Friday, May 21, 2010

An Open Letter to Scott Brown, His Support of "Financial Reform"

To: Senator Scott Brown May 21, 2010
Fax: (202) 224-2417 (Washington)
(202) 228-2646 "
Fax: (617) 565-3183 (Boston)

Dear Senator Brown:

This is to express my deep displeasure over your vote in favor of the so called "financial reform" legislation. This shows voters that you totally lack an understanding of the big picture since it was the federal government that caused the financial crisis in America and now with your support the Obama administration has rammed through legislation to gain even MORE control over financial Institutions and markets. This is still another move, with your support, that continues to concentrate more and more power with the federal government. One has to check their sanity when observing what is happening in Washington.

The real story that is being ignored by you is that the nation's two largest mortgage finance lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were totally out of control. Supposed federal government oversight was under the leadership of Congressman, Barney Frank, and Senator, Chris Dodd. Their actions and failures of oversight in protecting our nation border on criminal negligence and malfeasance. They had a DIRECT role that led to the financial crisis in America. They are ON RECORD in misleading the American people. Not only were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financial practices out of control, wide spread corruption existed with lead executives walking away with millions of dollars of taxpayer money, while the two agencies were in a state of collapse. The legislation that you helped pass did NOTHING to bring control over these two institutions, as they continue their corrupt practices, unchecked.

Your assurances by Senator Harry Reid would be laughable if the consequences of your actions were not tragic and harmful to our country. Reid has proven to be a person not to be trusted and is nothing more than a "lame duck", a fate that you may soon experience if you keep up your alarming voting record.

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