Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why We Should NOT Raise Debt Ceiling

It is time for America to suffer the consequences of our actions. This is called responsibility. Both parties of Congress are guilty of out of control spending that has our great nation on the brink of bankruptcy. Our national debt is a massive $14.4 trillion, with a current budget that guarantees at least another $1.7 trillion of debt. Couple that with an annual interest of over $400 billion and overnight we will be over $16.5 trillion in debt. We will be well on our way to over $20 trillion of debt in just a few short years. This should be acceptable to no one.

Not only are we well on our way to bankruptcy, it is a threat to our national security and our survival as a nation. China, a communist dictatorial ruthless regime, and an enemy of the United States, now holds a whopping $1.16 trillion of our debt and this will only increase dramatically. How in the world can this be good and healthy for the United States? Think about what we are doing!

The threat is that if we don't raise the debt ceiling that the sky will fall. Let it! The current generation who voted our "leaders" into national office deserve to suffer the consequences of our actions and go through any crisis that comes with it. The alternative is to stick our heads into the sand and push the problem and burden onto the next generation...our children and grandchildren. Nothing could be more cowardly and obnoxious.

It is time to face responsibility and consequences. It is time to stop the out of control spending. It is time to put America back on the right path of fiscal responsibility. It is better to let the sky fall and reconstruct it, rather than push the sure and total failure of America, irresponsibly, onto the next generation. This should not be a partisan issue. It is just plain common sense.

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