Saturday, October 9, 2010

One Nation March - A Dangerous Direction

Not too long ago the United States was engaged in a Cold War where communism and Marxism were considered evil. They still are. Yet the new far left of the Democratic Party, and organizations like the NAACP, major labor unions, and the American Federation of Teachers, stood shoulder to shoulder with communist, Marxist, and socialist organizations at the One Nation March in Washington on October 2. This march also had the blessing of the Obama administration. Does this not concern anybody? Has our once great country deteriorated that far?

The NAACP was once considered one of the most prestigious and honorable organizations in our country. Yet recently they have, apparently, received their marching orders from the Obama administration and have accused the Tea Party movement as being racist, when all aware and clear thinking people know that is not true. In fact it can be stated that for political purposes, the NAACP is bearing false witness. Yet after accusing Tea Parties as being racist, they apparently have no problem standing side by side with communists and Marxists. Does this not concern rank and file NAACP members?

The American Federation of Teachers, an organization supposedly dedicated to education and teachers, seems to have dramatically taken on a different political and ideological role. In fact since 1998 98% of their donations, approximately $25 million, have been donated to the Democratic Party and other far left causes that have little to do with education. Does this not concern teachers throughout our country that their union dues are being used for this purpose? Does this not concern them that their union stood side by side with communists and Marxists on October 2?

The same questions should be asked of the many good rank and file Democrats and union members. Standing shoulder to shoulder with communists and Marxists? Do people really know what these ideologies really stand for and how oppressed people have been when ruled by them? History should be a lesson.

The One Nation March should be a major warning as to the direction our nation is headed for. It should be a wake up call for all Americans.

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