Friday, September 17, 2010

Critical For America - Support Christine O'Donnell !

You CAN do something.

I urge you to consider supporting Christine O'Donnell for Senator from Delaware. This is a chance to send a very strong message. She beat Mike Castle in the Republican primary. He was a guy who voted for many of the Obama spending programs as well as Cap & Trade that will be destructive to America. He also has ties to George Soros who is using his billions of dollars in an attempt to undermine America. Castle's first act in defeat was NOT to call his opponent and congratulate her, but call Obama and Biden. That shows his true colors. Good for her, she beat him!

Now, as you can imagine, the media and some Democrats are engaged in a smear campaign, just as they did, and are doing, with Sarah Palin. Yet she is a good person, a Christian who stands up for values, and will be an excellent Senator who will represent the people and help bring a halt to Obama. Don't believe their smears and exaggerations. Her Democratic opponent, Chris Coons, is about as far left as you can get. He definitely is a socialist with Marxist leanings who will support ALL of Obama's programs.

Even though you are not from Delaware it is critical for all of us to support her for two reasons. First, it is critical to have her as another conservative, values oriented, Senator in the Senate so that the balance of power can be shifted back to what is good for America. Secondly, they are saying she doesn't have a chance amidst all their smears. Let's show them that she DOES and help her get elected.

This is a chance to DO SOMETHING for your country. I urge you to send her campaign a donation.

Please send this to others...this is VERY, VERY important.

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