Thursday, April 22, 2010

No Accountability for Swine Flu Scare??

Our federal government, the Center for Disease Control, and the UN's World Health Organization all warned of a swine flu pandemic that would kill millions of people worldwide. The media carried this as headline news for months. Naturally people were driven to a state of deep concern and even fear. Panic headlines followed in the media citing cases of early deaths due to swine flu, only to find out later that the deaths were really caused by something other than swine flu. Initially it was stated that there was no known vaccination for this threatening new virus strain, making concerns even stronger. Suddenly and inexplicably, a swine flu vaccine DID appear with no explanation vs. the first announcement of none being available. Billions of dollars were spent to hastily prepare this untested vaccine with the insistence that all children must be vaccinated. Many were.

Yet recently, not in a headline, but on a back page a small article (US swine flu dying out) issued by the Associated Press appeared. In the article it stated that "The swine-flu epidemic may be history in the United States", and went on to say that for the fourth consecutive week no states experienced widespread activity and that the flu has been on the decline since last October.

Was a crisis purposely created to take our attention away from the very real and critical issues facing our country?

Where is the accountability? Where is the media on this?

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