Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bill Clinton a Blame Shifter and a Hypocrite

Former President Bill Clinton is a blame shifter and a hypocrite. Recently he inferred that Tea Party people use the type of rhetoric that led to the Oklahoma City bombing. Tea Party people who peaceably gather to exercise their Constitutional right and express their deep concern over the current direction of our country. Tea Party people who are everyday Americans, nice people, who wish to preserve our great democracy and our country. This is typical for Bill Clinton.

When the Oklahoma City bombing occurred Bill Clinton attempted to blame Rush Limbaugh for influencing bomber Timothy McVeigh. Yet there was absolutely no proof of an influence on him by Rush Limbaugh. None. What Timothy McVeigh DID mention, however, was specific reference to what happened at Waco, Texas in April of 1993 under Clinton’s watch as President. This was when Seventy-six people at the Branch Davidian ranch died in a fire, including more than 20 children, and two pregnant women.

This was a grossly mismanaged tragedy by the federal government that occurred during the Clinton administration. It was of such a high profile that there is little doubt that then President Clinton MUST have been involved in the decision process resulting in this tragic loss of life. Yet he quickly distanced himself from any involvement, shifting the blame to others. The media, of course, helped him do it.

When the Oklahoma City bombing occurred and Timothy McVeigh mentioned Waco as part of his motivation, Clinton’s blame shifting went immediately into action. He attempted to shift the blame to Rush Limbaugh, shifting it away from his responsibility over Waco that was clear and direct.

When Bill Clinton now attempts to counteract the growing widespread grass roots concern over the major problems and current direction of our country, he has again resorted to blame shifting. Bill Clinton has no credibility.

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