Friday, March 25, 2011

On the Verge of World War Three

Following is the REAL story and the result of Obama's foreign policy. WE ARE ON THE VERGE OF WORLD WAR III

Iran and Syria are essentially radical Islamic states, breeding and supporting terrorist groups,not only throughout the Middle East, but throughout the world. Iraq and Afghanistan are still somewhat unstable with pockets of terrorism and radical elements. Egypt, Libya, Yemen, are in states of upheaval, with Jordan, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia soon to follow. The Sudan has been in a state of unrest for some time and has been engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Christians. Turkey has shown movement toward its' Islamic roots vs. being a pro western democracy. The entire region is in MAJOR turmoil. Other countries may soon follow.

The media and others try to lead you to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood is as innocuous as the boy scouts. Not true! Leaders within the organization are as radical as you can get. The media and many in Washington try to lead you to believe that the turmoil is good, simply ridding itself of bad leaders, and democracy will come about through the process. All is good. This is about as false and Pollyanna as you can get. In Jordan as King Abdullah II attempts to set up a constitutional monarchy, the Muslim Brotherhood are pushing for an Islamic regime. In Syria the Muslim Brotherhood is battling those who favor a secular form of government. So much for the media "boy scout" propaganda.

The REAL story is that in that in all the upheaval and turmoil a huge vacuum exists. There is nothing to replace the former "dictatorial" governments. Nothing, that is, except those that ARE organized such as the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, and other terrorist organizations. At the same time countries like Iran and Syria are fanning the flames. Their objective: To turn the entire Middle East and Northern Africa into radical Islamic theocracies.

This will affect the entire world and will bring about upheaval through the pockets of radical Islam that exist in each and every country...throughout Europe, the United States, and many other countries. World turmoil will come about.

The flash point, however, will come about over Israel. It has already been announced, ad nauseam, that their intent is to destroy Israel, wipe them right off the face of the map. This is on record. Look at a map and you can see how Israel will be surrounded by hostile countries wishing to destroy her. Obviously, they are not just going to sit back and let it happen. In past years, the United States has been a staunch ally, and through our stance has prevented any action against Israel. In recent years, however, we have not only distanced ourselves from Israel, but outright insulted our good friend and ally. This only emboldens the radical terrorists to take action.

Israel will have no choice but to use nuclear weapons, they have to use them or risk annihilation. They must be pro-active and take pre-emptive strikes, they can't just sit back and wait to be attacked and destroyed. Their intelligence is excellent, they will know when. This will drag other nations, including the United States and Europe into a major conflict, a Third World War. The war will consist of the democracies of the world, i.e. those who have the guts to stand up, vs. very radical Islam. Political correctness will be out the window as reality sets in.

Forty years of successive administrations in Washington have miserably failed the American people by not bringing us energy independence, even though we have vast resources of oil within our own borders and off shore. This fact coupled with conservation and alternate sources of energy could have EASILY brought us to a state of being 100% energy independent. Yet today, we are even MORE dependent upon oil from the Mid East. Control by radical Islam over the Mid East oil supplies will not only threaten our national defense, but our survival as a nation. We will naturally be drawn into a major war.

The complicating factors will be created by China and Russia. China, in particular, has become very powerful with a strong economy and the world has become dependent on the goods that they manufacture. Russia has bounced back in strength. It is unknown what will happen, but you can bet that their objectives will not be good ones, they haven't changed that much from their communist roots. People forget how bad and evil that communism is.

The world is headed on a very bad path. Only through recognizing the reality of the situation above can we hope to do anything about it, with positive and intelligent moves to head it off.

May God help us!

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