Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mexican President Calderon a Hypocrite

Mexican President, Felipe Calderon, in still another hypocritical example not challenged by the media or by Congress, was allowed to freely criticize the United States over the Arizona immigration law. Apparently he, members of the Obama administration, and many other critics, haven't taken the time to actually read the law. Yet the Arizona law is very fair and rational and simply allows the state to protect itself against immigration violations that are severely affecting the state. This is in the absence of the federal government doing its job to secure our borders and protect our citizens. The un enforced federal laws are even more severe than the Arizona law, and were even supported by a unanimous Supreme Court decision.

In regard to his criticism of the Arizona law Calderon is a hypocrite of the highest order if you compare Mexico's very harsh immigration laws to that of Arizona. The Mexican law requires immigration authorities to have a record of each foreign visitor; immigrants must have the means to sustain themselves economically and not be burdens on society; be of good character and have no criminal records; foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country's internal politics; foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses or violate their terms of entry are imprisoned or deported; and those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison. It goes on and on, but one can quickly get the impression that Mexico deals harshly with immigration issues. It is a felony in Mexico to be an illegal immigrant. Mexico annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does.

Why is it that all these FACTS and the blaring hypocrisy escape the media, members of Congress, and the Obama administration? Why is it that a PLATFORM is given to the Mexican President to hypocritically criticize the United States and Arizona law?

The American people are getting sick of all this!

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