Monday, October 18, 2010

Tea Parties - The Unexpected

The far left has had a plan for some time and they have been working toward their first major goal of having America become a socialist country. Europe is already well on their way. With the election of Barack Obama and a Democratic Congress a perfect storm was created for their dream to become a reality. The traditional Democratic party had already been taken over by the far left. The Republican Party had lost it's strength through a diffusion and lowering of their values, so they would not be able to stop it. At breakneck speed they began to implement steps that would drive America into the depths of socialism and globalism. The feeling was that the American people, even if they complained and were opposed to what was going on, were not organized enough to stop the movement. But then something unexpected happened.

The will, the strength, and the voice of the American people were grossly underestimated. Suddenly ordinary Americans, many of whom never participated in any political movement before, began to rise up. A true groundswell, and grassroots movement, began to emerge. And emerge they did. They were senior citizens, grandparents, and parents, deeply concerned not only about themselves, but the future of America for their children and grandchildren. They were conservative Republicans, traditional Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents who were strongly opposed to the new socialist direction. Scared to death of it, in fact. They were informed younger people, and minorities who think for themselves and object to adhering to mass block thinking where it is "expected" that they will just comply. They were people who have a deep faith in God. They were people who are patriots and love America. They are veterans who had served their country and who had fought to preserve freedom. Spontaneously they came together. Millions upon millions of them. They came together under the title of "Tea Party".

The left was flabbergasted, they hadn't planned or expected anything like this. They were so close to achieving their goal. At all costs the Tea Party had to be stopped. Immediately they began to try to discredit the Tea Parties, a tact that had worked for them so many times before. Truth is irrelevant, but discredit they must. They began to call them crazy, radicals, Nazi's, every name in the book...and finally the one that always seemed to have worked before...racists. Many major media sources fully complied with the unfounded and unwarranted attacks. Yet the Tea Parties kept coming, without a flinch. What the far left and the media failed to realize is that Tea Party IS America...the vast majority of the American people. You can't turn the vast majority of the American people on themselves, especially with what are KNOWN to be falsehoods. The far left then engaged union leadership, and organizations like the NAACP to help discredit the Tea Party movement, call them racists, etc. Again this didn't work to say nothing about violating the 9th Commandment of God by bearing false witness. Many of the good and decent people of the NAACP don't like being part of false accusations. Neither do the union MEMBERSHIP, in fact many of them are either in agreement with the Tea Party movement, if not actual members.

Nonetheless the great strength of the administration in power, with the help of nearly all major media sources is immense. In addition, over time, deep seated roots have been established by the far left into many organizations throughout the country. Further, there are some very wealthy backers who have their own agenda toward turning the United States into a greatly weakened, yet socialist country that will allow globalism to continue.

The future of United States is now dependent upon the people of America. This includes all those who want to preserve our great democracy irrespective of party affiliation, race, religion, ethnic, or any other socio, political, or economic group. And it depends greatly, as the far left fears, on the Tea Party since they have the strength of organization.

All of this comes down to two dates..November 2010 and...November 2012 and our sacred right to vote. The choices are simple yet dramatic and potentially tragic in our history: socialism that will lead to the destruction of America as we know it.....or the preservation of our great country and democracy. Thankfully the Tea Party movement has given us at least a choice, now it is up to us.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Al! If we each get 5 people that have never voted before, we can "off set" the illegals, dead people, and criminals that the democrats are going to bring to the voting booths. I'm calling it "One for Five". Everyone knows 5 people that don't ever vote, time to get them to the booth...pass it on.
