Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Party Before God and Country?

We have seen very strong evidence in recent times of those in politics, those in positions of leadership, and those in the news media, selling their souls, so to speak, for political or personal gain. Commitment, loyalty and support of the "club" or party takes precedent over anything else and it is felt that this will secure both approval of other "club" members and will result in personal gain. This goes so far that it even takes precedent over God and country. This "club" mentality becomes so powerful through self sustaining group approval that many never stop to even think that they are effectively selling their souls.

Nowhere was this more evident than in the recent attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya where a U.S. Ambassador and 3 other brave Americans were left abandoned for sure death while under attack. Yet previously well respected Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and CIA Director, General David H. Petraeus, and others, knowingly participated in lies and cover up in order to protect the "club", while truth, God and country were set aside.

Kathleen Sebelius, U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, purports to be a Catholic yet she supports unrestricted abortions, including partial birth abortion. She in fact is the prime mover behind forcing Catholic Institutions and Catholic personnel to offer contraception and early abortion medication in violation of the Catholic faith, and even the First Amendment to the Constitution concerning freedom of religion. She has placed the "club", the party, over her faith.

At the recent Democratic Convention an honored speaker was Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 350,000 children per year. As an honored speaker? During this same convention an acclamation vote had to be taken in order to decide whether or not the word "God" should be included in the party platform. Think about it. The actual acclamation vote resulted in the desire to exclude God, but was overridden since it would be an obvious embarrassment...for votes, not based upon religious belief. The reality is, God HAS been excluded from the Democratic Party in recent times as demonstrated in positions and actions...over and over.

Massachusetts is the most prominent example of the "club" or party taking precedence over everything else. It is clearly a one party state, not only at the state level, but from the ground up including every town and city's elected (and appointed) positions. Many are very good people, family people, community oriented...and many are Catholics. They attend Catholic Mass regularly. When you watch them interact they seem to delight in each other, yet at the same time there is a sense of ownership of the state. And they like the power. Yet they seem to sense that in order to keep the power and to continue to progress in their political careers that they have to do what is necessary to get votes, and to be "politically correct". This is where the selling of their soul comes in through rationalization and the "club" mentality that takes over. They then routinely violate their faith through supporting abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, same sex marriage, and even the Sebelius initiative of forcing Catholic Institutions and Catholic personnel to offer contraception and early abortion medication in violation to the Catholic faith since it is the party line. Essentially selling their soul in order to preserve their "club" membership.

On the national level the "club" becomes not only the party, but the ideology. Members of Congress, members of the administration, and most of the media clearly place the ideology over everything else...certainly over God and country. Any clear thinking intelligent person can see that our country is in a shambles, actually on the brink of ruin. All the attempted good words and headlines, all the propaganda that is given to the American people, doesn't change this fact. The record, facts, and numbers are all right there in front of us, one has to be blind not to see them. On the international front, it is the same. The Mid East is not only unstable, but on fire. There is a threat of nuclear war; it is so bad that could easily erupt into World War III. Yet throughout Congress, throughout our administration in Washington, and throughout the media it is evident that many have placed the party, or the ideology first over God and country. The "club" rules.

It is not wrong to be affiliated with a party and to be loyal to it. It is not wrong to believe in a certain ideology. What IS wrong, however, is to place the party, the ideology, the "club", over God and country. We have plenty of examples throughout our American history of people who have placed God and country first. They were our heroes. More than ever today...we need more heroes in positions of leadership in our country.


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