of the Obama administration. This is readily evident by headline stories that are very biased in favor of Obama. Just as bad, relevant information that could be detrimental to Obama is not covered, and even covered up. In some cases, misleading or even false news is reported to give a favorable impression of the Obama administration and their agenda. Many polls that are reported are purposely biased and are used to influence public opinion favorable to Obama, not to measure true public opinion.
There is an all out attack on the remaining major avenues of radio, Fox News, and the Internet. Legislation is brewing and soon to come down the pike on controlling all three. You can already hear the constant drumbeat of complaint coming from the Obama administration since these avenues of communication present the other side of the story, not always favorable to Obama, and even expose many of the questionable policies and people within his administration. A "Fairness Doctrine", or a new disguised title variation of it, will soon be coming in an attempt to control talk radio and Fox News.
More recently there is a veiled criticism and attempt to control the Internet. The Internet represents the epitome of free speech. Currently, any individual or organization can set up a web site, a blog, a Facebook or twitter account, send chain E-mails letters, and communicate freely world wide. And they do. This is the REAL problem that the Obama administration has with the Internet since they can report the other side of issues and report many of the deserved criticisms ignored by major media. Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller, are both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Adviser, reporting directly to the president and charged with "defending the country". These would give the White House sweeping new powers to gain access to private online data, and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency." Obama's recent speech at Hampton University attacking electronic gadgets was just an underhanded and subtle way of indirectly demeaning the Internet, paving the way toward more control. A must, for the Obama administration in their quest to control ALL avenues of communication is to control the Internet. They use seemingly plausible excuses with the REAL purpose to control the Internet.
For those with their eyes wide open all of the above attempts to control all communication are not only readily evident, but well on their way through various legislation and presidential acts. This should be a warning to America.
Approximately 85% of the media are already in the "back pocket" of the Obama administration. This is readily evident by headline stories that are very biased in favor of Obama. Just as bad, relevant information that could be detrimental to Obama is not covered, and even covered up. In some cases, misleading or even false news is reported to give a favorable impression of the Obama administration and their agenda. Many polls that are reported are purposely biased and are used to influence public opinion favorable to Obama, not to measure true public opinion.
There is an all out attack on the remaining major avenues of radio, Fox News, and the Internet. Legislation is brewing and soon to come down the pike on controlling all three. You can already hear the constant drumbeat of complaint coming from the Obama administration since these avenues of communication present the other side of the story, not always favorable to Obama, and even expose many of the questionable policies and people within his administration. A "Fairness Doctrine", or a new disguised title variation of it, will soon be coming in an attempt to control talk radio and Fox News.
More recently there is a veiled criticism and attempt to control the Internet. The Internet represents the epitome of free speech. Currently, any individual or organization can set up a web site, a blog, a Facebook or twitter account, send chain E-mails letters, and communicate freely world wide. And they do. This is the REAL problem that the Obama administration has with the Internet since they can report the other side of issues and report many of the deserved criticisms ignored by major media. Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller, are both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Adviser, reporting directly to the president and charged with "defending the country". These would give the White House sweeping new powers to gain access to private online data, and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency." Obama's recent speech at Hampton University attacking electronic gadgets was just an underhanded and subtle way of indirectly demeaning the Internet, paving the way toward more control. A must, for the Obama administration in their quest to control ALL avenues of communication is to control the Internet. They use seemingly plausible excuses with the REAL purpose to control the Internet.
For those with their eyes wide open all of the above attempts to control all communication are not only readily evident, but well on their way through various legislation and presidential acts. This should be a warning to America.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Prayer That Will End Abortion
It is believed that this Prayer was inspired, and will end abortion.
The goal is to have at least one million people say this prayer regularly.
Please consider saying this prayer regularly and passing this on to
others so we can reach our goal of at least one million people. Copy
the Prayer and give it to others or forward it by E-Mail.
Thank you!
The goal is to have at least one million people say this prayer regularly.
Please consider saying this prayer regularly and passing this on to
others so we can reach our goal of at least one million people. Copy
the Prayer and give it to others or forward it by E-Mail.
Thank you!

Friday, May 14, 2010
5 Steps to Take Back Our Public Schools
Many of our school districts throughout the country are out of control. They do things against the wishes of parents and taxpayers of the communities. They are led by people who have an agenda that is not in the best interests of the students, the community, or our country. It is time to act where necessary. Following are the 5 steps to take back our schools:
1) Form a Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers.
2) Put together a Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights with respect to the public school system. If this "Bill of Rights" meets opposition then get it in the ballot in the next local election so it becomes law.
3) Support, seek out, and elect good candidates for the Board of Education.
4) Replace superintendents and school administrators who do not act in the best interests of the students and the community. Change policies that are not in the best interests of the students and the community.
5) Keep a constant vigil and remember that this refers to your children, and the most precious resource in the community. "Public" means serving and responsible to the community.
1) Form a Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers.
2) Put together a Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights with respect to the public school system. If this "Bill of Rights" meets opposition then get it in the ballot in the next local election so it becomes law.
3) Support, seek out, and elect good candidates for the Board of Education.
4) Replace superintendents and school administrators who do not act in the best interests of the students and the community. Change policies that are not in the best interests of the students and the community.
5) Keep a constant vigil and remember that this refers to your children, and the most precious resource in the community. "Public" means serving and responsible to the community.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
NYC Bomb Plot Obvious Terrorism
It took the federal government and the media a little over a week to determine what the American people ALREADY knew from the very beginning...that the NYC bombing attempt was the result of a terrorist plot by a radical Islamic group. Homeland Security head, Janet Napolitano, led off by saying "we have no evidence that it is anything other than a one-off". Then in a coordinated and collusive effort we heard the same exact words used by nearly all the media and members of the Obama administration..."no evidence that it is anything other than a one-off"...repeated over and over and over. Worse, while we looked at the smirking photos of the bomber, Faisal Shahzad, the media attempted to paint him as a victim. They showed little regard for the potential of several hundred people being either killed or injured in New York City if the plot had succeeded.
Yet the evidence was clear and overwhelming from the very beginning. Yes, he is a Muslim and that should have been at least a factor to consider. He admitted that he had bomb making training in Pakistan. The Taliban immediately claimed responsibility for it. Also Shahzad had taken several expensive trips to Pakistan, even though he had no money. Yet there remains an aversion by the Obama administration, fully supported by the media, that terrorism even exists. There is a complete disconnection with the American people.
Then on May 10, in unison, and obviously coordinated, representatives of the Obama administration and nearly all of the media, on the same day, announced that the attempted bombing was tied into the Pakistani Taliban and part of a terrorist plot. Again the words used were all very similar. The American people already knew this.
While American lives are at stake, and the safety of our country is being threatened, the media and the Obama administration are playing games with words, with propaganda, and with our lives!
Yet the evidence was clear and overwhelming from the very beginning. Yes, he is a Muslim and that should have been at least a factor to consider. He admitted that he had bomb making training in Pakistan. The Taliban immediately claimed responsibility for it. Also Shahzad had taken several expensive trips to Pakistan, even though he had no money. Yet there remains an aversion by the Obama administration, fully supported by the media, that terrorism even exists. There is a complete disconnection with the American people.
Then on May 10, in unison, and obviously coordinated, representatives of the Obama administration and nearly all of the media, on the same day, announced that the attempted bombing was tied into the Pakistani Taliban and part of a terrorist plot. Again the words used were all very similar. The American people already knew this.
While American lives are at stake, and the safety of our country is being threatened, the media and the Obama administration are playing games with words, with propaganda, and with our lives!
Monday, May 10, 2010
An Excellent Time to Visit Arizona
There is no better of a time to visit the beautiful state of Arizona. Why? Well, because you won't have to deal with all the radical organizations and those who blindly follow them. You won't have to deal with corrupt union leaders and not only those who blindly follow, but also those who let themselves be manipulated into acting as thugs. You won't have to deal with all those people who don't bother to get the real truth and facts, and allow the media, through their distortions, to influence them. Those who don't think for themselves.
They all say that they are going to boycott Arizona. At least I hope they will! That will make it MUCH better for those that visit.
This would make it an excellent time to visit as an individual or family. It will also be an excellent time for businesses to meet in Arizona, for organizations to hold conventions, for trade shows, and all other kinds of activities in Arizona. The coast will be clear, you will have the opportunity to deal and interface with just ordinary Arizonians...ordinary Americans who think for themselves and base their opinions on truth and facts. Just nice people.
Arizona is a great and picturesque state. Now is the time!
They all say that they are going to boycott Arizona. At least I hope they will! That will make it MUCH better for those that visit.
This would make it an excellent time to visit as an individual or family. It will also be an excellent time for businesses to meet in Arizona, for organizations to hold conventions, for trade shows, and all other kinds of activities in Arizona. The coast will be clear, you will have the opportunity to deal and interface with just ordinary Arizonians...ordinary Americans who think for themselves and base their opinions on truth and facts. Just nice people.
Arizona is a great and picturesque state. Now is the time!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Colombian Singer, Shakira, a Hypocrite on Immigration
Colombian singer, Shakira, is more than a little hypocritical. While she attacks the Arizona immigration law, she somehow forgot to look at immigration policies in HER OWN COUNTRY of Columbia. Just to show how hypocritical, here are some excerpts from Colombian Immigration requirements / laws:
All U.S. citizens who are not also Colombian citizens must present a valid U.S. passport to enter and depart Colombia, and to return to the United States.
Travelers entering Colombia are sometimes asked to present evidence of return or onward travel.
Americans traveling overland must enter Colombia at an official border crossing.
Entering Colombia at unauthorized crossings may result in fines or incarceration.
The length of stay granted to travelers is determined by the Colombian immigration officer.
Fines are levied if a traveler remains in Colombia longer than authorized, and the traveler cannot leave Colombia until the fine is paid.
Any traveler possessing a Colombian visa with more than three months’ validity must register the visa at a DAS immigration office within 15 days of arrival in Colombia or face fines.
Isn't it always interesting that countries (and some of their people) who have severe immigration laws and requirements are the first to throw a stone at the United States. This includes Mexico.
All U.S. citizens who are not also Colombian citizens must present a valid U.S. passport to enter and depart Colombia, and to return to the United States.
Travelers entering Colombia are sometimes asked to present evidence of return or onward travel.
Americans traveling overland must enter Colombia at an official border crossing.
Entering Colombia at unauthorized crossings may result in fines or incarceration.
The length of stay granted to travelers is determined by the Colombian immigration officer.
Fines are levied if a traveler remains in Colombia longer than authorized, and the traveler cannot leave Colombia until the fine is paid.
Any traveler possessing a Colombian visa with more than three months’ validity must register the visa at a DAS immigration office within 15 days of arrival in Colombia or face fines.
Isn't it always interesting that countries (and some of their people) who have severe immigration laws and requirements are the first to throw a stone at the United States. This includes Mexico.
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