Thursday, October 14, 2010

Saving Lives vs. Taking Lives

In the last few days we have seen the beautiful people of Chile and the near miraculous saving of the 33 lives of miners that were trapped half a mile underground for 69 days. We saw the love, tears, and happiness of loved ones and families. We witnessed their deep faith in God, from the trapped miners themselves, their families, and from Chile's President Sebastian Piriera. Mario Gomez, who at 63 was the oldest trapped miner hugged his wife and then dropped to his knees in thankful prayer. Relatives hugged, kissed and thanked God. The constant theme, in fact, was God, love, family, and the great joy that was experienced worldwide in the saving and preservation of life.

Contrast this to where on a daily basis we are confronted with news of the clear absence of God in the taking of innocent lives. No legitimate religion, and certainly not God, would sanction the taking of innocent lives. Yet we have young men, and even occasionally young women, blowing themselves to bits while at the same time murdering innocent men, women and children. We have acid thrown into the faces of young school girls. We have fathers murdering daughters, women in the Sudan raped, murdered and mutilated. We have news reporters seeking the truth; and people who are attempting to help the suffering and those in need; murdered and beheaded. South of our border we have drug cartels and human traffickers brutally murdering innocent citizens, young children, mayors, news reporters, police officers, and military personnel who are attempting to bring law, order, and peace. Again, the absence of God.

Imagine, worldwide at every airport, extensive security and screening has to be used in order to prevent bombings that would take innocent lives. How far has humanity deteriorated? People on buses, railways, at cafes...even at weddings and funerals are murdered indiscriminately. Rockets and missiles are lobbed into civilian populations. How far has humanity deteriorated? Trillions of dollars that could be used for the relief of human suffering and for humanitarian purposes are wasted worldwide for security purposes that should never be necessary. How far has humanity deteriorated?

Yet, if all peace loving nations of the world came together, all this could be brought to an end. First there has to be the underlying presence of God. Without exception, in the absence of God evil forms. And this is what we have going on in our world today. The result is what we now see.

There has to be a coming together of all nations on the basics of life itself, and that starts with God, family, and love. If this happened all the evil we see in the world today would disappear.

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