Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Say No To Military Action In Libya

The drumbeats and media propaganda machine are in full swing in attempting to push the United States into some sort of active military role in Libya. It would be the dumbest thing we could possibly do. In World War II Hitler made the classic military mistake of opening up a second front to the war that led to the well documented and total failure of his war. Today the United States is already involved in two wars with marginal success, loss of many American lives, and a major drain on our economy. It would not only be foolhardy, but downright stupid for us to get involved militarily in Libya. Yet the drumbeats continue.

The United States cannot continue to be the world police force. Further, the situation in Libya is much more complex than appears on the surface. It is not only the good people of Libya seeking freedom, but a mixture of people that include those associated with radical Islam. We seem to have short memories about what happened in Afghanistan where we supported Osama bin Laden and the Taliban against Russia. The result of that was September 11, 2001 and a continuing disaster for America. When will we learn?

Our world police force strategy, even for seemingly good causes, has been a major failure. We need to accomplish things through diplomatic means and by having Europe and other countries step up and not rely totally on the United States.

The American people are urged to put the drumbeats and propaganda that are constantly being fed to us into perspective and not allow ourselves to be stampeded into still another military conflict.

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