Friday, April 30, 2010

Oil Rig Explosion Suspicious

The recent direction of the United States to drill for oil off shore has hit, what many people believe to be a suspicious snag. The timely, unexplained explosion of an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana has resulted in a media blitz crying environmental disaster and raising questions about offshore drilling. Yet the media hasn't bothered to investigate the CAUSE of the explosion. How did it happen? Oil rigs don't just explode. The Coast Guard first reported an explosion 3 hours before the oil rig caught fire. Shortly after that announcement they retracted it. Why? What did happen? Not only are no answers forthcoming, but there isn't even an attempt to find out what really happened. The media is steering the discussion away from the cause and toward the environmental issues and the questions of drilling off shore. Is this not suspicious to anyone?? The timing of all this when we finally seemed to start doing something about our oil dependency?

Not only does the United States have a huge potential for oil offshore, but we have massive, huge untapped oil reserves right here in the territorial United States. This includes Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Alaska. We have the potential of trillions, upon trillions of barrels of oil that far outstrip, many times over, the oil that we currently purchase from foreign sources. Many of the sources are not all that friendly and frequently hold us hostage. Why is there no action by successive administrations in Washington? Why is there no action by our Congress? Why when it is right here before us? It defies logic and common sense.

Yes, we should look at conservation, improved technology, alternate sources that reduce cost and protect the environment. (Real environmental issues, not the phantom, politically motivated ones.)

Over 35 years ago we were promised by many members of Congress that we would become "energy independent". Those running for office have stated this in their political campaigns. Yet right before us we have tremendous opportunities for that to happen, and we choose to do nothing. It is beyond comprehension for any clear thinking American.

Is this recent oil rig explosion, still again, going to be purposely used to thwart any further action by our country to pursue the oil and energy independence that we have the clear ability to achieve? How can we trust our government and Congress when they can't even take logical steps to realize something that our nation desperately needs, yet is readily available? All we have to do is take the steps. Do something!

The oil rig explosion, coupled with all the propaganda aimed at preventing oil exploration by America, is very, very suspicious. People should question and not just blindly accept what is told them. "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."...Thomas Jefferson.

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