Friday, June 3, 2011

"Never Again" Needs Re-Affirmation

At the end of World War II the cry across the world was "Never Again" in reference to the Holocaust and the inhuman murder of over 6 million Jews by the Nazi', women, and children. Not only was there murder, but other atrocities such as medical experimentation on Jews. US soldiers who liberated some of the concentration camps referred to it as indescribable horror. At the time there was a worldwide commitment to never have such a thing happen again. "Never Again" became the motto.

Yet here we are just 66 years later and there is wide spread anti-Semitism across Europe, certainly across the Mid-east, and it is also becoming wide spread across the United States. Further, Israel, a loyal friend and ally of the US, and a free and democratic nation in the midst of dictatorial regimes gets constantly criticized. Terrorist acts are committed against Israeli civilian populations; threats are made to annihilate them off the face of the map, and yet it is Israel who gets criticized. The groundswell of anti-Semitism is again being allowed to flow just as it was in Europe and Nazi Germany prior to the Holocaust. Whatever happened to "Never Again"?

All should be ashamed. Most alarming, however, are the voices, actions, and voting of European and American Jews. They criticize Israel instead of supporting her when there are obvious acts of terrorism against the Jewish nation. They vote, almost in block, for parties that support ideologies against the Jewish faith, and that are anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic. It is like they are spitting in their own face. Why?

It is time for all people to again re-commit to "Never Again" and not allow the groundswell of anti-Semitism to continue. It is time for Jewish Americans not to allow themselves to be herded, in block, toward ideologies that violate their Jewish religion, and amount to nothing short of being anti-Semitic.

"Never Again" needs to be re-affirmed and should be the motto of ALL people.

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