Currently we have groups of people who vote in "blocks", they all vote the same as being part of a group identity or common association. This includes Jews, blacks, and union members....they tend to all vote the same. In a sense, this gives up personal identity as well as one of our most precious and sacred rights as an American...the right to vote. Let's look at why this should stop for reasons of personal integrity, as well as for the good of America.
While it was understandable why most Jews in years past voted in favor of traditional democratic party candidates, it is no longer the same party. The Democratic Party has very clearly shifted to the far left. This definitely includes anti-Semitism, as well as being anti-Israel. In addition the party's unwritten platform clearly contradicts the religious, spiritual, and traditional values of Judaism. It is now like spitting in one's own face to blindly vote democratic, but this is what has happened with recent elections.
Since the necessary civil rights movement in our country, in recent years many black leaders have purposely kept black people in the position of being "victims" and have manipulated this approach for their own personal gain, while doing little for people of color. They have encouraged black people to all vote democratic. Yet the Democratic Party has taken their votes with minimal benefit. The proof lies in the results. Louisiana, as just one example, in the past was lead by many corrupt politicians who took, but did little for the people. New Orleans, under the democrats, has been a continual disaster where many people of color stayed in a state of poverty. The same holds true for the cities of Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Newark, and more. Does this condition dictate block voting in favor of the democrats?? It is time for some new thinking.
The problem with union members voting in a block should be as clear as a bell. Union leadership today is more corrupt than ever, and it is much more than taking funds out of pensions plans and political favoritism. Many of the leaders of the larger unions are outright socialists, even Marxists. Listen to their words. They are attempting to take the socialist "distribution of wealth" theme internationally. This means higher pay for workers in foreign countries at the expense of America and American workers. The tremendous loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States in favor of foreign countries is a direct result of globalist leaders of unions. In order to exercise more control over union members, and manipulate them, they are attempting to take away a union members right to a secret ballot when it comes to voting on union matters. What could be more sacred? The bottom line is that union leaders are USING union members to achieve THEIR goals, not for the benefit of members. Union members should clearly think through whether they want to continue to vote in block under the direction and beckoning call of union leaders. The American people have great respect for union members, and the American worker...that isn't the issue. It is the current leadership...more corrupt, more anti-capitalism, and even more anti-democracy than ever.
Voting in blocks should stop, starting with the elections of November 2010 and continue thereafter. Our country is in deep trouble. What America needs is the personal identity and integrity of the individual voter...not block voting.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
New Voter / Taxpayer Guide for Government Programs
Based on the factual history of the actual costs of government programs, there is a new guide that should be used, albeit even this may be very conservative. Almost without exception government programs cost multiples of what they originally say that they will...even when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) gives a cost estimate. There have been thousands of examples of this throughout the years with big and small programs.
The "mixing bowl" highway interchange project in Springfield, Virginia for instance. It was estimated to cost $241 million, it ended up costing $676 million.
The Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project of the 1970's involving nuclear fission was estimated by the Atomic Energy Commission to cost $400 million. Throughout the decade its cost estimates steadily increased to $4 billion. Eventually the program was scrapped, but not before taxpayers dished out $1.7 billion.
The infamous "Big Dig", the Central Artery/Tunnel Project project in Boston was originally estimated at $ 2.8 billion and will end up somewhere near $22 billion, with very questionable accounting at that.
Overrun costs of military aircraft and other military vehicles and weapons have been enormous and there have been many of them. Cost overruns have been out of sight vs. original estimates. This appears to be accepted as a way of life on government military contracts.
Overruns in Social Security are legendary. When it was established in 1935, its financing required only a one percent of wages contribution from the employee and a matching one percent from the employer. Over the years, reform has eventually raised those contribution levels to 6.2 percent respectively. Today, the outlook is even more dismal for Social Security. We are faced with an estimated $45 trillion in future unfunded liabilities!
When Medicare Part A was passed in 1965, government experts projected costs to rise to $9 billion by 1990. Total costs actually reached $67 billion. In 1987, Medicaid added a special hospital subsidy to its coverage which was projected to cost $100 million. By 1992, costs stood at $11 billion per year.
Need we go on? It is proven, based on history and factual evidence, that anything that our government estimates, on any program or project, will cost multiples of what they say that it will.
The NEW TAXPAYER / VOTER GUIDE to federal programs or projects is to MULTIPLY THE ESTIMATE BY 3. This is a very, very conservative approach and will at least give the American people a much better estimate of what to really expect. For example, our federal government said that national healthcare would cost close to $1 trillion. Multiply that by 3.....a very conservative estimate and more reliable number is $3 trillion.
This should be the new guide for all taxpayers and voters...multiply by 3.
The "mixing bowl" highway interchange project in Springfield, Virginia for instance. It was estimated to cost $241 million, it ended up costing $676 million.
The Clinch River Breeder Reactor Project of the 1970's involving nuclear fission was estimated by the Atomic Energy Commission to cost $400 million. Throughout the decade its cost estimates steadily increased to $4 billion. Eventually the program was scrapped, but not before taxpayers dished out $1.7 billion.
The infamous "Big Dig", the Central Artery/Tunnel Project project in Boston was originally estimated at $ 2.8 billion and will end up somewhere near $22 billion, with very questionable accounting at that.
Overrun costs of military aircraft and other military vehicles and weapons have been enormous and there have been many of them. Cost overruns have been out of sight vs. original estimates. This appears to be accepted as a way of life on government military contracts.
Overruns in Social Security are legendary. When it was established in 1935, its financing required only a one percent of wages contribution from the employee and a matching one percent from the employer. Over the years, reform has eventually raised those contribution levels to 6.2 percent respectively. Today, the outlook is even more dismal for Social Security. We are faced with an estimated $45 trillion in future unfunded liabilities!
When Medicare Part A was passed in 1965, government experts projected costs to rise to $9 billion by 1990. Total costs actually reached $67 billion. In 1987, Medicaid added a special hospital subsidy to its coverage which was projected to cost $100 million. By 1992, costs stood at $11 billion per year.
Need we go on? It is proven, based on history and factual evidence, that anything that our government estimates, on any program or project, will cost multiples of what they say that it will.
The NEW TAXPAYER / VOTER GUIDE to federal programs or projects is to MULTIPLY THE ESTIMATE BY 3. This is a very, very conservative approach and will at least give the American people a much better estimate of what to really expect. For example, our federal government said that national healthcare would cost close to $1 trillion. Multiply that by 3.....a very conservative estimate and more reliable number is $3 trillion.
This should be the new guide for all taxpayers and voters...multiply by 3.
An Attack on Parenthood is Coming
Now underway in Massachusetts there is a sneak attack on the rights of parents. (In some form it is happening in ALL states throughout the country.) It is starting with "recommendations" but you can be sure if parents don't speak up it will become fixed in school curriculums. The sneak attack is coming under "The Massachusetts Health Curriculum Frameworks". While no one is opposed to heath education, it goes much further than that. It includes how to get an abortion without parental knowledge; how to get contraceptives; "behaviors" for pregnancy prevention; acceptance of premarital sex; and curriculum on homosexual behavior as early as grade 6. All of this will usurp the rights of parents.
Parents who are concerned should take immediate action to head this off. First we must use our votes to elect good people for public office in the state. Many of the current elected politicians have a religious faith that is directly opposed to much of this...including many Catholics. If these elected representatives violate their own religious faith, then how can they be trusted with other issues of government?
Parents and taxpayers must take back control of our public schools. There currently is a 5 Step Program that is being promoted throughout the country for this purpose:
1) Form a Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers.
2) Put together a Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights with respect to the public school system. If this "Bill of Rights" meets opposition then get it in the ballot in the next local election so it becomes law.
3) Seek out, support, and elect good candidates for the Board of Education.
4) Replace superintendents and school administrators who do not act in the best interests of the students and the community. Change policies that are not in the best interests of the students and the community.
5) Keep a constant vigil and remember that this is for your children, the most precious resource in the community. "Public" means serving and responsible to the community.
It is time for all parents to assert their natural rights as parents and the importance of family. It is your job...not the states'.
Parents who are concerned should take immediate action to head this off. First we must use our votes to elect good people for public office in the state. Many of the current elected politicians have a religious faith that is directly opposed to much of this...including many Catholics. If these elected representatives violate their own religious faith, then how can they be trusted with other issues of government?
Parents and taxpayers must take back control of our public schools. There currently is a 5 Step Program that is being promoted throughout the country for this purpose:
1) Form a Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers.
2) Put together a Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights with respect to the public school system. If this "Bill of Rights" meets opposition then get it in the ballot in the next local election so it becomes law.
3) Seek out, support, and elect good candidates for the Board of Education.
4) Replace superintendents and school administrators who do not act in the best interests of the students and the community. Change policies that are not in the best interests of the students and the community.
5) Keep a constant vigil and remember that this is for your children, the most precious resource in the community. "Public" means serving and responsible to the community.
It is time for all parents to assert their natural rights as parents and the importance of family. It is your job...not the states'.
Warning: Attempts to Bail Out Biased Media Coming
The NY Times, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Time...and the list goes on and on...that includes many other left wing publications and propaganda machines, that are on the verge of bankruptcy, if not already bankrupt. The same is true with television programs such as "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC, and other such shows. Nobody (or very few) watch them, yet they continue. With any other business if customers are very dissatisfied the business adjusts according to market demands, and changes their approach, or simply goes out of business. Not with these failing media sources. Why? They give the excuse of the Internet communication making them irrelevant, but this doesn't hold water since others in the same venues are successful.
This situation should bring about very serious questions. First, it is apparent that their agenda is more important than financial success. The agenda of the constant feeding of propaganda with the attempt to influence the American people is more important. Alarmingly much of this includes anti-American, anti- Constitution, anti-democracy, anti-God, and pro-socialism rhetoric. It is not surprising that the American people react negatively to all this, hence the financial failure of these media sources.
The most important question that should be asked is WHO IS BACKING THEM, pouring money into them so that they keep afloat? The American people deserve to know, and to know what the motives are behind this hidden support. It must be there, otherwise they wouldn't continue to exist. Are big money sources such as George Soros propping them up? Yet even with enormous wealth sources backing them, how long can they continue to do so?
The Obama administration has already hinted that they may be on their "too big to fail" list, with the further implication being that taxpayer money will be used to financially bail them out. Imagine, taxpayer money used to feed the American people agenda driven propaganda! So much for the First Amendment. Essentially we will have a FULL government controlled media. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is currently entertaining a major government bailout to “help the newspaper business".
You are urged to speak up, don't let this happen. Fight for our freedoms and democracy! Step by step our great country is being destroyed right before us.
This situation should bring about very serious questions. First, it is apparent that their agenda is more important than financial success. The agenda of the constant feeding of propaganda with the attempt to influence the American people is more important. Alarmingly much of this includes anti-American, anti- Constitution, anti-democracy, anti-God, and pro-socialism rhetoric. It is not surprising that the American people react negatively to all this, hence the financial failure of these media sources.
The most important question that should be asked is WHO IS BACKING THEM, pouring money into them so that they keep afloat? The American people deserve to know, and to know what the motives are behind this hidden support. It must be there, otherwise they wouldn't continue to exist. Are big money sources such as George Soros propping them up? Yet even with enormous wealth sources backing them, how long can they continue to do so?
The Obama administration has already hinted that they may be on their "too big to fail" list, with the further implication being that taxpayer money will be used to financially bail them out. Imagine, taxpayer money used to feed the American people agenda driven propaganda! So much for the First Amendment. Essentially we will have a FULL government controlled media. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is currently entertaining a major government bailout to “help the newspaper business".
You are urged to speak up, don't let this happen. Fight for our freedoms and democracy! Step by step our great country is being destroyed right before us.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Critical For America - Support Christine O'Donnell !
You CAN do something.
I urge you to consider supporting Christine O'Donnell for Senator from Delaware. This is a chance to send a very strong message. She beat Mike Castle in the Republican primary. He was a guy who voted for many of the Obama spending programs as well as Cap & Trade that will be destructive to America. He also has ties to George Soros who is using his billions of dollars in an attempt to undermine America. Castle's first act in defeat was NOT to call his opponent and congratulate her, but call Obama and Biden. That shows his true colors. Good for her, she beat him!
Now, as you can imagine, the media and some Democrats are engaged in a smear campaign, just as they did, and are doing, with Sarah Palin. Yet she is a good person, a Christian who stands up for values, and will be an excellent Senator who will represent the people and help bring a halt to Obama. Don't believe their smears and exaggerations. Her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, is about as far left as you can get. He definitely is a socialist with Marxist leanings who will support ALL of Obama's programs.
Even though you are not from Delaware it is critical for all of us to support her for two reasons. First, it is critical to have her as another conservative, values oriented, Senator in the Senate so that the balance of power can be shifted back to what is good for America. Secondly, they are saying she doesn't have a chance amidst all their smears. Let's show them that she DOES and help her get elected.
This is a chance to DO SOMETHING for your country. I urge you to send her campaign a donation.
Please send this to others...this is VERY, VERY important.
I urge you to consider supporting Christine O'Donnell for Senator from Delaware. This is a chance to send a very strong message. She beat Mike Castle in the Republican primary. He was a guy who voted for many of the Obama spending programs as well as Cap & Trade that will be destructive to America. He also has ties to George Soros who is using his billions of dollars in an attempt to undermine America. Castle's first act in defeat was NOT to call his opponent and congratulate her, but call Obama and Biden. That shows his true colors. Good for her, she beat him!
Now, as you can imagine, the media and some Democrats are engaged in a smear campaign, just as they did, and are doing, with Sarah Palin. Yet she is a good person, a Christian who stands up for values, and will be an excellent Senator who will represent the people and help bring a halt to Obama. Don't believe their smears and exaggerations. Her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, is about as far left as you can get. He definitely is a socialist with Marxist leanings who will support ALL of Obama's programs.
Even though you are not from Delaware it is critical for all of us to support her for two reasons. First, it is critical to have her as another conservative, values oriented, Senator in the Senate so that the balance of power can be shifted back to what is good for America. Secondly, they are saying she doesn't have a chance amidst all their smears. Let's show them that she DOES and help her get elected.
This is a chance to DO SOMETHING for your country. I urge you to send her campaign a donation.
Please send this to others...this is VERY, VERY important.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Failures of the Republicans, Upcoming Elections
The American people are extremely upset over our country's direction under the leadership of President Obama, and Senate / House leaders, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. This should mean sweeping gains in both the Senate and the House by Republicans in the November elections. This may not happen due to the failures of Republican Party leadership.
First, what the American people want to hear is what specific plans and alternatives are the Republicans offering on the economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, national security, and all the key issues facing our country today. To date no specific plans are evident. This is a major failure.
The Republican establishment, or elite, seem to suffer the same problem as the Democrats...a failure to listen to the American people, and most importantly for them, their Republican constituency. They seem to want to play both ends against the middle, waffling on key issues, leaning toward the middle, even the left, when their constituents are crying, actually screaming from the rooftops, for conservatism. Yet they are not being heard.
Finally, and most importantly, there is a failure by the Republican Party establishment in understanding and paying serious attention to the major grass roots force that exists with the Tea Parties. This major movement across our country is being misrepresented by some, but it is a real and powerful movement by everyday Americans that will bring a major influence to all the elections. Already, in the primaries, its' presence has been felt. Yet instead of embracing and incorporating the Tea Party movement, the Republican establishment seems to be fighting it. They are clinging to their middle of the road waffling, rather than the change and true conservatism that the Tea Party movement is crying for.
The Republicans stand poised to take back control of the House, and possibly even the Senate, as a backlash against the current leadership. This may not happen due to the reasons given above.
First, what the American people want to hear is what specific plans and alternatives are the Republicans offering on the economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, national security, and all the key issues facing our country today. To date no specific plans are evident. This is a major failure.
The Republican establishment, or elite, seem to suffer the same problem as the Democrats...a failure to listen to the American people, and most importantly for them, their Republican constituency. They seem to want to play both ends against the middle, waffling on key issues, leaning toward the middle, even the left, when their constituents are crying, actually screaming from the rooftops, for conservatism. Yet they are not being heard.
Finally, and most importantly, there is a failure by the Republican Party establishment in understanding and paying serious attention to the major grass roots force that exists with the Tea Parties. This major movement across our country is being misrepresented by some, but it is a real and powerful movement by everyday Americans that will bring a major influence to all the elections. Already, in the primaries, its' presence has been felt. Yet instead of embracing and incorporating the Tea Party movement, the Republican establishment seems to be fighting it. They are clinging to their middle of the road waffling, rather than the change and true conservatism that the Tea Party movement is crying for.
The Republicans stand poised to take back control of the House, and possibly even the Senate, as a backlash against the current leadership. This may not happen due to the reasons given above.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 11, 2001, For One Brief Moment
For One Brief Moment
For one brief moment on September 11, 2001 time seemed to stand still. People sought family members and recognized the importance of family. Parents gathered their children with a self -protecting love. Helping and caring about other people occurred. Acts of charity were plentiful and strong. There was an assessment of life and what is really important. News media, and many others, invoked the name of God. Churches and places of worship were full. People unashamedly prayed.
There was a strong feeling of patriotism, a pride in being American, and a desire to show the flag. Crime, and even the thought of it, was absent. We were all in support of our President. Congress, and all elected leadership, worked together for the good of the country instead of partisan politics. Nations across the world expressed concern, sadness, and unity with the United States.
For one brief moment......
Monday, September 6, 2010
Prayer That Will End Abortion
The Prayer That Will End Abortion
It is believed that this Prayer was inspired, and will end abortion.
The goal is to have at least one million people say this prayer regularly.
Please consider saying this prayer regularly and passing this on to others so we
can reach our goal of at least one million people. Copy the Prayer, Fax it,
E-mail it, place it on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and web sites.
Thank you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010
Obama's Policy Toward Iran a Complete Failure
One of the biggest foreign policy mistakes by Obama was the lost opportunity during the 2009 Iranian presidential election. It would not have taken money, arms, sanctions, or a war..all it would have taken is a few simple words. Everyone knew that the "election" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a complete fraud. Most importantly the people of Iran knew it. They took to the streets and protested the fraudulent election and were beaten, imprisoned, and in some cases killed. Yet there was not even a whisper from Obama. All he had to do is say something like "America and the American people support the people of Iran and their quest for freedom and democracy". That was all that they were looking for, yet there was absolutely nothing from Obama.
History has shown that oppressed people have rallied and succeeded from encouraging words from American leadership; it is not a small matter. Remember the words of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, "Ich bin ein Berliner" in support of the people of West Germany; and President Ronald Reagan words "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" at The Brandenburg Gate in 1987. In 1989 The United States words in support of Solidarity in Poland helped enormously for them to overcome communist oppression. Words from America are not only important, but critical.
Yet Obama, under some misguided theory that if we DON'T criticize Iran and their brutal, dictatorial leadership, they will some how come around. This has failed miserably, in fact Iran has become even more emboldened. They continue to race toward nuclear arms, almost unchecked. Sanctions are a failure and not supported by other countries. Iran not only continues on their path but is making continual direct affronts directed at the United States. The most recent is Iran not only supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and Afghanistan, but actually offering financial rewards for killing Americans. They are not only paying salaries to the Taliban in Afghanistan, but offering a $1,000 reward for killing an American, and $6,000 for destroying an American military vehicle. If this isn't shoving it in our face, I don't know what is.
Unequivocally it can be stated that Obama's foreign policy approach to Iran is a complete failure.
History has shown that oppressed people have rallied and succeeded from encouraging words from American leadership; it is not a small matter. Remember the words of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, "Ich bin ein Berliner" in support of the people of West Germany; and President Ronald Reagan words "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" at The Brandenburg Gate in 1987. In 1989 The United States words in support of Solidarity in Poland helped enormously for them to overcome communist oppression. Words from America are not only important, but critical.
Yet Obama, under some misguided theory that if we DON'T criticize Iran and their brutal, dictatorial leadership, they will some how come around. This has failed miserably, in fact Iran has become even more emboldened. They continue to race toward nuclear arms, almost unchecked. Sanctions are a failure and not supported by other countries. Iran not only continues on their path but is making continual direct affronts directed at the United States. The most recent is Iran not only supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and Afghanistan, but actually offering financial rewards for killing Americans. They are not only paying salaries to the Taliban in Afghanistan, but offering a $1,000 reward for killing an American, and $6,000 for destroying an American military vehicle. If this isn't shoving it in our face, I don't know what is.
Unequivocally it can be stated that Obama's foreign policy approach to Iran is a complete failure.
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