Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Save Cathedral High School, Letter to Bishop

Most Rev. Timothy Anthony McDonnell June 8, 2011
76 Elliot St., P.O. Box 1730
Springfield, 01102-1730

Dear Bishop McDonnell:

The recent tornado that damaged Cathedral High School is both a tragedy and an opportunity. No greater investment can be made by the diocese than that concerning young people given the opportunity to receive an excellent Catholic education. This continuum of thousands of good Catholic (and non Catholic) youth going out into the Greater Springfield area, and indeed, out into the world, is an enormous benefit to society and to Catholicism. This is particularly true today where deep religious faith and values, as obtained through Cathedral, are desperately needed. There has been a long and distinguished number of graduates who have gone on to be standout people in their professions and their communities.

As one woman recently told me: "I sent all of my children to Cathedral and I know other people who have done the same. Some sacrifice a vacation, buying a new car, or other things, just to send their children to Cathedral."

The tragedy of the tornado would be multiplied if it were ever decided NOT to either rebuild Cathedral High School or build a new high school. In essence it would be an abandonment of our youth and an abandonment of a great deal of Catholicism in our area. I come from a business background and am very familiar with necessary business decisions concerning the diocese and can fully understand, as difficult as it can be, such things a closing and combining churches. In my mind this is totally different since it would mean that the diocese would take a step to cease investment in our youth, and to an extent, cease investment in the Catholic faith in our area. This is to say nothing about the frightful thought of sending Cathedral students to public schools in their current state today.

I can assure you that you will be given 200% support if you decide to re-build or build a new Cathedral. It would be a tremendous positive message and I urge you to do so. There is no question that the support that you will receive, monetarily and otherwise, would be overwhelming. This would include alumni, parents, grandparents, all Catholics in the area, as well as friends of Cathedral.

I would be very glad to volunteer to support, with time, effort, organization, fund raising, financial support, and in any other way that I can in order to re-build or build a new Cathedral High School. Your recent announcement to head Cathedral toward an "Academy" status was well received and it is my hope that this will also continue.

Very sincerely and respectfully,

Al DiLascia

Chicopee, MA

PS: This morning as I was leaving Mass at Christ the King Church in Ludlow, MA people were asking about Cathedral. There was universal agreement that it would be like abandoning Catholicism in our area, as well as the students, NOT to re-build Cathedral.

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