Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Americans Applaud New Arizona Immigration Law

Across the country the American people are applauding the new immigration law in Arizona. What is not being told by the media, the Obama administration, and radical groups, is the real truth about the law and circumstances in Arizona. Most recently Janet Napolitano, former Governor of Arizona, and current Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration, recently said there is no problem at the Arizona border. This demonstrates how out of touch with reality she and the administration really are. She is the one, by the way, that halted building the fence along the Arizona border.

What is actually occurring in Arizona includes border homes and farms overrun, with damage to crops, livestock, property, and even loss of life. A near total anarchy situation exists for those that live on the border. They live in fear each and every night. This is happening in the United States of America! Further, there is a current flow of drug and human trafficking, a continuum of serious crime and murder. Phoenix is well known to be a hub for vicious drug cartels. Arizona jails are full of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes. Arizona is fast becoming like many Mexican towns where serious crime and even fear of life are a daily horror show. This is the reality, and it is getting worse.

Radical agenda driven groups such as The American Immigration Lawyers Association and La Raza, are against the law. Representative Raul Grijalva is calling for an economic boycott. Imagine an elected representative calling for a boycott of his own state! Then there is Al Sharpton. Somebody should tell him that the majority of blacks are against illegal immigration and want border control. So, just who is he representing? Seventy percent of Arizona residents favor this legislation. The majority of Mexican - Americans, who are legally in this country, favor this law. Contrary to what is thought, La Raza does not represent them, and many are opposed to the La Raza agenda. So you have groups who are fighting against this law, who favor an open border, and favor amnesty...essentially if you sneak across the border you are a citizen. Anarchy.

What is not being brought out, if you look at the new Arizona law, is that it is not much different from the current federal law on immigration. specifically includes strong statements against racial profiling. What you don't get from the media, and from the protesting groups, are the facts and truth. It is all political agenda driven. All kinds of false propaganda are being floated, even to the extent of saying tourism and business will suffer. The real story is, if the CURRENT near anarchy continues in the state then tourism and business, will suffer. Order and control, contrary to what is being said, will enhance tourism and business, not hurt it.

Those that have criticized the Tea Party movement, should watch the near riotous acts of the protesters of this law, throwing stones and bottles at police and others, defacing property with Nazi signs and other writings. The groups and individuals who are leading and pushing these protests are guilty of creating this dangerous atmosphere. There is no outcry by the Obama administration against these acts vs. their rhetoric against the Tea Party movement. Where is the media criticism? Where are the fright and tears of Nancy Pelosi? There is constant criticism of the Tea Party people who peacefully demonstrate about their deep concern over the current direction of our country. Yet the real scary acts done by those who protest this new Arizona law are OK? Is this what we have come to in this country? One way propaganda?

Any legitimate poll will show that the vast majority of people in the United States, not only favor this new Arizona law, but applaud it.

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