Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama Attempting to Control ALL Communication

It is very clear that the Obama administration is attempting to control all avenues of communication. This has been the trademark, throughout history, of oppressive totalitarian regimes and is now happening right here in the United States. By controlling all communication people are more easily led and controlled.

Approximately 85% of the media are already in the "back pocket" of the Obama administration. This is readily evident by headline stories that are very biased in favor of Obama. Just as bad, relevant information that could be detrimental to Obama is not covered, and even covered up. In some cases, misleading or even false news is reported to give a favorable impression of the Obama administration and their agenda. Many polls that are reported are purposely biased and are used to influence public opinion favorable to Obama, not to measure true public opinion.

There is an all out attack on the remaining major avenues of radio, Fox News, and the Internet. Legislation is brewing and soon to come down the pike on controlling all three. You can already hear the constant drumbeat of complaint coming from the Obama administration since these avenues of communication present the other side of the story, not always favorable to Obama, and even expose many of the questionable policies and people within his administration. A "Fairness Doctrine", or a new disguised title variation of it, will soon be coming in an attempt to control talk radio and Fox News.

More recently there is a veiled criticism and attempt to control the Internet. The Internet represents the epitome of free speech. Currently, any individual or organization can set up a web site, a blog, a Facebook or twitter account, send chain E-mails letters, and communicate freely world wide. And they do. This is the REAL problem that the Obama administration has with the Internet since they can report the other side of issues and report many of the deserved criticisms ignored by major media. Senate bills No. 773 and 778, introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller, are both part of what's being called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would create a new Office of the National Cybersecurity Adviser, reporting directly to the president and charged with "defending the country". These would give the White House sweeping new powers to gain access to private online data, and even shut down Internet traffic during a declared "cyber emergency." Obama's recent speech at Hampton University attacking electronic gadgets was just an underhanded and subtle way of indirectly demeaning the Internet, paving the way toward more control. A must, for the Obama administration in their quest to control ALL avenues of communication is to control the Internet. They use seemingly plausible excuses with the REAL purpose to control the Internet.

For those with their eyes wide open all of the above attempts to control all communication are not only readily evident, but well on their way through various legislation and presidential acts. This should be a warning to America.

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