Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Failures of the Republicans, Upcoming Elections

The American people are extremely upset over our country's direction under the leadership of President Obama, and Senate / House leaders, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. This should mean sweeping gains in both the Senate and the House by Republicans in the November elections. This may not happen due to the failures of Republican Party leadership.

First, what the American people want to hear is what specific plans and alternatives are the Republicans offering on the economy, jobs, healthcare, immigration, national security, and all the key issues facing our country today. To date no specific plans are evident. This is a major failure.

The Republican establishment, or elite, seem to suffer the same problem as the Democrats...a failure to listen to the American people, and most importantly for them, their Republican constituency. They seem to want to play both ends against the middle, waffling on key issues, leaning toward the middle, even the left, when their constituents are crying, actually screaming from the rooftops, for conservatism. Yet they are not being heard.

Finally, and most importantly, there is a failure by the Republican Party establishment in understanding and paying serious attention to the major grass roots force that exists with the Tea Parties. This major movement across our country is being misrepresented by some, but it is a real and powerful movement by everyday Americans that will bring a major influence to all the elections. Already, in the primaries, its' presence has been felt. Yet instead of embracing and incorporating the Tea Party movement, the Republican establishment seems to be fighting it. They are clinging to their middle of the road waffling, rather than the change and true conservatism that the Tea Party movement is crying for.

The Republicans stand poised to take back control of the House, and possibly even the Senate, as a backlash against the current leadership. This may not happen due to the reasons given above.

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