Sunday, September 5, 2010

Obama's Policy Toward Iran a Complete Failure

One of the biggest foreign policy mistakes by Obama was the lost opportunity during the 2009 Iranian presidential election. It would not have taken money, arms, sanctions, or a war..all it would have taken is a few simple words. Everyone knew that the "election" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was a complete fraud. Most importantly the people of Iran knew it. They took to the streets and protested the fraudulent election and were beaten, imprisoned, and in some cases killed. Yet there was not even a whisper from Obama. All he had to do is say something like "America and the American people support the people of Iran and their quest for freedom and democracy". That was all that they were looking for, yet there was absolutely nothing from Obama.

History has shown that oppressed people have rallied and succeeded from encouraging words from American leadership; it is not a small matter. Remember the words of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, "Ich bin ein Berliner" in support of the people of West Germany; and President Ronald Reagan words "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" at The Brandenburg Gate in 1987. In 1989 The United States words in support of Solidarity in Poland helped enormously for them to overcome communist oppression. Words from America are not only important, but critical.

Yet Obama, under some misguided theory that if we DON'T criticize Iran and their brutal, dictatorial leadership, they will some how come around. This has failed miserably, in fact Iran has become even more emboldened. They continue to race toward nuclear arms, almost unchecked. Sanctions are a failure and not supported by other countries. Iran not only continues on their path but is making continual direct affronts directed at the United States. The most recent is Iran not only supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and Afghanistan, but actually offering financial rewards for killing Americans. They are not only paying salaries to the Taliban in Afghanistan, but offering a $1,000 reward for killing an American, and $6,000 for destroying an American military vehicle. If this isn't shoving it in our face, I don't know what is.

Unequivocally it can be stated that Obama's foreign policy approach to Iran is a complete failure.

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