Friday, October 1, 2010

The Plan to Save America

*Place term limits on members of Congress. Twelve years for senators, 10 years for congressmen / congresswomen.

*Enact a law, an amendment, that would require the federal government to operate from a balanced, no deficit, budget with no legislative exceptions. Every year.

*Strictly enforce separation of powers between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. In particular, prevent the executive and judicial branches of government from creating laws.

*Re-enforce, require, Congress and the Executive Branch of the federal government to pass no law, and take no action, in violation of the Constitution.

*Allow only elected representatives, Constitutionally specified appointments, and Congressionally approved persons to run our national government. This means no Czars or similar types of appointments that serve only to circumvent the process and have access to significant power outside of the specified realm of scrutiny and approval.

*Elected and appointed representatives at the federal level of government, who use their elected or appointed positions to engage in illegal activities should receive a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison. Those elected representatives who use their positions for illegal activities violate a sacred trust. America is in a sad state with rampant corruption and dishonesty by many in elected office. We need to restore honesty and high integrity in elected and appointed leadership.

*All proposed federal legislation should be required to be no more than 200 pages in length and should be singular in purpose...addressing only that subject that is proposed and directly related issues, with NO add-ons, pork, riders, earmarks, political paybacks, etc. NONE. The legislation should be required to be written in clear, non legal, understandable language. Legislators should be required to read all proposed legislation prior to their vote. The legislation should be required to be posted for the general public on the internet, or other means of mass communication, newspapers, etc. one week prior to the vote on the bill.

*We should re-commit ourselves to the principles of our Founding as a nation, the Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution. We should recognize that we are a representative democracy, with a free market system that made us the great nation that we are. We should stop all attempts to re-form us in some other dramatic way, in particular those ideologies that have been proven over and over to be historical failures.

*Legislation needs to be passed strictly limiting the amount of money given and influence upon Congress and the political parties by Political Action Committees (PACs). There is little doubt that currently illegal contributions are being made to candidates, those in office, and to political parties through money laundering, underhanded, and disguised methods. These illegal contributions to push ideologies, or gain influence, need to be shut down.

*Begin to immediately reduce the national debt, incrementally, over 10 years, so that it will be no greater than $5 trillion by 2021, and keep it under $5 trillion. (Even with inflation.) A law should be passed that dictates that our national debt will be no higher than $5 trillion.

*Implement a simple percentage based income tax, starting with income $20,000 and over. If less than $20,000, no tax would be due. For example, if it were 10%, a person making $25,000 would pay $2,500. A person making $200,000 a year would pay $20,000 in taxes. A person making $2,000,000 would pay $200,000 in taxes. There would be no deductions allowed except those toward charities / organizations that clearly and verifiably help people in need. Otherwise it would be just a simple percentage calculation based on gross income. Any person, without outside assistance, should be able to understand and file income tax accordingly.

*Eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and all the associated bureaucracy.

*The Federal Reserve Bank should be audited. The FED has too great, and somewhat of an invisible influence on the American economy and America itself. All of their activities, directions, policies, plans, etc. should be completely visible to the American people with periodic audits. Even the elimination of the Federal Reserve Bank should be considered.

*Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should be eliminated as federal government sponsored enterprises. Mortgage, banking, and acting as an intermediary on mortgages, lending, etc. should cease. These institutions have been riddled with corruption, political paybacks, executive pay scandals, and more...and they are one of the prime reasons behind the current failure of our economy. Banking, lending, and mortgage functions should be private, not government controlled. Cut out the cancer.

*Establish new rules of international trade where America benefits equally in trading that occurs. Currently there is a major imbalance detrimental to America. This needs to change immediately.

*Bring back manufacturing to America. Offer incentives to American companies to manufacture in the United States. Recognize that manufacturing is a core strength of America and is vital for jobs and our economy. No single move can help our economy more than to re-build the manufacturing strength of America.

*Repeal immediately the national health care bill, H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Return to our previous excellent health care system and enact incremental steps necessary to improve it as required. Addressing the problem areas while keeping the excellence of the American healthcare system should have been the path taken. We need to immediately address this the right way. It is critical that this healthcare bill be repealed as soon as possible. It is a far reaching cancer that will help to destroy our economy, our freedoms, and the health and well being of all Americans.

*The Community Reinvestment Act should be repealed. The federal government should set up guidelines (not control) for responsible lending under affordable conditions, not those destined for sure failure. Working low income people and those in need should have access to lower interest rate loans, but still within the realm of their affordability to repay these loans. In other words, don't lower the standards where people will obviously default due to lack of affordability, lower interest rates should still maintain the financial integrity of the lending institutions, as well as limiting such loans where they are the exception, not the rule.

*We should cut federal bureaucracy by 50% by a review of all major departments of government. In fact, it would not be out of the question to cut 2/3 of the federal bureaucracy. In some cases entire major departments of government should be eliminated. The IRS is just one example of this as already covered in this plan. What we currently have is an inefficient, massive, federal bureaucracy that is ever growing. It has tentacles spreading deeply across the government and unnecessarily into the life of every American costing us billions, upon billions of dollars. This move alone would significantly reduce our national debt and our ongoing budget deficits.

*Nearly all 50 states are, essentially, bankrupt dependent upon the "drug" of federal government money. Fiscal responsibility must be demanded from the bottom up... starting with cities and towns, then the states, then the federal government. ALL should work with affordable and balanced budgets. Excessive taxes, fees, and unnecessary financial burdens due to poor fiscal management should be removed from individuals, families, and businesses.

*While staying within the framework of the Constitution, the current over control at the federal level must be reversed. Power must be given back to the 50 states, then in turn, to the people through their voice, their vote, and their elected representation.

*The United States should embark immediately on the path of energy independence and cease our dependency upon foreign oil. The path to achieve this should include conservation, seeking alternate sources of energy such as natural gas, solar energy, wind generated energy, hydroelectric power, and responsible nuclear power, environmentally responsible coal well as new technology sources. In addition, we should tap responsibly into the VAST amounts of oil readily available to us within our borders and off shore. The goal should be to reach energy independence within 10 years. We need the leadership and a national commitment to achieve this. It is extremely doable to accomplish this.

*Under no circumstances should the federal government give away billions of taxpayer dollars, or commit our financial future and/or sovereignty to international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the G-20, the United Nations, etc. Currently this is being done without the approval of the American people...and even Congress! It needs to stop immediately.

*Our sovereignty as a nation is sacred and must be protected at all costs. Under no circumstances should the United States give away our sovereignty as a nation to any international organization, or subject the American people to international courts, or commit financial support without the approval of the American people and Congress. We should be a responsible member of the international community, but not subject to ANY form of international governance other than treaties and agreements, for good reason, as provided for in the US Constitution.

*The United States should call for a review of the United Nations, as well as our involvements and commitments as a member of the United Nations. The United Nations is currently out of control, has demonstrated incompetence, is corrupt, and obviously anti-American. There should be no support by the United States for any form of global governance by the United Nations, or any legal or international court jurisdiction over the American people. The United Nations should not be allowed to interfere with the governance or impose any rules or laws affecting the United States. The functions of the United Nations should be limited solely to peace keeping and humanitarian purposes, helping poor and impoverished countries and people throughout the world, and in helping those struck with disasters. Limit the United Nations.

*We should re-commit ourselves to being a nation under God. Thousands of references by our Founders prove that this was the original intent. This does not mean that our government should be run by "The Church". What it means is that we recognize and accept that God as being important to our very existence as a country and that we keep God as being foundational. People who have different views, atheists, etc. should be respected in their views, but we should never give up our belief that God is important to the existence of our nation out of deference to a minority opinion that is contrary to our Founding. There has been a total distortion of the First Amendment under the words "separation of church and state", words that don't even appear in the Constitution! Statements made by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Danbury, CT Baptists in 1802 referring to "a wall of separation between Church & State" have been distorted and misused in attempts to eliminate all reference to God in our country, and to restrict religion. What we actually have occurring is a violation of the First Amendment by "prohibiting the free exercise thereof" of religion in our country today. This needs to stop. If there should be any worry, it should be the State imposing on religion, not the Church imposing on our government. Nothing is more important than recognizing God as being foundational to our country.

*The indoctrination now occurring in public schools should stop immediately, including textbooks used that have an ideologically driven rather than an educational purpose. There should be a return to only the basics of scholastic, math, language and grammar, factual history, etc. etc. When there is an issue in dispute, both sides should be presented equally...example: creation vs. evolution....not one driven as the only answer, with the other disallowed, excluded. This includes every level of education from early grade school through colleges. Administrations and faculties should be looked at critically so that there is a near equal representations of ideologies, or political party preference present. The role of parents has to be emphasized, in some school districts there are direct attempts to usurp the rights of parents. This must stop.

Following this issue, teachers should be made fully aware of the fact that their union dues have been used for the following:

*Since 1988, 93% of over $28 million has been donated by the National
Education Association (NEA) to the Democratic Party and other left
wing causes that have nothing to do with education.

*Since 1988, 98% of approximately $25 million has been donated by
The American Federation of Teachers to the Democratic Party and
other left wing causes that have little to do with education.

Most teachers do not realize what is happening with their "union dues". There should be a requirement that that a full report of the use of their "dues" / money be given to all teachers on a regular, quarterly basis, by these organizations. Education, not politics, should be their goal.

* The following should be done with immigration:

1) Secure the border, complete building the fence across all border states. Send 20,000 troops to begin with, adjust number as needed. Use our highest technology to keep borders non porous.

2) Require ALL illegal immigrants to register so we know who they are, where they are, and their purpose for being in America. Deport those who have criminal records or outstanding warrants. For those who have jobs require them to have work permits. For those already here and in good standing, provide a fast track process toward citizenship, if desired, but NOT automatic amnesty and citizenship. Require periodic reporting of status of all non citizens.

3) New people entering the country would have to go through a border secure process of entering the country and would have to follow all laws in place on immigration, obtaining visas, etc. like any other visitor to our country.

4) Employers will be required to hire ONLY those workers who have work permits or who are citizens of our country. Failure to do so will result in SEVERE penalty, fines, and even jail / prison time for violating the law.

5) Use the full resources of America to shut down drug, arms, and human trafficking across our borders. Give the criminals a strong message that this will no longer be tolerated.

6) The Fourteenth Amendment, that states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” needs to be clarified and amended to prevent the abuse that is now occurring en masse. Currently we have illegal immigrants purposely coming into the United States to have their babies so that they will automatically become citizens. This was clearly not the intent of the Fourteenth Amendment and this abuse needs to be corrected.

*The United States should responsibly withdraw from both Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible, but under a plan that allows the best chance of the survival of their democratic governments, and avoid terrorism pockets to re-form. Internal target dates for withdrawal are best, not those announced to the world (and enemies).

*The United States should not enter into any military conflict or war without being under a direct attack or threat of an attack, or due to any threat to our sovereignty as a nation….or a similar violation or threat to one of our allies that we have committed to. This action should take place with the full approval of Congress…unless it requires immediate and urgent action by the President of the United States for self defense purposes. Even in this case, after the fact approval of Congress should be sought in all cases.

*Once the United States enters into a military conflict or war we should go all out to win and use the full capabilities of our military power to end the war as soon as possible. The administration in power, as well as the Congress, must provide the American people with a clear exit strategy. Under no circumstances should we send American soldiers into harm’s way without the full power of the military behind them. No longer should there be limited or politically correct military action that has cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers in the past and has only served to confuse our purpose and prolong our military engagement at a great expense to our nation in lives and money. We should go all out to win, with our full military strength, and get out.

*We should encourage freedom and democracy throughout the world, but we should not attempt to interfere with and manipulate the circumstances within other countries. We should not consider ourselves as the world’s police force. When there is injustice or maltreatment of people we should speak up loudly and work with other countries and try to expose this and peaceably resolve it.

*Even given what has been previously stated, the current threat of terrorism needs to be first fully recognized and then aggressively defended against. This is a real and current threat to the United States and to the American people. We should not allow political correctness to stand in the way of fully defending America and defeating those who have announced that they wish to destroy us. Irrational people can only be brought to rationality through strength.

*We need to use common sense, NOT politically correct, approaches to national security. If we allow a free flow of people across our borders, for sure some are going to be terrorists. This was covered under immigration previously. If we do not share critical information between federal agencies then important national security threats will not be uncovered and dealt with. If 90% of all terrorist acts are committed by radical Muslims, those from mid-eastern countries, then it is not wrong to pay special attention to them in all security situations, in fact it is smart to do so, especially since they have announced their intentions to destroy America and kill Americans. We should stop playing games with our national security for political correctness or out of fear of criticism. The facts speak for themselves.

*We should STOP apologizing for America. America is not perfect, but neither is any other country in the world, in fact many are much worse. We have given American lives for the freedom of other peoples and countries. We have generously helped other countries in need, during disasters, and given billions upon billions of dollars in foreign aid. The American people, as well as our government, has been very compassionate and given, over, and over, and over again. We have nothing to apologize for as compared to other countries. We lose respect through self flagellation. We should all be very proud of America. Improve where necessary, but proud.

*There should be a thorough review of foreign aid, financial aid to other countries. We currently are giving taxpayer money to countries that are anti-American if not our outright enemies. In other cases we are giving money out when we ourselves are currently in a dire economic situation. It makes no sense. All foreign aid should be thoroughly reviewed with an objective to cut back by approximately 50%. Help other countries…yes….but not in situations where we are simply being taken advantage of.

*We should stop wasteful spending programs on projects that are obviously ridiculous and totally unnecessary. There are many, that are often made jokes of, but they are NOT jokes…they waste billions of dollars of taxpayer money. Many have been mentioned and funded even during this period of economic crisis. Identify and stop them.

*The federal government should give tax cuts and incentives to business. As the federal government bureaucracy and wasteful programs are dramatically cut as outlined previously, then there should be more ability to reduce taxes on all fronts…to businesses and individuals. This will be a major positive step for the economy.

*Marriage should only be between one man and one woman. Marriage and family are fundamental and critical building blocks of society, and have been so since the beginning of recorded history. Marriage is also universally regarded as a sacred union. The federal government should do everything possible to support marriage and the well as discourage divorce by providing incentives for marriage and family counseling where necessary and other family supportive initiatives. The family should be recognized as being supremely important to the well being of our nation. Many of the social as well as the criminal problems in our country stem from broken families, or other circumstances where children are not provided the nurturing and supportive care of families. It needs to be recognized by our federal government that family is very, very important to America.

*Same sex couples should be treated with full respect and dignity, just as we should do for any other person or couple. If they so choose they should be allowed to enter into civil unions. In a civil union couples should be given the full financial benefits and considerations.

* We should repeal Roe vs. Wade where already over 50 million lives of helpless, defenseless, innocent children have been taken. This gets right to the soul of America. What kind of nation takes the lives of children? Pope John Paul II called this as part of the "culture of death" and warned how this could destroy a country, destroy a society. Every day, every hour, every minute our soul as a country is being destroyed through the abortion factories throughout our nation, many of which do it for profit with taxpayer funding no less. How can we sleep at night? We should also immediately stop all internationally funding of abortion using taxpayer money. We should be international leaders in the preservation of life, not the exportation of death.

*We should protect our environment and natural resources. But we should do it based upon facts and science, and by allowing a free and open debate on any issues...using facts and science. The now infamous, purposely falsified, "hockey stick" warming graph, that was the basis of the push for action due to global warming now has been completely discredited. Some of the "scientists" who were relied upon purposely falsified data and information. The UN has also been complicit with non-science and non-fact related hysteria over global warming and refuses to allow any contrary scientific facts or information to be presented. This politically correct, and corrupt push to create a fear of global warming has caused gigantic socio-economic problems not only in the United States, but across the world. If allowed to continue it will end up negatively affecting every person on earth, cost millions upon millions of jobs, and many trillions of dollars wastefully. Again, we should be responsible and protect our environment, but we should do it based upon verified facts and science with all points of view fully considered.

*The best way to deal with poverty, hunger, homelessness, and other types of social problems is through legitimate charitable organizations at the local level, not the federal government. Two factors dictate this: 1) The federal government inevitably ends up with a massive, ineffective, and a wasteful bureaucracy that ends up costing taxpayers billions of dollars without solving the problem, on the contrary, it justifies its existence through perpetuation of the problems. 2) We already have set up, in our country, an infrastructure through religious organizations, charitable organizations, soup kitchens, shelters, community centers, etc. that can be most effective in dealing with these types of problems. They should be supported by the federal and state governments, business, and by other profitable organizations, as well as by each one of us, not only with money, but volunteer work. We should come up with tax breaks and creative schemes to offer incentive to all of those aforementioned so that funding and support can be given to these "help" organizations.


As a country, it is essential that we change the current path that we are on or we risk becoming something that we will no longer recognize. Already we have gone too far. Everyone needs to speak up and act in order to save our great country . If you agree with this "Plan to Save America" copy and distribute it. Send it to friends, members of Congress, newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations and programs, political parties and everyone you can think of. If you agree with all of it...fine. If you agree with some of it, but not all of it...that is fine too. What I urge you to do, however, is take that which you agree with and forward only that, but please, during this critical time, don't fail to act.

We have a great country. Please help preserve it. Thank you!

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