Thursday, October 25, 2012

Benghazi MUCH Worse Than Watergate

On September 11, 2012 the United States of America was attacked. According to international (and U.S.) rule, our consulate in Benghazi , Libya represents a sovereign state, any attack is considered an attack on the country it represents. Further, a high official of the United States was murdered, as well as 3 other Americans. This was a serious affront to our country that could have very easily been considered an act of war. It was that serious.

The consulate was inadequately protected on September 11, 2012 even though previous terror acts had occurred, and consulate people, and others requested more protection. This failure falls directly on the shoulders of the Obama administration and the State Department.

On the day of the attack there was no public protest on the streets, Ambassador Christopher Stevens had even walked on the streets prior to the attack. During the attack there was live communication, several E-mails, and even a video, showing that it was an organized terrorist attack with heavy weapons. It is clear that the Obama administration knew it was a terrorist attack.

Yet, for apparently political purposes, the next day and for several days (even weeks) thereafter, even though there was more than enough information to know this was a terrorist attack and not just a street uprising, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Press Secretary Jay Carney, UN Ambassador Susan Rice (repeatedly) told the American people either by direct statements, or by inference, that the attack on the consulate was caused by an obscure anti-Muslim video on YouTube. The American people were lied to and there was an attempted cover up.

Matthew G. Olsen, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told the investigating Congressional Committee flat out that it was known to be a terrorist attack.  For this, for telling the truth before a Congressional Committee, he was severely reprimanded by the Obama administration!  What should this tell us?

Equally alarming, many of the major media sources helped cover up the truth about the attack on our country, the murder of Americans, and the deception / cover up by our government.  

Recently in his campaign for re- election President Obama said "trust matters". The truth and facts on what happened on September 11, 2012 need to be fully brought out and those who have lied to the American people and covered up this murderous attack on the United States need to be held accountable.

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