Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Evils and Grave Dangers of Socialism

Not too long ago many of us witnessed the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) as an example of an ugly and oppressive socialist form of government. Note the trickery even in the name by using the word "Republic" implying that the people had a voice in choosing their leaders and a voice in government. We clearly know that this was not true, in fact just the opposite, the oppressed people had no say. The entire world began to relax and gain hope when in 1989 the Berlin Wall collapsed and the Soviet Union began to crumble with it. There was hope for a lasting peace and freedom throughout the world. One would think that we all had learned from this oppressive history and frightening experience.

Yet here we are only 21 years later and we are well on our way to repeating the same mistakes. These mistakes began in Europe where they again use the trickery of words to call it "democratic" socialism. It is amazing how easily, at times, people can be fooled by words. Already in Europe a union of nations has formed under this banner of democratic socialism. The progressive socialist movement has not only started, but is well on its' way. In this case, however, the movement, at least initially, is being accomplished through peaceful means as had been espoused by the philosophy of Marxist, Antonio Gramsci (1891 - 1937). One should research Gramsci and you will be amazed and immediately recognize how closely the movement in Europe (and now the United States) is closely following his philosophy of a peaceful socialist revolution. He made a distinction between coercive and even violent means of accomplishing a socialist revolution vs. peaceful, gradual, stealthy methods. His approach, essentially, is a step by step revolution where without initially revealing your hand you bring about a socialist revolution. When people finally wake up, it is too late. He favors and purports this as being a better and more successful way of accomplishing the goal rather than by violent means.

At present, people in Europe are heavily overburdened with tax. A series of legislations have been passed with seemingly "do good" purposes but result in limiting personal freedoms and giving more and more control to the government. Universal healthcare is in effect through a massive government controlled bureaucracy with the superficial impression that they are benevolently taking care of people but effectively the care is poor. Even people with serious illnesses have to suffer through long waits, or even death. The emerging elites in Europe began to look at the United States with both jealousy and disdain. America was looked at as being the strongest and most influential country in the world. Not only that, but by being a free market, representative democracy, with an amazing Constitution, and guaranteed personal freedoms it flies right in the face of a socialist Europe. In stark contrast, in fact. What began was a drumbeat of criticism against the United States by the European elites who are driving socialism. People are fooled into believing it was just criticism of former President Bush; yet in reality it is against America and our form of government! The only thing that will appease these elites is America embarking on the same path of socialism.

Let's make one point very clear. Socialism is not just another harmless ideology, a different point of view, such as that of democrats, republicans, conservatives, independents, etc. It is a very dangerous, harmful , and oppressive approach to governing and existence. It may initially appear harmless, but like an out of control cancer, it is not. This is not conjecture, it has been proven by history. Dishonesty and trickery are hallmarks of the approach. The leaders of the socialist movement believe that they know better than the masses, and believe that the end justifies the means for attaining the ultimate goal.

In order to sell socialism "sound good" phrases are used. Those that are commonly heard are "social justice" (who is not for justice!), "distribution of wealth", and "public ownership of property". "Social justice" plays on people's desire to help others, particularly those who are less fortunate. The problem is that this justice is meted out by the government, not direct help through individuals, charitable organizations, churches or religious organizations. The government controls, the government decides and sets up methods of supposedly helping people using taxpayer money. We have plenty examples of how this hasn't worked...such as the inner cities of Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, where blatant failures not only exist, but the conditions and the plight of people have worsened. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been expended with little visible improvement, and as stated, conditions have actually worsened. Most of the money is wasted on special interest, political pay offs, pork, if not outright corruption. Pockets are lined, people are not helped.

The words "public ownership of property" are perhaps the most misleading. People, the public, do not own, the government does! Do you feel like you have any ownership over General Motors or Chrysler? Only a fool would believe that they is government ownership that is involved, not the public.

"Distribution of wealth" is another trickery of words, implying helping those in need or less fortunate. What actually occurs is that people are taxed to an extreme, by every means possible, and all the money goes to the federal government. They sell this concept by saying only the very rich are going to be taxed, but later on, in shock, all people find that are under extreme forms of taxation. It is a form of losing freedom since people do not have the money that allows them to do as they wish. What they find is that the can barely get by, even for necessities. Their dependency on government increases dramatically, for basic needs and very survival.

The false sell of socialism is that of social responsibility, helping others. Most all people want this. The trickery comes about , however, in that all money and control is turned over to the government in order to accomplish this false attempt to obtain the goal. In reality direct help of others works much more effectively through direct giving and helping others, legitimate charitable organizations, and religious organizations that already have a set up infrastructure without government bureaucracy. The socialists know this and that is why they fight tooth and nail against it. They want the government to control everything and to create dependency on the government.

The socialism movement in Europe, and now in the United States, is an insidious, step by step progressive approach. First the words that sound good and propaganda are used to make it appear not only harmless, but attractive as far as helping all people, and the world itself. Through this movement those that lead socialism ascend to positions of responsibility and power, but they still have the people to deal with. More money and power is then needed to fuel the movement. This is accomplished by many forms of heavy taxation and a whole series of legislations that, again, seem to have good responsibility, helping the disadvantaged , against hate crimes, to protect the climate and environment, immigration "reform", energy independence, controlling the evils of business and big money institutions, saving the economy, offering healthcare to all, guaranteeing an education to all, etc., etc. The tragedy is that many people are fooled by this since on the surface they appear to be good and just causes. Those in control, however, care little about much of this...the end justifies the means.

Propaganda and controlling the media is a key in attempting to control the minds of people. At first legislation will be passed that attempts to shut down all opposition thinking. This will include all forms of the media, including the Internet. Eventually opposition media sources will be shut down by legislation or outright seizure by the government. The final result will be a state run and controlled media so that ALL that pople hear is only what the government wants them to hear. Again, look at history. Look today at what is happeneing in socialist Venezuela.

Create, exploit, and/or exaggerate a crisis. It should not escape you that all the recent major legislation pushed through Congress, driving us deeper into socialism, giving more and more federal control, and taking away our freedoms, was accomplished under the guise of a sense of urgency. This follows the teachings of both Gramsci and Saul Alinsky, a communist / Marxist, on how to bring about radical change. More "crisis" legislation is coming rapidly down the pike. First you hear the propaganda drumbeat of a supposed major problem, then the urgency of taking action, followed by a stampede to get the legislation passed through Congress. Each one is a step toward greater federal government control over our lives and a loss of freedoms. Each one is a step toward socialism in the United States.

The telling factors are that all money and power goes to the government, in the United States to the federal government. Through much of the legislation that is passed, personal freedoms are eroded. The accomplishment of all these supposedly do good objectives now is in the hands of the federal government. In reality, much of the money that is gathered is wasted on special interests that have nothing to do with the intended purpose...on political pay offs, incompetent mismanagement, and outright corruption; much of the money does not go toward the good causes people thought that it would be used for. Correspondingly, dependency on the federal government by individuals increases greatly. At the same time the power of the federal government increases greatly. The Founders of our country warned us precisely against this.

Oh yes, people are taken care of, but at some form of lower existence that is totally dependent on how the federal government WISHES to dole out that "care". The voice of the people, and personal freedoms become, by design, less and less under socialism. It should also be noted that at the same time a ruling elite emerges. Note, under the recently passed healthcare legislation in America that the Congress is not under the same plan and conditions as the "people". They have a superior plan, that costs them less, with no restrictions, panels, etc., but with full unabated coverage. This is just a small sampling of what to expect. Two classes of people will exist...the ruling elite....and the rest of us.

It goes without saying, particularly here in the United States, that people eventually will not want to be "taken care of" at some lower level of existence. They will rebel against it, want their freedoms back, and want the God given right to succeed and excel in life through hard work. You know, good old freedom and democracy that was guaranteed us through our Constitution. The ruling elite, however, are not going to give up their power and will use any means possible to retain it, even through the use of force. This is what it will come to if we do not do the following:

1) Become keenly aware of what is now happening in our country...WAKE UP!

2) Use any peaceful and legal means possible to STOP the current direction in Washington. Do it by voice, do it by letters, do it by organizing against it with like- minded people, and do it by your VOTE in the very next and every subsequent election.

3) Do it with a sense of URGENCY. Daily, if you open your eyes, we are losing our great democracy through the actions in Washington and legislation being rammed through Congress. Daily, we are losing our freedoms and our democracy and it is happening at breakneck speed. We are in a race for time.

4) If we fail to act, and act NOW, it will be too late. Once a full socialist form of government is established it will extremely difficult to turn it back. We will be living under a dictatorial form of oppressive government in a state of misery. Look at history. History has taught us this!

One last very telling thing about socialism is the absence of God. In the former Soviet Union organized religion was not allowed, it was driven underground, particularly in some of the countries that had a strong religious faith. Now, Europe is well on its way to being Godless, with less than 15% of the people attending religious services and practicing their faith. God and organized religion is the enemy of socialism. The ruling socialist elites want "The State", the government, to be the only God that is worshipped and depended upon. Again look at history. Look not only at history, but look at countries today where dictatorial socialism currently exists. Already in the United Sates there is an ongoing movement to take God out of every aspect of American life. This was NEVER intended by our Founders, no matter what they attempt to tell you through their distortions of history. Organized religion is under attack in America, especially Christianity and Judaism.

In the absence of God...evil forms.

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