Monday, March 21, 2011

Our Last Chance To Prevent An Evil One World Government

In his farewell speech on January 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned "that we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex". .. and went on to say..."The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." This has now been taken one step further. There are some very rich and powerful people, behind the scenes in the world who wish to achieve the ultimate power here on earth. This includes unlimited wealth, power, and control over all people. Not only has much been said in recent years about a one world government, but much has been done in order to achieve it. This will lead to a small group of people, who consider themselves elite and God-like, who would rule the world. These people have no God, and have no values other than their drive to achieve their goals and they will pursue it at all costs, by any method, and have no problem with being ruthless, if necessary. They feel no legal, moral, ethical,or spiritual restrictions. They have no value for human life..and would not hesitate in the outright killing, slaughter...or imposing sickness and suffering, upon millions and millions of people. Make no mistake about it...their purpose is evil.

Their greatest obstacle and frustration has been the United States. America has been too free and democratic, too wealthy, and too strong. They needed to change this and had been trying to, without a great deal of success, for many years. In recent years, however, they have embarked upon a multifaceted, step by step plan, that is now making significant progress. Their plan contains many of the following steps in order to greatly weaken, if not destroy America. These should be recognizable by everyone:

* Remove God from being foundational to America and from every aspect of American life. Attack all legitimate organized religion, especially Christianity, and most especially the Catholic Church.

* Destroy marriage and the family, isolate children from their parents. Destroy the fundamental building block of society.

* Infiltrate and control the media and all forms of communication and entertainment. Use these as vehicles of propaganda and as a means of influencing public opinion. Facts and truth are irrelevant.

* Infiltrate and control all levels of government, both elected and non elected.

* Infiltrate and control the judicial, at all levels.

* Infiltrate and control all levels of education. Use this as a powerful means of indoctrinating and influencing young minds throughout the educational process.

* Discredit the history of our country, and the character of all the prominent people from the discovery to the founding of our nation. Allow no national heroes. Take away any goodness, demonize and discredit our history as a nation. Make the United States appear as the bad, rogue nation, of the world.

* Take irrational and illogical steps to destroy the economy of the United States. This includes out of control spending and running up an enormous national debt. Create continuing economic instability. Greatly weaken the United States financially.

* Create a high level of unemployment and build a high level of frustration with the population.

* Weaken the defense of the United States.

* Make the United States appear weak in international relationships, create an image that the US is no longer the world leader, nor a country that will stand up for democracy and freedom.

* Purposely fail to make the United States energy / oil independent, even though we have the vast resources and sure capability within our country to accomplish this. Use excuses such and the "environment" to prevent any progress.

* Steer the United States AWAY from manufacturing, our greatest strength as a nation. This will also help destroy our economy and jobs. A country that makes things is always a winner, a country that only consumes things is always a loser.

* Set up trade agreements with other countries where we are always at a disadvantage, thereby discouraging manufacturing and exports from the US. Allow huge trade deficits to exist, further weakening our economy.

* Attack business, big and small, in the United States...demonize them and attack capitalism itself. Use "do good" themes, employee issues, the environment, health, safety, whatever is necessary in order to attack business and capitalism. Make things up, if necessary.

* Bring a constant attack on the US Constitution, one of the greatest documents in the history of the world. Distort and twist its' meaning, eventually replace it with a new constitution that gives ultimate power to the government and greatly restricts freedoms under the guise of good sounding, but false, premises.

* Under the ruse of protecting the environment, climate change, and seeking (false) energy independence, greatly accelerate the economic downturn of the United States, and loss of jobs of the American people. Place them in a situation of a much lower standard of living, with a higher degree of poverty and dependence on the government. Use the United Nations as cover and credibility for these devious initiatives.

* Gradually sign away our sovereignty as a country as well as our financial independence to international organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and secret sessions with international organizations such as the "G-20". Do this without even the knowledge of the American people, let alone Congress, through secret agreements and orders.

* Subject the American people to international courts. Give the international courts hierarchical authority over the American judicial system, our Constitution, and freedoms.

* Use examples and the excuse of violent crimes to take away guns and all weapons from the American people. Essentially do away with the 2nd Amendment. The real reason behind this move is that they know that at a certain point in time, people will wake up and resist the total takeover of America by first the federal government, and then the world government.

* Have secret plans in place through the military and certain police organizations to round up Americans who resist and don't go along. Already concentration camp facilities have been set up all across the United States, at the ready.

* Use "super technology" to create havoc with the weather; create "natural" disasters, and other environmental disasters. This will cause further chaos and enable and easier takeover. Cause gradual sickness and pacification of people through spraying chemicals across the skies of populated areas. (Commonly and properly identified as "chemtrails".)

* Promote the use of drugs, both illegal and legal starting with young children all the way to adults. A "dumbed up" population is less resistant.

* Promote all forms of immorality, again taking focus off from God and religion vs. bringing people into a downward spiral, a whirlpool, then a cesspool of degradation. This is still another method that will take people's attention away from the real issues.

* Allow and promote anarchy at the borders of the United States. This causes immense financial, social, and criminal problems for our country, while at the same time helping to destroy our sovereignty.

* Use the large wealth of the behind-the-scenes people who are manipulating toward a one world government to fund organizations that attempt to influence public opinion through various forms of propaganda, and actions that will accomplish the goal. Offer financial support to individuals and organizations that ordinarily would not have the funding or ability to self sustain themselves finacially. Launder money so that favorbale to the cause political candidates are given otherwise illegal financial support in order to get elected.

* Use widespread voter fraud through corupt individuals and organizations in order to get candidates elected at all levels of governemnt.

* Use as pawns...minorities, illegal immigrants, inner city people in poverty, union members, students, members of various organizations through the use of crumbs of financial support and/or perceived support and benefits, in order to accomplish goals.

* Create and expoloit racial tensions, and tensions between the sexes, ethnic groups, religions, worker and employee, people with legitimate wealth vs. those who have less, etc.

* Seed one world people in top positions in otherwise legitimate organizations that will use their position of leadership to influence favorable direction to their cause.

* Gradually erase and replace all written history favorbale to the United States, the founding of our country, the principles on which we were founded, etc. Bias all textbooks and recorded information in support of the cause.

* Exploit any natural crisis and create more chaos placing people in a state of bewilderment. This allows easier manipulation and takeover.

This is only a prtial list. Those that are awake should see evidence of every one of the above.

There is only one thing that can stop this evil movement in our country, and across the world. America is the last bastion of freedom and democracy. Two things need to happen in order to stop the current direction:

1) People need to wake up and become aware of the above.

2) They need to stop it through all legal and peaceful means possible...through their vote, through their voice, through a return to God and through prayer, and through organizations that can stop it.

One last chance. May God Bless America.

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