Since the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade in 1973 over 50 million lives of innocent, helpless children have been taken in the United States. Without question this is the worst holocaust in the history of humankind since it is against the most vulnerable of all...children. Pope John Paul II said "A nation that kills its own children is a nation without a future." His prediction is coming to fruition and the United States is now well on its way to self destruction. The moral fiber of our country has eroded to such an extent that on a daily basis we see and hear things that are beyond shocking. Honesty, integrity, values, and morality are absent. Honorable leadership in government, business, and all walks of life is absent. Corruption is rampant.
It is a wonder that we can sleep at night with the number of lives taken through abortion approaching 4,000 per day. Abortion factories that are supposed to be non profit, return a profit and are taxpayer funded. The U.S. government is now using taxpayer dollars to export abortion. According to the Hippocratic Oath, the doctor's role in society is to save lives and relieve suffering. Abortion is a betrayal of the medical profession, money and profit have replaced the oath. Many of the most influential in political leadership have sold out. They have sold out to such an extent that they act contrary to their religious faith and its teachings.
Yet as a nation, we have accepted something that we should never, ever, accept; the purposeful taking of a child's life. Most heinous of all is the brutal taking of a life through partial birth abortion. This amounts to nothing short of infanticide.
Pope John Paul II placed the issue of abortion that is often clouded with false arguments into a clear perspective ..."a new cultural climate is developing and taking hold, which gives crimes against life a new and ,if possible, even more sinister character, giving rise to further grave concern: broad sectors of public opinion justify certain crimes against life in the name of the rights of individual freedom, and on this basis they claim not only exemption from punishment but even authorization by the State, so that these things can be done with total freedom and indeed with the free assistance of health-care systems." His reference to the assistance of the health-care system is very relevant today.
God or any reference to God is under attack in our country. This was never intended by our founders. Our Constitution is under attack, our freedoms are being continually eroded. Our country is being driven toward bankruptcy, so severely that it may already be irreversible. The "culture of death" thinking that has its roots in abortion has even gone to the extent that some proponents of a new health-care system suggest that it should be aimed only toward those who are "most productive" in society. This would exclude full medical treatment for the elderly and the handicapped, while at the same time supporting abortions. What have we come to as a country?
Abortion is the "Great Sin" of the United States. It undermines everything that is good and sacred about our country. It will lead to the self destruction of the United States. We are now well along on that path.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Time to Take Back Our Schools
There is little doubt that indoctrination of children is now taking place in our public schools. Textbooks are laced with a distortion of our history as a country, discrediting our Founders and past heroes, and full of anti American propaganda. This also includes anti democracy and anti free enterprise capitalism. Political and social agendas are being forced on children and students. It is time to stop, and take back our public schools.
It is recommended for parents who have major issues with the public school system in your city or town to do the following:
1) Form a "Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers".
2) Prepare a "Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights With Respect to the Public School System". Get this Bill of Rights on the ballot for the next town election vote. It will then become law.
3) Get good candidates to run for the Board of Education. Support the candidate publicly by saying..."This candidate has been approved by the Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers". This will greatly increase the probability of getting the candidate of choice elected.
4) Once the Board of Education is filled with good people who truly represent the parents and taxpayers of the town, then use the power of democracy to set the agenda back on course. If necessary, replace the Superintendent of Schools or any other administrators in the school system who do not represent the best interests of students, parents, and the people of the town.
It does little to sit back and complain. It is time for the American people to take back the control of our schools. Don't you think?
It is recommended for parents who have major issues with the public school system in your city or town to do the following:
1) Form a "Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers".
2) Prepare a "Parents / Taxpayers Bill of Rights With Respect to the Public School System". Get this Bill of Rights on the ballot for the next town election vote. It will then become law.
3) Get good candidates to run for the Board of Education. Support the candidate publicly by saying..."This candidate has been approved by the Committee of Concerned Parents and Taxpayers". This will greatly increase the probability of getting the candidate of choice elected.
4) Once the Board of Education is filled with good people who truly represent the parents and taxpayers of the town, then use the power of democracy to set the agenda back on course. If necessary, replace the Superintendent of Schools or any other administrators in the school system who do not represent the best interests of students, parents, and the people of the town.
It does little to sit back and complain. It is time for the American people to take back the control of our schools. Don't you think?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Task Force WRONG on Breast Cancer!
When all else fails, use common sense. Whether you are referring to your home, your car, a manufacturing process, or the human body, proper maintenance and preventative care are essential and well understood as being necessary. Frankly, the so called "U.S. Preventative Services Task Force" doesn't know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to screening for breast cancer. The United States has the lowest mortality rate in the world due to breast cancer specifically related to our aggressive screening and early detection approaches. Who are these people on the "Task Force"? Who appointed them? What is their background? What facts are they using for their recommendations? The medical profession should be loudly protesting this new, obviously wrong, recommendation.
A recent Gallup Poll shows that 76% of women polled disagree or strongly disagree with the "Task Force" recommendations. For good reason, they are concerned about their health! It is evident that this recommendation by the "Task Force" has some other motive or agenda in mind, certainly not the health of women. This should be a warning to all about what to expect with a federally controlled health care system where panels or "Task Forces" make decisions that have nothing to do with health, in adversely affecting both the health and longevity of Americans.
A recent Gallup Poll shows that 76% of women polled disagree or strongly disagree with the "Task Force" recommendations. For good reason, they are concerned about their health! It is evident that this recommendation by the "Task Force" has some other motive or agenda in mind, certainly not the health of women. This should be a warning to all about what to expect with a federally controlled health care system where panels or "Task Forces" make decisions that have nothing to do with health, in adversely affecting both the health and longevity of Americans.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Last Chance to Save America
Although it is not intended to make it a partisan issue, let's face it, the democrats and the Obama administration are now causing the disintegration of America. Always vote for the best person who stands for America, our Constitution, freedoms and American values. Obama and his entire radical administration and...Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, etc, have to go if we are to save our country.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time to Save America
There is something called a "sin of omission". This is when there is a failure to speak up and act when something wrong is occurring. In the United States today many people are speaking up, and some are acting with attempts to prevent the disintegration of America that is happening right before our eyes. Yet still, many are not speaking up and acting, they are just letting it happen. This is a sin of omission.
The loss of our country, our democracy, and our freedoms are at stake. Leadership in Washington has driven our country onto the brink of bankruptcy and the out of control spending is occurring at an accelerated rate. Excessive power is being garnered at the federal government level, something warned about by our founders. Legislation with "sound good" titles are being stampeded through an irresponsible congress, much of it with stealth add ons and purpose. Through this, and intended soon to come legislation, the result will be even more excessive spending. Worse, this will result in the undermining of freedoms of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, our Constitution, and our very democracy. Even further it will create total dependency upon the federal government and control over every aspect of our lives.
Radical people, very radical people, are now in key positions in government. They have clearly and expressly stated that they want to do away with a free market system, change or do away with our Constitution, do away with democracy in favor of socialism or something even worse, and give up our sovereignty as a nation in favor of world organizations. Nods have already been given to the G-20 and the IMF to do away with the dollar as the standard of currency. There are even apologies given internationally for "being America". Our national defense is purposely being weakened, our borders are not being protected. There is talk, even more than talk, of American citizens being subject to a world court.
All of this is happening right before our eyes, daily at breakneck speed. We have one chance and one chance only and that is with our vote in the very next series of elections. It doesn't make any difference if you are a democrat, a republican, an independent, or need to think American and act with your vote and act very critically. Failure to act with your vote will result in an America you do not recognize within 6 years. Not only will you not recognize our country, you and those you love will be living in an oppressive totalitarian state.
It is time to stop committing the sin of omission. It is time to speak up and act to save our country.
The loss of our country, our democracy, and our freedoms are at stake. Leadership in Washington has driven our country onto the brink of bankruptcy and the out of control spending is occurring at an accelerated rate. Excessive power is being garnered at the federal government level, something warned about by our founders. Legislation with "sound good" titles are being stampeded through an irresponsible congress, much of it with stealth add ons and purpose. Through this, and intended soon to come legislation, the result will be even more excessive spending. Worse, this will result in the undermining of freedoms of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, our Constitution, and our very democracy. Even further it will create total dependency upon the federal government and control over every aspect of our lives.
Radical people, very radical people, are now in key positions in government. They have clearly and expressly stated that they want to do away with a free market system, change or do away with our Constitution, do away with democracy in favor of socialism or something even worse, and give up our sovereignty as a nation in favor of world organizations. Nods have already been given to the G-20 and the IMF to do away with the dollar as the standard of currency. There are even apologies given internationally for "being America". Our national defense is purposely being weakened, our borders are not being protected. There is talk, even more than talk, of American citizens being subject to a world court.
All of this is happening right before our eyes, daily at breakneck speed. We have one chance and one chance only and that is with our vote in the very next series of elections. It doesn't make any difference if you are a democrat, a republican, an independent, or need to think American and act with your vote and act very critically. Failure to act with your vote will result in an America you do not recognize within 6 years. Not only will you not recognize our country, you and those you love will be living in an oppressive totalitarian state.
It is time to stop committing the sin of omission. It is time to speak up and act to save our country.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Media Control a Threat to America
Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, is on record to have bragged that the Obama campaign controlled the media rather than allowing the press to determine the narrative. She went on to say "So it was very much we controlled it, as opposed to the press controlled it." .... But we increasingly by the general election very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control". This gave great insight into what to expect from the Obama administration.
It is now estimated that about 85% of all media is controlled by the White House. They are not satisfied and currently they are launching an all out attack on Fox News, talk radio, and even the Internet. It is not a question as to whether you like these venues or not, the issue is one of cutting off all potentially opposite or critical viewpoints. Obama FCC "Diversity’ Czar", Mark Lloyd. thinks the coup that put Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in power was an "incredible, democratic revolution". He is quoted as saying, "It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. . . . This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. . . . At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies." He expressed admiration on how Hugo Chavez controls the media! This is a White House selected czar.
Obama’s new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Julius Genachowski, wants to "propose new rules that would prohibit Internet service providers from interfering with the free flow of information and certain applications over their networks". The Internet is a mass communications phenomenon that allows free ideas and freedom of speech to flow abundantly and has heretofore been allowed to exercise this freedom unchecked by the federal government.
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is a public agency (that means taxpayer funded) dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. Yet is clear that the NEA has been used as a propaganda source for the Obama campaign, as well as in support of White House policies. An Independent agency?
Propaganda is rampant throughout our education system from elementary school all the way through college. In some cases it has the appearance of classic indoctrination, not even subtle. Propaganda is being fed through all veins of the entertainment industry...television programs, movies, plays, and music.
With an announced strategy of control, followed by an attack on all avenues of media and communication, why isn't this being considered not only a major violation of the First Amendment, but an all out threat to our freedoms and democracy? Where is the media on all this? Where is journalism? Where is the critical review and questioning? Our democracy, any democracy, depends upon the media doing it's job for the good of the country.
A silent and / or complicit media is a betrayal to our country.
It is now estimated that about 85% of all media is controlled by the White House. They are not satisfied and currently they are launching an all out attack on Fox News, talk radio, and even the Internet. It is not a question as to whether you like these venues or not, the issue is one of cutting off all potentially opposite or critical viewpoints. Obama FCC "Diversity’ Czar", Mark Lloyd. thinks the coup that put Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in power was an "incredible, democratic revolution". He is quoted as saying, "It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. . . . This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. . . . At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies." He expressed admiration on how Hugo Chavez controls the media! This is a White House selected czar.
Obama’s new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Julius Genachowski, wants to "propose new rules that would prohibit Internet service providers from interfering with the free flow of information and certain applications over their networks". The Internet is a mass communications phenomenon that allows free ideas and freedom of speech to flow abundantly and has heretofore been allowed to exercise this freedom unchecked by the federal government.
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is a public agency (that means taxpayer funded) dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts bringing the arts to all Americans; and providing leadership in arts education. Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. Yet is clear that the NEA has been used as a propaganda source for the Obama campaign, as well as in support of White House policies. An Independent agency?
Propaganda is rampant throughout our education system from elementary school all the way through college. In some cases it has the appearance of classic indoctrination, not even subtle. Propaganda is being fed through all veins of the entertainment industry...television programs, movies, plays, and music.
With an announced strategy of control, followed by an attack on all avenues of media and communication, why isn't this being considered not only a major violation of the First Amendment, but an all out threat to our freedoms and democracy? Where is the media on all this? Where is journalism? Where is the critical review and questioning? Our democracy, any democracy, depends upon the media doing it's job for the good of the country.
A silent and / or complicit media is a betrayal to our country.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Devastating Financial Crisis Facing United States
Many Americans feel very uncomfortable with what is going in Washington. Massive debt with continued out of control spending, federal government over control, threats to our democracy and personal freedoms, questionable legislation being stampeded through Congress, corruption, ACORN, and more. Yet families and personal lives are continuing in a state of relative comfort, there does not appear to be a reason to panic quite yet. This is all about to change.
We are closing in on $12 trillion of debt, with a budget deficit this year alone of close to $1.8 trillion. Over the next 10 years it has been forecasted that we will incur another $9 trillion in debt and beyond. In recent secret deals with the G-20 and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) we are signing over control and the direction of our economy to them, as well as allowing them to discontinue the dollar as the world standard of currency. This will happen suddenly and shockingly before Americans have any say. The value of the dollar will decrease at an alarming rate.
In the very near future, as the dollar collapses and is no longer the standard of currency , when we stop to buy a $1 coffee we will find it will cost us $5. Filling up our gas tank that used to cost $30 will cost us $150. Home energy costs that are already expected to increase by $1600 per family will increase by $8,000. Our trip to the super market for food and other needs that usually ran about $125 a trip, will increase to $750. Everything will not only be significantly more expensive, but sky rocket in cost. This will be devastating to seniors and all people with a fixed income. Life savings that once seemed adequate will no longer be able to support people. Working people will find that their income will not keep pace with sky rocketing costs. There will be a retreat from consumer spending since people simply can't afford it. This will have the impact of further devastating the U.S. economy. Our country will become totally bankrupt and we will not be able to borrow our way out of it. Our own printed money will be valueless. Our country will be at the total mercy of the outside world, we will have no sovereignty.
Only then will people wake up. It will be too late.
We are closing in on $12 trillion of debt, with a budget deficit this year alone of close to $1.8 trillion. Over the next 10 years it has been forecasted that we will incur another $9 trillion in debt and beyond. In recent secret deals with the G-20 and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) we are signing over control and the direction of our economy to them, as well as allowing them to discontinue the dollar as the world standard of currency. This will happen suddenly and shockingly before Americans have any say. The value of the dollar will decrease at an alarming rate.
In the very near future, as the dollar collapses and is no longer the standard of currency , when we stop to buy a $1 coffee we will find it will cost us $5. Filling up our gas tank that used to cost $30 will cost us $150. Home energy costs that are already expected to increase by $1600 per family will increase by $8,000. Our trip to the super market for food and other needs that usually ran about $125 a trip, will increase to $750. Everything will not only be significantly more expensive, but sky rocket in cost. This will be devastating to seniors and all people with a fixed income. Life savings that once seemed adequate will no longer be able to support people. Working people will find that their income will not keep pace with sky rocketing costs. There will be a retreat from consumer spending since people simply can't afford it. This will have the impact of further devastating the U.S. economy. Our country will become totally bankrupt and we will not be able to borrow our way out of it. Our own printed money will be valueless. Our country will be at the total mercy of the outside world, we will have no sovereignty.
Only then will people wake up. It will be too late.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Osama bin Laden is Dead
Osama bin Laden is dead and has been for some time. A person like him with such a huge ego, a leader of the terrorist organization, Al-Qaeda, would be putting out videos every 6 months if he were alive. Yet there have been none now for several years. Why? Occasionally there will be an audio tape released claiming to be from him but the circumstances around it and its' confirmation always seem to remain cloudy. If it were real, the FBI and CIA have technology that could identify him with voice frequency analysis that is 99.65% accurate. Yet they always claim they are "studying it" and seem never to make a concrete decision on its' validity.
Many years ago President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people about the dangers and evils of the military / industrial complex. It is my belief that for some reason our government wants us to believe that Osama bin Laden is still alive, and that this lie also benefits Al-Qaeda. It is a situation like dogs chasing a fake rabbit at a dog race. We keep running after the "Osama rabbit" and this keeps the military / industrial complex flowing with hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money. Is this the real purpose of keeping him alive? This has nothing to do with either major political party, it is even bigger than that.
Osama bin Laden is dead. For those that claim he is alive...prove it! Let's see a video of him holding a current newspaper and discussing some of the key issues of today. This will never happen. American lives are being lost and hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent to support the powerful military / industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against.
Many years ago President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people about the dangers and evils of the military / industrial complex. It is my belief that for some reason our government wants us to believe that Osama bin Laden is still alive, and that this lie also benefits Al-Qaeda. It is a situation like dogs chasing a fake rabbit at a dog race. We keep running after the "Osama rabbit" and this keeps the military / industrial complex flowing with hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money. Is this the real purpose of keeping him alive? This has nothing to do with either major political party, it is even bigger than that.
Osama bin Laden is dead. For those that claim he is alive...prove it! Let's see a video of him holding a current newspaper and discussing some of the key issues of today. This will never happen. American lives are being lost and hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent to support the powerful military / industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us against.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Massachusetts in DEEP Trouble
Elected representatives in Washington and in Massachusetts have lost all rationality. In Massachusetts, a legislature with nearly 90% democrats is drunk with power. Taxpayers, citizens of the state, no longer have a say, in fact they are circumvented since those in power think that they know better than the people. Out of control spending and financial mismanagement are prevalent, led by a governor who doesn't have a clue. They get our state into a deep financial bind, then try to get out of it with silver bullets that only make things worse. Rather than attract legitimate business to our state and create jobs, short term thinking, non strategic, and failing approaches are used. Gambling is continually brought up as an apparent benefit, but those suggesting it fail to realize the longer term affects on the socio-economic condition of our state, where any apparent financial gains will be far offset by these negatives placing Massachusetts into an even deeper financial hole.
Raising taxes and fees, either directly or through stealth methods, again results with a net negative financial affect on our state. Where the short term, "apparent gain", thinkers fall short and fail to realize is that they are chasing business, taxpaying people, and shoppers out of state. In fact shoppers who used to come to Massachusetts are now on the decline. Headlines in local newspapers tell of a billion dollar shortfall over what was anticipated in income as if it were a surprise. No kidding! They didn't realize the consequences of their actions? Of course income would come down.
Unemployment is listed at 9.1%, but in reality it is much worse than that. If you look at non government jobs, those who have no other choice working part time, and those who have just given up looking for a job, I would venture to say that unemployment in Massachusetts is closer to 15%.
And now our legislature is going to look at a bill on slavery! SLAVERY? Yes, slavery was a bad thing but to look at such a bill now as a "key to any future discussion of apologies or reparation claims tied to slavery? Reparation claims, you must be kidding. Is this part of a self flagellation scheme to bring about some more of this socialistic distribution of wealth thinking? Those who are suggesting this and those who are considering it are just plain nuts in my opinion. Over 500,000 Americans lost their lives in the Civil War. Is that not reparation enough?
Voters in Massachusetts, as well as in America, need to wake up. Our state, our country, our democracy, and our very freedoms are at stake. We need to elect good people to represent us and do it with a sense of urgency.
Raising taxes and fees, either directly or through stealth methods, again results with a net negative financial affect on our state. Where the short term, "apparent gain", thinkers fall short and fail to realize is that they are chasing business, taxpaying people, and shoppers out of state. In fact shoppers who used to come to Massachusetts are now on the decline. Headlines in local newspapers tell of a billion dollar shortfall over what was anticipated in income as if it were a surprise. No kidding! They didn't realize the consequences of their actions? Of course income would come down.
Unemployment is listed at 9.1%, but in reality it is much worse than that. If you look at non government jobs, those who have no other choice working part time, and those who have just given up looking for a job, I would venture to say that unemployment in Massachusetts is closer to 15%.
And now our legislature is going to look at a bill on slavery! SLAVERY? Yes, slavery was a bad thing but to look at such a bill now as a "key to any future discussion of apologies or reparation claims tied to slavery? Reparation claims, you must be kidding. Is this part of a self flagellation scheme to bring about some more of this socialistic distribution of wealth thinking? Those who are suggesting this and those who are considering it are just plain nuts in my opinion. Over 500,000 Americans lost their lives in the Civil War. Is that not reparation enough?
Voters in Massachusetts, as well as in America, need to wake up. Our state, our country, our democracy, and our very freedoms are at stake. We need to elect good people to represent us and do it with a sense of urgency.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
To the Students
Think! Open your eyes, your ears, and your minds. Question everything. As students you are the future of our country. You will also inherit and be greatly affected by what is going on in our country today. Put aside whether you are a democrat, republican, independent, libertarian, liberal, or conservative, or whatever your beliefs. Just think for a moment about what is confronting our nation and what will be dramatically affecting your future life.
At the federal level we have out of control spending. Our national debt is fast approaching $12 trillion. This year's budget deficit alone is projected to be $1.85 trillion. Additional programs are being stampeded through an irresponsible Congress that will add even more; trillions upon trillions of dollars to our debt. This gigantic financial burden will be placed directly on YOUR shoulders and your future families. Much of this enormous spending legislation is being pushed through under the guise of "do good" programs that in reality will not make things better, but even worse while bankrupting America. I urge you to study it, READ IT, question it, get the real facts from an objective viewpoint, not by what you are just told, no matter what the source. Use your own minds and intelligence to get to the truth.
The work "socialism" is frequently and somewhat casually mentioned today as if were just another innocuous ideology. It is not. Words like "distribution of wealth", "public ownership of property", "helping the poor" are frequently used to make socialism appear attractive. In reality it is about federal government control over all aspects of our lives. The government owns and dictates, not the people. Personal freedoms become restricted. Information sources and the media are controlled. Yes, people are taken care of, but at a lower level of existence of life while a ruling elite emerges. What is sure to evolve is that sooner or later people will not be satisfied to be "taken care of" at some lower level of existence. When this occurs the ruling elite will become stronger and stronger in order to keep people under control. The result will be a totalitarian dictatorship where the people will be under a very oppressive form of government. This is the natural evolution of socialism. Study history.
People today are "fed" what to think through a process of propaganda and even indoctrination. Whether you realize it or not, you are not allowed to form your own opinions on subjects. It is cleverly fed to you. Much of it is under seemingly "do good" programs and titles. But if you REALLY look at the facts and study objectively both sides of issues, many of these programs, directions, legislation, etc. are not really what they appear to be or sold to be.
Your future is at stake. Dramatic change is happening to our country. This is an appeal for you to get involved. This is not, however, an appeal for you to get involved by FOLLOWING. Open your eyes, ears and minds. Study issues deeply, get the facts, and objectively look at all and any issues from both sides. Use your God given intelligence to make up your OWN minds.
I have great faith in young people and students. Our country is at stake like never before in our history. Your future lives are at stake. Don't be silent. Get involved. Voice your opinions. Take action in a positive way, but take action. You have great unused power. Use it constructively, but use it. America needs you!
At the federal level we have out of control spending. Our national debt is fast approaching $12 trillion. This year's budget deficit alone is projected to be $1.85 trillion. Additional programs are being stampeded through an irresponsible Congress that will add even more; trillions upon trillions of dollars to our debt. This gigantic financial burden will be placed directly on YOUR shoulders and your future families. Much of this enormous spending legislation is being pushed through under the guise of "do good" programs that in reality will not make things better, but even worse while bankrupting America. I urge you to study it, READ IT, question it, get the real facts from an objective viewpoint, not by what you are just told, no matter what the source. Use your own minds and intelligence to get to the truth.
The work "socialism" is frequently and somewhat casually mentioned today as if were just another innocuous ideology. It is not. Words like "distribution of wealth", "public ownership of property", "helping the poor" are frequently used to make socialism appear attractive. In reality it is about federal government control over all aspects of our lives. The government owns and dictates, not the people. Personal freedoms become restricted. Information sources and the media are controlled. Yes, people are taken care of, but at a lower level of existence of life while a ruling elite emerges. What is sure to evolve is that sooner or later people will not be satisfied to be "taken care of" at some lower level of existence. When this occurs the ruling elite will become stronger and stronger in order to keep people under control. The result will be a totalitarian dictatorship where the people will be under a very oppressive form of government. This is the natural evolution of socialism. Study history.
People today are "fed" what to think through a process of propaganda and even indoctrination. Whether you realize it or not, you are not allowed to form your own opinions on subjects. It is cleverly fed to you. Much of it is under seemingly "do good" programs and titles. But if you REALLY look at the facts and study objectively both sides of issues, many of these programs, directions, legislation, etc. are not really what they appear to be or sold to be.
Your future is at stake. Dramatic change is happening to our country. This is an appeal for you to get involved. This is not, however, an appeal for you to get involved by FOLLOWING. Open your eyes, ears and minds. Study issues deeply, get the facts, and objectively look at all and any issues from both sides. Use your God given intelligence to make up your OWN minds.
I have great faith in young people and students. Our country is at stake like never before in our history. Your future lives are at stake. Don't be silent. Get involved. Voice your opinions. Take action in a positive way, but take action. You have great unused power. Use it constructively, but use it. America needs you!
Indoctrination in Education
From elementary school all the way to colleges and universities we have indoctrination taking place within our schools.
The great history of our country is being replaced by false anti-American and anti-democracy textbooks. School children are being shown cartoon lectures preaching socialism and anti-Americanism.
Unproven theories of climate and global warming related movies and materials, using scare tactics, are being forced upon young children in our schools.
Darwinism / evolution teaching is being forced upon students with no opportunity for alternate views such as our creation by God.
There is an attempt to remove all aspects of our Christian / Judeo heritage from our schools under a false interpretation of the Constitution while allowing other religions and ideologies to be freely presented in our schools.
A gay agenda and lifestyle is being forced upon young school children in everything from textbooks to various forms of teaching.
Our colleges and universities are comprised of 80 to 90% left and even far left administrations and faculties, there is no balance in education. Many, schools are reported teaching socialism and a far left agenda outside of the realm of the courses being taught. Many students fear a failing grade unless they go along.
Recently, the glorification of the Obama himself and the Obama agenda is occurring in classrooms of young children.
The National Education Association (NEA) and other teacher's unions require dues from teachers, yet their cause is dedicated to the far left and partisan politics. Disturbingly, they have great influence over education in America.
How is it that these text books and various forms of teaching, that is repulsive to the majority of Americans, are allowed to get into the classrooms? How do they get there? Who approves it?
We want this widespread indoctrination of our children to stop and stop now!
The great history of our country is being replaced by false anti-American and anti-democracy textbooks. School children are being shown cartoon lectures preaching socialism and anti-Americanism.
Unproven theories of climate and global warming related movies and materials, using scare tactics, are being forced upon young children in our schools.
Darwinism / evolution teaching is being forced upon students with no opportunity for alternate views such as our creation by God.
There is an attempt to remove all aspects of our Christian / Judeo heritage from our schools under a false interpretation of the Constitution while allowing other religions and ideologies to be freely presented in our schools.
A gay agenda and lifestyle is being forced upon young school children in everything from textbooks to various forms of teaching.
Our colleges and universities are comprised of 80 to 90% left and even far left administrations and faculties, there is no balance in education. Many, schools are reported teaching socialism and a far left agenda outside of the realm of the courses being taught. Many students fear a failing grade unless they go along.
Recently, the glorification of the Obama himself and the Obama agenda is occurring in classrooms of young children.
The National Education Association (NEA) and other teacher's unions require dues from teachers, yet their cause is dedicated to the far left and partisan politics. Disturbingly, they have great influence over education in America.
How is it that these text books and various forms of teaching, that is repulsive to the majority of Americans, are allowed to get into the classrooms? How do they get there? Who approves it?
We want this widespread indoctrination of our children to stop and stop now!
No Transparency in Obama Gov't
President Obama promised transparency with his administration. Yet to date his administration has been one of the LEAST transparent administrations in history. Critical, high impact, and enormously important legislation has been rammed through Congress without allowing time for anyone to read it, including many of those in Congress, let alone the American people. Currently senators are negotiating on Senator Max Baucus' healthcare proposal and when finalized they have no intention of letting the American people have a chance to read it!
On a partisan vote, Democrats in the Senate Finance Committee squashed an amendment by Senator Jim Bunning that would have required the Baucus' bill to be posted on the Internet for all Americans to read 72 hours prior to the Committee voting on it. Also denied was a request to allow people to see how much the bill would cost as assessed by the independent, non partisan, Congressional Budget Office so the real impact could be known before a vote.
The plan appears to be an attempt to pass the Baucus proposal under a cloak of secrecy without telling concerned Americans what it will cost and how it will affect our healthcare.
This is not only outrageous, but it is contrary to our whole concept of democracy through a representative form of government...yet of the people, by the people, and for the people. There is NO transparency and people are not a factor in this government.
Where is the press and media on this? You are doing a great, great disservice to America by your failure to objectively report the truth.
On a partisan vote, Democrats in the Senate Finance Committee squashed an amendment by Senator Jim Bunning that would have required the Baucus' bill to be posted on the Internet for all Americans to read 72 hours prior to the Committee voting on it. Also denied was a request to allow people to see how much the bill would cost as assessed by the independent, non partisan, Congressional Budget Office so the real impact could be known before a vote.
The plan appears to be an attempt to pass the Baucus proposal under a cloak of secrecy without telling concerned Americans what it will cost and how it will affect our healthcare.
This is not only outrageous, but it is contrary to our whole concept of democracy through a representative form of government...yet of the people, by the people, and for the people. There is NO transparency and people are not a factor in this government.
Where is the press and media on this? You are doing a great, great disservice to America by your failure to objectively report the truth.
Why Corruption Must Be Stopped
Huge dollar numbers, today, are tossed around like they are almost meaningless...trillions and billions of dollars! Let's put things into perspective. The City of Chicopee, Massachusetts has a population of approximately 55,000 people. The median income per household is $36,000 per year and the average income per capita is only $19,000. Approximately 12.3% of the population are below the poverty line.
The most recent annual budget, fiscal year 2010, of the City of Chicopee is $148 million.
Yet an organization like ACORN, that the American people know is widely corrupt, was slated to get $8.5 billion of taxpayer "stimulus" money!
Now let's put that into perspective. That $8.5 billion slated to be given to a corrupt organization would pay for the annual budget of Chicopee, Massachusetts for 57 years!! That's right, 57 years!
Think about it.
The most recent annual budget, fiscal year 2010, of the City of Chicopee is $148 million.
Yet an organization like ACORN, that the American people know is widely corrupt, was slated to get $8.5 billion of taxpayer "stimulus" money!
Now let's put that into perspective. That $8.5 billion slated to be given to a corrupt organization would pay for the annual budget of Chicopee, Massachusetts for 57 years!! That's right, 57 years!
Think about it.
The State vs. The American People
The situation in our nation is fast becoming one of the State (the government) vs. the American people. The American people have a very serious and growing concern over widespread corruption, out of control spending, increasing taxes, high unemployment, too much federal government control, lack of voice in government, radicals in key positions in government, apologizing to the world about America, indoctrination of young school children and students at all levels of education, loss of freedoms, and even more. As a consequence people who normally are quiet are waking up and speaking up. There is a groundswell spreading across America, neighbor to neighbor, in the coffee shops and lunch rooms, in the work place, at barber shops and beauty salons...all over the country. This major movement is being misunderstood, misconstrued, and underestimated. It is occurring at all age levels, across race, and even across political party lines.
Those in Washington, rightfully criticized, are reacting by considering the people who are speaking up with disdain, rather than true citizens of our country. In fact they are treating the American people as the enemy! In the past, the vast majority of people in America have been quiet, and what you hear and read about are the vocal minority, or those who have definite agenda based organizations. Yet this new groundswell is much larger in number than realized and is a true grass roots level movement.
The people now speaking up are just ordinary Americans, not mobsters, Nazi's, right wing radicals, crazies, etc. The rallies across America have been peaceful, orderly, and respectful, not like many others where there is the tendency toward hate and violence. They even clean up after themselves which is rare. There are always a few that attend that might be on the fringe but this no way represents the entirety, not even close. They are people who are deeply concerned about the direction of our country and the predictable gloomy future that will surely result for themselves, their children and grandchildren. The movement is growing through networking by people discovering that there are many others who share the same deep concerns. All kinds of false accusations are levied upon them, much of this coming from the White House and many in Congress, as well as the media. Yet they are wrong, and they are not going away. They are laying in wait for the next opportunity to vote. They are organizing to change to current misdirection of the country. They are a powerful new force in America. The old adage of waking a sleeping giant applies!
Yet in America today, shamefully, we have a situation where those elected to represent us are not listening, in fact they refuse to listen with an attitude that they know better. Worse, what we have occurring in America today is a situation where The State considers the American people as the enemy.
Those in Washington, rightfully criticized, are reacting by considering the people who are speaking up with disdain, rather than true citizens of our country. In fact they are treating the American people as the enemy! In the past, the vast majority of people in America have been quiet, and what you hear and read about are the vocal minority, or those who have definite agenda based organizations. Yet this new groundswell is much larger in number than realized and is a true grass roots level movement.
The people now speaking up are just ordinary Americans, not mobsters, Nazi's, right wing radicals, crazies, etc. The rallies across America have been peaceful, orderly, and respectful, not like many others where there is the tendency toward hate and violence. They even clean up after themselves which is rare. There are always a few that attend that might be on the fringe but this no way represents the entirety, not even close. They are people who are deeply concerned about the direction of our country and the predictable gloomy future that will surely result for themselves, their children and grandchildren. The movement is growing through networking by people discovering that there are many others who share the same deep concerns. All kinds of false accusations are levied upon them, much of this coming from the White House and many in Congress, as well as the media. Yet they are wrong, and they are not going away. They are laying in wait for the next opportunity to vote. They are organizing to change to current misdirection of the country. They are a powerful new force in America. The old adage of waking a sleeping giant applies!
Yet in America today, shamefully, we have a situation where those elected to represent us are not listening, in fact they refuse to listen with an attitude that they know better. Worse, what we have occurring in America today is a situation where The State considers the American people as the enemy.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Turn on the Water!
Madness! That is the only way to describe the actions by our federal government in cutting off the water supply to one of the most fertile and important farming areas in the United States, the San Joaquin Valley in California. Former Fresno Mayor Alan Autry called the action by our federal government an act of domestic terror citing that after 9/11 Homeland Security asked him to work with them to protect the water supply since it was considered "vital" to America's food supply. Yet we now have federal orders to shut off water to this area for an unproven theory about protecting a 2 inch smelt. Utter craziness!
This act by our federal government has devastated the state's farm economy. In the inland areas the jobless rate has hit 14.3%, with some farming towns like Mendota seeing unemployment numbers near 40%. In August, 50 mayors from the San Joaquin Valley signed a letter pleading to observe the devastating situation and to take action. This has caused a loss of 40,000 jobs and has resulted in Americans standing in food lines! Even further it deprives America with approximately 12% of our food supply, has a negative impact of billions upon billions of dollars upon our economy, and forces us to rely upon food imported from China, Mexico, and South America with all the associated health risks.
Over 83 billion gallons per month of water that was normally dedicated to the farming fields are now dumped out to the ocean. The result is 300,000 acres of precious farming land that is now dried out and parched, it actually makes you sick to the stomach to see it.
We have a situation and a federal government that is out of control, that is willfully and purposely hurting America, destroying jobs, damaging and restricting our food supply, hurting our economy, and causing unnecessary health risks. We have a federal government that not only ignores the American people, but the pleas of many responsible representatives of government including mayors, elected state representatives, congressmen, governors, and responsible media.
There should be outrage. What are we doing to our country? TURN ON THE WATER!
This act by our federal government has devastated the state's farm economy. In the inland areas the jobless rate has hit 14.3%, with some farming towns like Mendota seeing unemployment numbers near 40%. In August, 50 mayors from the San Joaquin Valley signed a letter pleading to observe the devastating situation and to take action. This has caused a loss of 40,000 jobs and has resulted in Americans standing in food lines! Even further it deprives America with approximately 12% of our food supply, has a negative impact of billions upon billions of dollars upon our economy, and forces us to rely upon food imported from China, Mexico, and South America with all the associated health risks.
Over 83 billion gallons per month of water that was normally dedicated to the farming fields are now dumped out to the ocean. The result is 300,000 acres of precious farming land that is now dried out and parched, it actually makes you sick to the stomach to see it.
We have a situation and a federal government that is out of control, that is willfully and purposely hurting America, destroying jobs, damaging and restricting our food supply, hurting our economy, and causing unnecessary health risks. We have a federal government that not only ignores the American people, but the pleas of many responsible representatives of government including mayors, elected state representatives, congressmen, governors, and responsible media.
There should be outrage. What are we doing to our country? TURN ON THE WATER!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Barack Obama - A Question of Character
President Barack Obama - A Question of Character
During the presidential election, several of Barack Obama's past relationships raised some very serious questions about Obama, his character and agenda for America. Since his election there have been further alarms over his continuing poor choices of those who surround his presidency. Following is only a partial list.
Reverend Jeremiah Wright...A radical preacher who spews racism and anti-Americanism. Obama was married by him, had his daughters baptized by him, and was a member of his congregation for 20 years. Yet Obama claims he did know what he was like?
Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn...Responsible for 1970 bombings of the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol, and other government buildings. Most likely responsible for the murder of a San Francisco policeman. Members of a communist terrorist gang called the Weather Underground whose aim was to support communist regimes and anti-American movements around the world and destroy the United States. The group received terrorist training in Communist Cuba and were advised by Soviet and Cuban intelligence agents. Ayers and Dohrn hosted a meet-and-greet at their house to introduce Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate.
Sam Graham-Felsen... A hardcore Marxist who hung a Communist Party flag in his Harvard campus apartment and published a self-professed "revolutionary Marxist" journal. He joined Obama for America where he worked for the New Media department and he ran the daily blog presenting Obama's presidential campaign's public face.
Franklin Raines...This criminal was an Obama campaign adviser. As an executive at Fannie Mae, he illegally coerced his employees to falsify accounting facts so he’d get a maximum bonus. The government-backed firm used Enron-like fraud, in part at Raines’s orders, to create the largest bail-out in US history. Raines had the whistleblower fired. He took over $90 Million from Fannie Mae.
Rahm Emanuel... Obama’s Chief of Staff, once said, “Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things.” Emanuel mailed a rotten fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways. On the night after the 1996 election, Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name. This person who is known as a vicious politician is now a key Obama adviser. It is no surprise that those American citizens who voice opposition to Obama’s policies are labeled as the enemy and are ridiculed by the Obama administration.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel… A health policy advisor to President Obama and brother of Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Dr. Emanuel believes doctors try too hard to apply the Hippocratic Oath to everyone as equally as possible, which is what drives up costs. Instead Emanuel thinks we need to ration basic guaranteed care to only those who can fully participate in society. Essentially Dr. Emanuel implies that the elderly, the young who have neurological disorders, the handicapped, and the disabled should be sacrificed for the common good.
Van Jones…Obama’s "green jobs" adviser /czar whose exposed past forced him to resign. The very fact that Obama appointed him raises serious questions. He is a self proclaimed communist and Marxist who has been advocating using the green / environmental agenda as an excuse / entry into radically changing America most probably into a socialist, even communist state. He signed a document saying that the 9/11 attack on the United States was an inside job. He was a San Francisco Bay Area radical agitator, a committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, who waged war on the police and capitalist system. Van Jones went on to lead the communist organization called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). A key adviser to Obama?
Carol M. Browner…Obama’s Climate and Energy Czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for “global governance” and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change. Socialist International, an umbrella group for many of the world's social democratic political parties, says it supports socialism and is harshly critical of U.S. policies.
Harold Koh…An Obama appointee and a high-ranking legal adviser in the State Department , former dean of the Law School at Yale University. Koh is an advocate of transnationalism, which is defined as being a concept that argues in favor of “global governance” as opposed to the constitutional sovereignty of independent nation-states. In other words, he does not support the sovereignty of the United States and the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land. Koh supports the introduction of sharia law into the United States.
John Holdren…This is Obama’s Science Czar who believes women could be forced to abort their pregnancies whether they wanted to or not; the population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food; single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise; people who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” , in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized. He also advocates that a transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives, using an armed international police force. This appointment was made by the President of the United States!
Mark Lloyd… This is Obama’s Federal Communication Commission Diversity Czar. He is an open admirer of Marxist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. In 2006 while at the liberal Center for American Progress Lloyd wrote a book entitled, Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America. In the book he presents the idea the private broadcasters (private business) should pay a licensing fees which equals their total operating costs so that public broadcasting station can spend the same on their operations as the private companies do. Not only does he want to redistribute private profits, he wants to regulate much of the programming on these stations to make sure they focus on “diverse views” (Progressive Views) and government activities. He essentially wants government control of the media and wants to throttle radio and television media that might be considered right wing, in favor of government controlled left wing.
Cass Sunstein… This is Obama’s Regulatory Czar. Sunstein believes that hunting should be banned and animals should have the right to sue people. He also believes there should be a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet, that there is too much open and free communication allowed.
George Soros…Through a network of organizations Soros has been a major supporter of Barack Obama. Some are of the opinion that he has contributed huge sums of money both legally and illegally through his confusing network and that he exercises undue and dangerous influence on our country, and especially now upon the Obama administration. His funding is thought to have caused the democratic party being taken over by the far left. Soros, a socialist, calls the United States a danger to world peace, he wants to subordinate the United States to the United Nations or some other international government., essentially have us become part of a one world government. Near all of his funded network of organizations is aimed at undermining or upsetting American society.
Eric Holder...This is Obama's Attorney General. In the closing days of the Clinton administration, Holder was involved with the President's controversial decision to pardon fugitive Democratic Party contributor Marc Rich. Holder was also involved in Clinton’s other questionable decision to reduce the sentences of several members of the Boricua Popular Army which was then labeled by the FBI as a terrorist organization. Recently he refused to prosecute the New Black Panther organization who clearly violated federal law by intimidating voters at a Philadelphia voting location while in uniform with clubs in their hands in front of the entrance. Holder appears to take marching orders directly from the far left and from the ACLU.
Timothy Geithner..This is Obama's Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner failed to pay self employment taxes when he worked for the International Monetary Fund from 2001 to 2004. This failure to pay taxes appears to have been purposeful since the IMF provides employees with a manual and several documents reminding them of their responsibility. This person is now responsible for the IRS.
Jeffrey Immelt...This is the Chairman / CEO of General Electric Company who drove a successful company to the brink of failure. Under Immelt GE has been suspected to have sold goods to Iran in violation of federal law. Iran has essentially been an enemy of the United States and has supplied arms and other military support that killed American soldiers in Iraq and elsewhere. Suddenly the company has appeared to improve its financial condition somewhat due to a close and highly questionable relationship with Obama. During the presidential campaign, Immelt used his media divisions, part of GE Corporation, as "marketing arms" in support of Obama. This includes NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC. The coverage was so overwhelmingly biased that there was little doubt about the close association. Since elected the Immelt media sources have become much like a state run media. Obama has appointed Immelt as a financial adviser and GE now stands to make billions of dollars on "cap and trade" legislation. Not only is GE the largest wind turbine generator maker, they are going to profit heavily from the “cap and trade” credits as possibly the sole secondary market trader of these credits. Immelt has now been appointed by Obama as a Director of the New York Federal Reserve. Nowhere in the history of the United Sates has a major media source been controlled by the White House coupled with such an overt questionable relationship where an industry has been able to suddenly gain financial advantage directly through the White House.
It goes on and on, above is just a sampling of some of the more significant and questionable Obama relationships, past and current. In addition to those people mentioned above there is a question of Obama's long association with ACORN. This has been recognized as a radical organization that sponsored wide spread voter fraud, has bullied and intimidated banks, businesses, and individuals, and been accused of a variety of illegal activities. One or two of these relationships might be explained off. But a very large number, a multitude of these relationships / associations, bring about a question of character. Obama's character as President of the United States.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Age Discrimination Complaint Filed on Healthcare
Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services September 3, 2009
Office for Civil Rights
Washington, DC 20201
Subject: Complaint in Violation of The Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Dear Director:
This is a serious, not a frivolous complaint, concerning the impending and certain violation based upon age of (House Bill) H.R.3200 - America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and the Senate Bill, The Affordable Health Choices Act. It is a fact that the United States does not have the doctor / medical services to provide healthcare for an additional 50 million people. The net result of these legislations will certainly lead to rationing. Already proposed is that the necessary rationing will exclude Americans based upon age for certain, necessary health services, treatment and care. This has been clearly stated by both those who have been involved with formulating these Bills and by those advising. This is a clear discrimination based upon age.
This complaint is being filed for myself, at 70 years of age, and for the 60 million Americans today 55 and older, and for the expected 107.6 million Americans (31 percent of the population) expected in 2030. This amounts to no less than massive age discrimination.
As you know The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 is a national law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance, which will certainly be the case with the aforementioned House and Senate Healthcare Bills.
In addition to a violation of The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, these healthcare Bills would also be a violation of both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution that provide protection against discrimination by federal and state governments. The 5th Amendment prohibits the federal government from depriving individuals of "life, liberty, or property" and for equal protection under the law. By depriving senior citizens the necessary care for life saving medical treatment and, for not providing equal protection, this becomes a clear violation of this Amendment. In addition The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from violating an individual's rights and equal protection. The proposed federally mandated healthcare bills would necessarily transcend to the state level through implementation.
This is a serious complaint involving massive and continuing discrimination in the United States in direct violation to The Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
On behalf of myself and the 60 million Americans 55 years and older I request that you expeditiously address this serious complaint. I will most anxiously await your reply.
Office for Civil Rights
Washington, DC 20201
Subject: Complaint in Violation of The Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Dear Director:
This is a serious, not a frivolous complaint, concerning the impending and certain violation based upon age of (House Bill) H.R.3200 - America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and the Senate Bill, The Affordable Health Choices Act. It is a fact that the United States does not have the doctor / medical services to provide healthcare for an additional 50 million people. The net result of these legislations will certainly lead to rationing. Already proposed is that the necessary rationing will exclude Americans based upon age for certain, necessary health services, treatment and care. This has been clearly stated by both those who have been involved with formulating these Bills and by those advising. This is a clear discrimination based upon age.
This complaint is being filed for myself, at 70 years of age, and for the 60 million Americans today 55 and older, and for the expected 107.6 million Americans (31 percent of the population) expected in 2030. This amounts to no less than massive age discrimination.
As you know The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 is a national law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance, which will certainly be the case with the aforementioned House and Senate Healthcare Bills.
In addition to a violation of The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, these healthcare Bills would also be a violation of both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution that provide protection against discrimination by federal and state governments. The 5th Amendment prohibits the federal government from depriving individuals of "life, liberty, or property" and for equal protection under the law. By depriving senior citizens the necessary care for life saving medical treatment and, for not providing equal protection, this becomes a clear violation of this Amendment. In addition The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from violating an individual's rights and equal protection. The proposed federally mandated healthcare bills would necessarily transcend to the state level through implementation.
This is a serious complaint involving massive and continuing discrimination in the United States in direct violation to The Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
On behalf of myself and the 60 million Americans 55 years and older I request that you expeditiously address this serious complaint. I will most anxiously await your reply.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Ted Kennedy, Another View
In recent days there has been a glorification of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. I have a different view. We should never judge others, that is solely up to God. Yet we have a right to an opinion and we have a right, even a duty, to point out something that we consider very wrong, especially when something has been given such wide spread attention.
While Kennedy has been glorified as a hero I think about the millions of babies lives that were lost through abortion under his "leadership" in the senate. I think about him voting 6 times in favor of partial birth abortion. I think about a meeting at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Mass in 1964, where the Kennedy family and supporters were coached by theologians and "Catholic" college professors on how to accept and promote abortion with a "clear conscience." This then set the model and pattern for many "Catholic" politicians thereafter to rationalize going after the pro-abortion vote, thanks to Ted Kennedy.
This did not change, however, that the Catholic Church considers abortion a grave sin against God and humanity.
I think about a beautiful young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, and how she was left to die.
I think about his lifetime of womanizing and adultery, but worse how he degraded women and used them as objects.
I think about how he viciously attacked a good man like Robert Bork simply because Bork believed in preserving the life a an innocent child. Bork who is not only a good man, but one of the best judicial scholars in the country and would have made an excellent Supreme Court Justice.
I think about how he lectured and publicly criticized Pope John Paul II for standing firm on the issue of abortion following TRUE Catholic beliefs and doctrine. Ted Kennedy lecturing the Pope, the ultimate hypocrisy!
I think about the near treasonous acts of Ted Kennedy in 1983 as depicted in now released Soviet documents where he attempted to undercut the United States under President Ronald Reagan in return for political favor from the Soviet Union while we were involved in a Cold War.
I think about his ex-wife Joan being found lying in the gutter on the streets of Boston and the impact of he had on Joan Kennedy's life.
I think about the sorry state of our country today, much as a result of Ted Kennedy's leadership. This includes the erosion of our values and our current financial crisis.
I think about his quest of healthcare for "all", yet the Bills he supported will most certainly neglect the elderly, the handicapped, and the disabled through the rationing that will occur.
Yes, we should all pray for his soul and forgiveness, but another view of Ted Kennedy needs to be brought out vs. the current glorification. His funeral services seemed to imply how "Catholic" he and the Kennedy family are, yet they violate the most fundamental and important Catholic doctrine concerning the dignity of life through their support of abortion. All other good works diminish if the life of an innocent, helpless child is not protected, and even encouraged to be taken! His example needs to be criticized so that younger people and other people can see him for what he REALLY was.
Having now had the opportunity to meet Our Lord, if he were to come back, I wonder what Ted Kennedy would now say about abortion.
While Kennedy has been glorified as a hero I think about the millions of babies lives that were lost through abortion under his "leadership" in the senate. I think about him voting 6 times in favor of partial birth abortion. I think about a meeting at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Mass in 1964, where the Kennedy family and supporters were coached by theologians and "Catholic" college professors on how to accept and promote abortion with a "clear conscience." This then set the model and pattern for many "Catholic" politicians thereafter to rationalize going after the pro-abortion vote, thanks to Ted Kennedy.
This did not change, however, that the Catholic Church considers abortion a grave sin against God and humanity.
I think about a beautiful young woman, Mary Jo Kopechne, and how she was left to die.
I think about his lifetime of womanizing and adultery, but worse how he degraded women and used them as objects.
I think about how he viciously attacked a good man like Robert Bork simply because Bork believed in preserving the life a an innocent child. Bork who is not only a good man, but one of the best judicial scholars in the country and would have made an excellent Supreme Court Justice.
I think about how he lectured and publicly criticized Pope John Paul II for standing firm on the issue of abortion following TRUE Catholic beliefs and doctrine. Ted Kennedy lecturing the Pope, the ultimate hypocrisy!
I think about the near treasonous acts of Ted Kennedy in 1983 as depicted in now released Soviet documents where he attempted to undercut the United States under President Ronald Reagan in return for political favor from the Soviet Union while we were involved in a Cold War.
I think about his ex-wife Joan being found lying in the gutter on the streets of Boston and the impact of he had on Joan Kennedy's life.
I think about the sorry state of our country today, much as a result of Ted Kennedy's leadership. This includes the erosion of our values and our current financial crisis.
I think about his quest of healthcare for "all", yet the Bills he supported will most certainly neglect the elderly, the handicapped, and the disabled through the rationing that will occur.
Yes, we should all pray for his soul and forgiveness, but another view of Ted Kennedy needs to be brought out vs. the current glorification. His funeral services seemed to imply how "Catholic" he and the Kennedy family are, yet they violate the most fundamental and important Catholic doctrine concerning the dignity of life through their support of abortion. All other good works diminish if the life of an innocent, helpless child is not protected, and even encouraged to be taken! His example needs to be criticized so that younger people and other people can see him for what he REALLY was.
Having now had the opportunity to meet Our Lord, if he were to come back, I wonder what Ted Kennedy would now say about abortion.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
White House to Curtail Freedom of Speech
The White House that controls most of the media has been frustrated for some time by the ability of people to communicate freely on the Internet. This includes E-mail, blogs, and twitter...the ability of people to communicate, send each other information, the ability to do research on a topic to get the facts, look up information, communicate a contrary opinion, organize thoughts and efforts in know, freedom of speech.
Now a bill is being put forward by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, who has spent months drafting it behind closed doors. The 55-page draft of S.773. which appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks of the Internet during a so-called "cybersecurity emergency". It is troubling, like most of the legislation being pushed through today by its vagueness. This is the new trick in legislation, make it voluminous and vague, this then gives the White House the power to make it anything they want to, very scary.
When Rockefeller, the chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced the original bill in April, they claimed it was vital to protect national cybersecurity. "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs--from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records," Rockefeller said.
The White House is supposed to engage in "periodic mapping" of private networks deemed to be critical, and those companies "shall share" requested information with the federal government. "Cyber" is defined as anything having to do with the Internet, telecommunications, computers, or computer networks. There's no provision for any administrative process or review. This is very troubling and then you have the amorphous powers that go along with it.
Wake up, America!
Now a bill is being put forward by Sen. Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, who has spent months drafting it behind closed doors. The 55-page draft of S.773. which appears to permit the president to seize temporary control of private-sector networks of the Internet during a so-called "cybersecurity emergency". It is troubling, like most of the legislation being pushed through today by its vagueness. This is the new trick in legislation, make it voluminous and vague, this then gives the White House the power to make it anything they want to, very scary.
When Rockefeller, the chairman of the Senate Commerce committee, and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced the original bill in April, they claimed it was vital to protect national cybersecurity. "We must protect our critical infrastructure at all costs--from our water to our electricity, to banking, traffic lights and electronic health records," Rockefeller said.
The White House is supposed to engage in "periodic mapping" of private networks deemed to be critical, and those companies "shall share" requested information with the federal government. "Cyber" is defined as anything having to do with the Internet, telecommunications, computers, or computer networks. There's no provision for any administrative process or review. This is very troubling and then you have the amorphous powers that go along with it.
Wake up, America!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fire Washington
One can understand when an administration inherits a financial downturn that it will take some time to turn the situation around under the "new management". When the new administration, however, PLANS for a deficit of $9.05 trillion over the next 10 years that is inexcusable. Imagine if it were a business, or any other kind of organization, where those in charge told senior management we are going to operate at a massive deficit for the next 10 years. How long do you think that they would last before they got fired?
Yet that is exactly what we have going on in Washington today. Massive and out of control spending. The American people "hired" the current administration to get us out of the current financial crisis, not to continue it and make it significantly worse. Where is the plan for economic growth and income? Where is the plan for the cutting of wasteful federal spending? Give any good management 10 years and it is not only expected that it will be turned around, it should be demanded.
The American people are senior management. It is time that we fire an administration and those in Washington who are responsible for PLANNING a deficit of over $9 trillion over the next 10 years. It is unacceptable.
Yet that is exactly what we have going on in Washington today. Massive and out of control spending. The American people "hired" the current administration to get us out of the current financial crisis, not to continue it and make it significantly worse. Where is the plan for economic growth and income? Where is the plan for the cutting of wasteful federal spending? Give any good management 10 years and it is not only expected that it will be turned around, it should be demanded.
The American people are senior management. It is time that we fire an administration and those in Washington who are responsible for PLANNING a deficit of over $9 trillion over the next 10 years. It is unacceptable.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
For One Brief Moment - September 11, 2001
For One Brief Moment
September 11, 2001
For one brief moment on September the 11th time seemed to stand still. People sought family members and recognized the importance of family. Parents gathered their children with a self-protecting love. Helping and caring about other people occurred. Acts of charity were plentiful and strong. There was an assessment of life and what is really important. News media, and many others, invoked the name of God. Churches, and places of worship were full. People unashamedly prayed. There was a strong feeling of patriotism, a pride in being American, and a desire to show the flag. Crime, and even the thought of it, was absent. We were all in support of our President. Congress and all elected leadership worked together for the good of our country instead of partisan politics. Nations across the world expressed concern, sadness, and unity with the United States.
For one brief moment……
Saturday, August 15, 2009
ALL People Have Value to Society
Every human being irrespective of age and condition in life has value to society. This includes the complete spectrum from very young children to older seniors. It includes those who are handicapped or disabled, those who may have an illness, and those who have a physical or mental impairment. It includes people of all races, religions, and national origins. All have value to society and the potential of making both small and large contributions to society. No person, government, or organization can know or predict what contributions are possible from other human beings.
Love is immeasurable. The love between husband and wife, parents and children, brother and sister, or just the love between friends. The love that is given, and the love that flows back from grandparents to grandchildren. The love by parents of a down syndrome child, and the love given back to the parents by this child. In addition to love, there is the great value of teaching and learning from each other, and the interaction between people of all ages and condition in life. Some cultures show great respect for age and for good reason. A person who has lived long has gained great experience and wisdom, and in many cases has seen the consequences of choices and actions. Further there is an opportunity to gain pure input and wisdom on issues of importance; and major contributions to society.
Yet in the healthcare debate today there is a very strong undertone of placing "value" on people in regard to their age and physical or mental condition. Missing is the value of love. There is a strong implication in healthcare planning that some are worth more than others in regard to spending money and medical treatment time on them. Unfortunately it is more than undertone, there are some in high positions who have given advice and opinions on recent healthcare planning who have actually stated that we should consider some more valuable to society and others not worth the cost and time. What it shows is how low we have sunk in morality in our country that this would even be considered as a factor.
Is this one of the solutions for healthcare in our ration medical care and treatment only to those who are deemed worthy? To play God at a high level of government, to determine who deserves to live and who does not?
We need to stop and think where we are headed as a country. The rationing of healthcare being proposed by some, that considers some people more valuable than others, is not what America is about. The current thinking and direction is nothing short of sinister.
ALL people have value.
Love is immeasurable. The love between husband and wife, parents and children, brother and sister, or just the love between friends. The love that is given, and the love that flows back from grandparents to grandchildren. The love by parents of a down syndrome child, and the love given back to the parents by this child. In addition to love, there is the great value of teaching and learning from each other, and the interaction between people of all ages and condition in life. Some cultures show great respect for age and for good reason. A person who has lived long has gained great experience and wisdom, and in many cases has seen the consequences of choices and actions. Further there is an opportunity to gain pure input and wisdom on issues of importance; and major contributions to society.
Yet in the healthcare debate today there is a very strong undertone of placing "value" on people in regard to their age and physical or mental condition. Missing is the value of love. There is a strong implication in healthcare planning that some are worth more than others in regard to spending money and medical treatment time on them. Unfortunately it is more than undertone, there are some in high positions who have given advice and opinions on recent healthcare planning who have actually stated that we should consider some more valuable to society and others not worth the cost and time. What it shows is how low we have sunk in morality in our country that this would even be considered as a factor.
Is this one of the solutions for healthcare in our ration medical care and treatment only to those who are deemed worthy? To play God at a high level of government, to determine who deserves to live and who does not?
We need to stop and think where we are headed as a country. The rationing of healthcare being proposed by some, that considers some people more valuable than others, is not what America is about. The current thinking and direction is nothing short of sinister.
ALL people have value.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Washington Arrogance on Healthcare
The most disturbing aspect of the current healthcare debate is a question of tone. Sincere people, the elderly, and many other people who question or oppose a federally controlled national healthcare plan are being considered by the White House and certain democrats as the enemy. They are being labeled as radicals, nazis, right wingers, nuts, and even being called un-American. Senator Arlen Specter, after a town hall meeting with his constituents claimed that the people attending did not represent America. These were his constituents! Representative Sheila Jackson Lee at a town hall meeting was so rude that she talked on her cell phone while people were attempting to ask her a question or give their input on healthcare. That in itself is symbolic. Basic courtesies were not even given to the people of her district.
Think for a moment. Nancy Pelosi, the person who heads a body of government entitled THE HOUSE OF "REPRESENTATIVES" (those who are supposed to REPRESENT us) said that those who question, who voice their opinions, who speak up in opposition, who disagree with the current direction are un-American. In a letter to Organizing for America President Obama called those who question his healthcare plan "the opposition".
Not only are those in Washington not interested in the voice of the people, it has reached a point of arrogance that they have utter disdain for those who differ in opinion. Now THAT, is un-American!
Think for a moment. Nancy Pelosi, the person who heads a body of government entitled THE HOUSE OF "REPRESENTATIVES" (those who are supposed to REPRESENT us) said that those who question, who voice their opinions, who speak up in opposition, who disagree with the current direction are un-American. In a letter to Organizing for America President Obama called those who question his healthcare plan "the opposition".
Not only are those in Washington not interested in the voice of the people, it has reached a point of arrogance that they have utter disdain for those who differ in opinion. Now THAT, is un-American!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Opposing View to Nancy Pelosi
(This was submitted as an opposing view Op-ed to that of Nancy Pelosi / Steny Hoyer appearing in USA Today August 10. 2009, "Un-American attacks can't derail healthcare debate". I firmly believe that USA Today has an obligation to print opposing view Op-eds.)
I am a semi-retired 70 year old small business owner with very deep concerns about the direction of our country. I am not a member of any organization or "mob", I am not a radical, and I am a registered democrat although in recent times it is difficult to identify with the party of today. I firmly believe that our country is in grave danger under the current direction in Washington, this includes both major parties. I am concerned, not so much for myself, but for the future of my children, my grandchildren, and for all future generations of Americans. The voice of the people in our country is no longer being heard, in fact it is being shut out. Special interest groups, lobbies, organizations that are unethical and even illegal, and irresponsible politicians are running our country. Nearly all of the warnings as given by the Founders of our country in regard to preventing the failure of our democracy are being violated.
Our nation is being driven into bankruptcy. With all the numbers and financial analysis being tossed around one has to only look at basic facts. Our nation is now at $11.7 trillion in debt and climbing, the expected budget shortfall this fiscal year alone is $1.84 trillion, and that is also climbing. Manufacturing and other private business in America have been devastated with extremely high unemployment in the private, non government employee sector. The US trade deficit is expected to be approximately $700 billion this year. Legislation is being stampeded through Congress that will add even trillions of more dollars to our debt. To me this is not only bankruptcy, but places our nation in peril.
At the same time extensive control of our country is being centralized within the federal government. This includes the seizure of major banks, financial institutions, major auto companies, the US Census, energy sources, organized labor, and other areas vital to the US. There are estimates of 3 dozen "czars" reporting directly to President Obama. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd stated, "The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," There is a strong feeling by many that by purposely creating a false sense of urgency, a series of legislation with "sound good" titles are being rammed through Congress that will severely limit the basic freedoms of Americans. Much of this legislation will add significantly to our debt.
Now underway is an attempt to control the healthcare of all Americans at the federal level. There is no doubt that our current healthcare needs fixing, more like fine tuning, and there are some identified logical steps to do this. The role of the federal government, however, should be that of oversight, not complete control as now intended. Misleading numbers have been used. The claim is that there are 47 million people are without healthcare coverage. Out of that number there are 9.1 million people who earn $75,000 a year or more and chose not to have healthcare insurance, even though they can afford it. That is their choice! The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 59% of the nations illegal immigrants are uninsured, or about 7.1 million people. This means that effectively 90% of Americans, who want it, have health insurance. Further, for the most part, these 90% are very satisfied with their coverage. As a further indicator an AOL online poll (7/31/09) with over 50,000 votes showed 78% of the people oppose Obama's healthcare plan. Only 10% support it. All of this supports the fine tuning required, not a massive federal takeover.
There are other very serious issues with the proposed healthcare legislation. A chief advisor to Obama is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Either in direct words or by clear implication Dr. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else. He believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens". Unbelievably, in order to reduce costs he clearly implies that those who are lesser to society such as the elderly, handicapped, and disabled, should not be fully treated. He essentially favors a eugenics approach to healthcare. There is good reason why many elderly people, and many others are angry! They have a right to be. Further, it is misleading to say that a federal healthcare system will be budget neutral. The independent Congressional Budget Office has indicated that it will cost over $1 trillion. The net cost to taxpayers will be very significant.
People who HAVE read the entire 1500 page healthcare bill have serious concerns about specifics in the bill and some of these have been pointed out. Further there seems to be a new approach to legislation that should be highly questionable. This is in reference to voluminous legislation, yet still written in general terms that become "law". This law is then placed into specific federal regulations by Washington bureaucrats. Those who vote on it, let alone the American people, have no idea what the specific federal regulations are going to be. This gives an immense amount of unchecked freedom for the regulations to say anything they want them to, without any checks and balances.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the fact that the American people's opinion and desires on running our country seem to be no longer considered. Given our current crisis and the alarming direction being set by those in Washington, people have a right to be heard and have a right to be upset. Anyone who has observed some of the tea parties and now the town hall meetings can readily see that many of those speaking up are just regular citizens, the elderly, various races and backgrounds, as well as many democrats. Yet they are being demonized as radicals, nazis, right wing nuts, and being called un-American. There is an attempt to pass significant legislation that will greatly affect all Americans not only today, but future generations, yet people are being denied the right to question, to speak up? There is an accumulation of frustration in America, not only in regard to healthcare, but all the issues, the massive spending, and more. People are very concerned.
We seem to have an ever growing arrogance in Washington. Think for a moment. The person who heads a body of government entitled THE HOUSE OF "REPRESENTATIVES" (those who are supposed to REPRESENT us) say that those who question, who voice their opinions, who speak up in opposition, who disagree with the current direction are un-American. This person is Nancy Pelosi. We ARE Americans, Nancy!
I am a semi-retired 70 year old small business owner with very deep concerns about the direction of our country. I am not a member of any organization or "mob", I am not a radical, and I am a registered democrat although in recent times it is difficult to identify with the party of today. I firmly believe that our country is in grave danger under the current direction in Washington, this includes both major parties. I am concerned, not so much for myself, but for the future of my children, my grandchildren, and for all future generations of Americans. The voice of the people in our country is no longer being heard, in fact it is being shut out. Special interest groups, lobbies, organizations that are unethical and even illegal, and irresponsible politicians are running our country. Nearly all of the warnings as given by the Founders of our country in regard to preventing the failure of our democracy are being violated.
Our nation is being driven into bankruptcy. With all the numbers and financial analysis being tossed around one has to only look at basic facts. Our nation is now at $11.7 trillion in debt and climbing, the expected budget shortfall this fiscal year alone is $1.84 trillion, and that is also climbing. Manufacturing and other private business in America have been devastated with extremely high unemployment in the private, non government employee sector. The US trade deficit is expected to be approximately $700 billion this year. Legislation is being stampeded through Congress that will add even trillions of more dollars to our debt. To me this is not only bankruptcy, but places our nation in peril.
At the same time extensive control of our country is being centralized within the federal government. This includes the seizure of major banks, financial institutions, major auto companies, the US Census, energy sources, organized labor, and other areas vital to the US. There are estimates of 3 dozen "czars" reporting directly to President Obama. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd stated, "The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," There is a strong feeling by many that by purposely creating a false sense of urgency, a series of legislation with "sound good" titles are being rammed through Congress that will severely limit the basic freedoms of Americans. Much of this legislation will add significantly to our debt.
Now underway is an attempt to control the healthcare of all Americans at the federal level. There is no doubt that our current healthcare needs fixing, more like fine tuning, and there are some identified logical steps to do this. The role of the federal government, however, should be that of oversight, not complete control as now intended. Misleading numbers have been used. The claim is that there are 47 million people are without healthcare coverage. Out of that number there are 9.1 million people who earn $75,000 a year or more and chose not to have healthcare insurance, even though they can afford it. That is their choice! The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 59% of the nations illegal immigrants are uninsured, or about 7.1 million people. This means that effectively 90% of Americans, who want it, have health insurance. Further, for the most part, these 90% are very satisfied with their coverage. As a further indicator an AOL online poll (7/31/09) with over 50,000 votes showed 78% of the people oppose Obama's healthcare plan. Only 10% support it. All of this supports the fine tuning required, not a massive federal takeover.
There are other very serious issues with the proposed healthcare legislation. A chief advisor to Obama is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Either in direct words or by clear implication Dr. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else. He believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens". Unbelievably, in order to reduce costs he clearly implies that those who are lesser to society such as the elderly, handicapped, and disabled, should not be fully treated. He essentially favors a eugenics approach to healthcare. There is good reason why many elderly people, and many others are angry! They have a right to be. Further, it is misleading to say that a federal healthcare system will be budget neutral. The independent Congressional Budget Office has indicated that it will cost over $1 trillion. The net cost to taxpayers will be very significant.
People who HAVE read the entire 1500 page healthcare bill have serious concerns about specifics in the bill and some of these have been pointed out. Further there seems to be a new approach to legislation that should be highly questionable. This is in reference to voluminous legislation, yet still written in general terms that become "law". This law is then placed into specific federal regulations by Washington bureaucrats. Those who vote on it, let alone the American people, have no idea what the specific federal regulations are going to be. This gives an immense amount of unchecked freedom for the regulations to say anything they want them to, without any checks and balances.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the fact that the American people's opinion and desires on running our country seem to be no longer considered. Given our current crisis and the alarming direction being set by those in Washington, people have a right to be heard and have a right to be upset. Anyone who has observed some of the tea parties and now the town hall meetings can readily see that many of those speaking up are just regular citizens, the elderly, various races and backgrounds, as well as many democrats. Yet they are being demonized as radicals, nazis, right wing nuts, and being called un-American. There is an attempt to pass significant legislation that will greatly affect all Americans not only today, but future generations, yet people are being denied the right to question, to speak up? There is an accumulation of frustration in America, not only in regard to healthcare, but all the issues, the massive spending, and more. People are very concerned.
We seem to have an ever growing arrogance in Washington. Think for a moment. The person who heads a body of government entitled THE HOUSE OF "REPRESENTATIVES" (those who are supposed to REPRESENT us) say that those who question, who voice their opinions, who speak up in opposition, who disagree with the current direction are un-American. This person is Nancy Pelosi. We ARE Americans, Nancy!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Race to Save America
They don't care what the American people think. They are in a race to change America from a democracy, with all of our basic freedoms, to a nation and a people controlled by the federal government. They know that they have less than four years to accomplish it, since the American people are bound to wake up. The race is on since they know once our democracy is radically changed it will become almost irreversible.
President Barack Obama was elected based upon hype, slogans, and smooth talk. We knew little about him. He had no management experience, yet he now controls the most complex organization in the world. His education and background are vague and purposely hidden from us. What we do know is that he had associations with very radical people ranging from domestic terrorist Bill Ayers to a 20 year association with minister Jeremiah Wright who has been regularly spewing anti-American and racist diatribes. And there were more radical associations in his past, including ACORN. His only experience was as a "community organizer". His ultra left record followed him through his only other experiences as an Illinois state legislator, and as a junior U.S. Senator.
At breakneck speed the current administration and Congress have placed the United States in a position of near bankruptcy. President Obama fired the head of General Motors, seized control of major banks, financial institutions, major auto companies, the US Census and is looking to control the healthcare of all Americans. His control intentions extend to all energy sources and other areas vital to the US. There are estimates of 3 dozen "czars" reporting directly to Obama. He, essentially, controls Congress and the media. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd stated, "The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," Purposely creating a false sense of urgency, a series of legislation with "sound good" titles are being rammed through Congress that will severely limit the basic freedoms of Americans.
Never since the formation of our great nation has America been so threatened. Every one of the warnings by our founders relating to preserving our democracy is being violated. Those that voice objection or a contrary position are being demonized through an orchestrated effort.
There is one chance, and one chance only to save our country. We need to vote those responsible, whether Republican or Democrat, out of office. We, the people, need to take back control of our country with a sense of urgency.
President Barack Obama was elected based upon hype, slogans, and smooth talk. We knew little about him. He had no management experience, yet he now controls the most complex organization in the world. His education and background are vague and purposely hidden from us. What we do know is that he had associations with very radical people ranging from domestic terrorist Bill Ayers to a 20 year association with minister Jeremiah Wright who has been regularly spewing anti-American and racist diatribes. And there were more radical associations in his past, including ACORN. His only experience was as a "community organizer". His ultra left record followed him through his only other experiences as an Illinois state legislator, and as a junior U.S. Senator.
At breakneck speed the current administration and Congress have placed the United States in a position of near bankruptcy. President Obama fired the head of General Motors, seized control of major banks, financial institutions, major auto companies, the US Census and is looking to control the healthcare of all Americans. His control intentions extend to all energy sources and other areas vital to the US. There are estimates of 3 dozen "czars" reporting directly to Obama. He, essentially, controls Congress and the media. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd stated, "The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances," Purposely creating a false sense of urgency, a series of legislation with "sound good" titles are being rammed through Congress that will severely limit the basic freedoms of Americans.
Never since the formation of our great nation has America been so threatened. Every one of the warnings by our founders relating to preserving our democracy is being violated. Those that voice objection or a contrary position are being demonized through an orchestrated effort.
There is one chance, and one chance only to save our country. We need to vote those responsible, whether Republican or Democrat, out of office. We, the people, need to take back control of our country with a sense of urgency.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
WARNING to Seniors on Healthcare
Under the Obama healthcare plan seniors are expendable. This isn't rumor, conjecture, opinion, or anything else, it is fact. A chief advisor to Obama is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Unbelievably, he clearly implies that those who are lesser to society such as the elderly should not be fully treated. He essentially favors a eugenics approach to healthcare.
Some leaders in the House of Representatives are confirming reports that the healthcare bill promotes euthanasia. The bill calls for the recommendation of "palliative care and hospice" for the elderly (rather than treatment). The House healthcare bill proposes to decrease hospital visits by establishing a “medical home pilot program” for elderly and disabled Americans. These medical homes would dump Medicare patients at facilities that would not require a doctor, only nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
President Obama has given a clear signal on what to expect in his April 14, 2009 interview where he stated, "That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here."
Is this where we have arrived in America? The pure evil of the federal government acting as God, making decisions on who is worth medically treating and who dies? Seniors, and all Americans, need to speak up and speak up now before Congress passes this legislation detrimental to seniors and all Americans.
Some leaders in the House of Representatives are confirming reports that the healthcare bill promotes euthanasia. The bill calls for the recommendation of "palliative care and hospice" for the elderly (rather than treatment). The House healthcare bill proposes to decrease hospital visits by establishing a “medical home pilot program” for elderly and disabled Americans. These medical homes would dump Medicare patients at facilities that would not require a doctor, only nurse practitioners or physician assistants.
President Obama has given a clear signal on what to expect in his April 14, 2009 interview where he stated, "That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here."
Is this where we have arrived in America? The pure evil of the federal government acting as God, making decisions on who is worth medically treating and who dies? Seniors, and all Americans, need to speak up and speak up now before Congress passes this legislation detrimental to seniors and all Americans.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Elderly Expendable Under Obama Healthcare
All people 65 and older should be alarmed. People with parents, grandparents and loved ones who are elderly should be alarmed. You need to know the REAL facts of the Obama healthcare plan concerning the elderly.
A chief advisor to Obama is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Either in direct words or by clear implication Dr. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else. He believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens". Unbelievably, in order to reduce costs he clearly implies that those who are lesser to society such as the elderly should not be fully treated. He essentially favors a eugenics approach to healthcare. This is one of Obama's top advisors on healthcare!
Some leaders in the House of Representatives are confirming reports that the healthcare restructuring bill that the House is currently considering promotes euthanasia. Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments. They report that the counseling would be focused on telling seniors how to end their lives sooner. Page 425 of the legislation indicates that Congress would make it mandatory that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session where They will be told how to end their life sooner. A WorldNetDaily report indicates the bill calls for the recommendation of "palliative care and hospice" (rather than treatment) in the mandatory counseling sessions, which is pain relief as patients die.
The clear message to patients is to do what's in society's best interests, and cut your life short.The House healthcare reform bill proposes to decrease hospital visits by establishing a “medical home pilot program” for elderly and disabled Americans. These medical homes would dump Medicare/Medicaid patients in facilities that would not require a physician to be on the staff, and therefore could be run solely by nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Physicians’ group say the legislation could lead to restrictions on which treatments may be used to effectively help elderly patients.
President Obama has given a clear signal on what to expect in his April 14, 2009 interview where he stated, "That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here." He went on further to say, shockingly, "What I've been constantly searching for is a ruthless pragmatism when it comes to economic policy." So much for the elderly.
Is this where we have arrived in America? The pure evil of the federal government acting as God, making decisions on who is worth medically treating and who dies? And further when a group of elderly people visit the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein in West Los Angeles to talk about healthcare and she calls the police on them. Is this the America of the future? A Police State?
The elderly should be fully informed on what to expect and be outraged. All people should be outraged. This isn't rumor, conjecture, opinion, or anything else. The reality of the Obama healthcare plan is that the elderly are expendable members of America society. They cost too much.
A chief advisor to Obama is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Either in direct words or by clear implication Dr. Emanuel wants doctors to look beyond the needs of their patients and consider social justice, such as whether the money could be better spent on somebody else. He believes that "communitarianism" should guide decisions on who gets care. He says medical care should be reserved for the non-disabled, not given to those "who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens". Unbelievably, in order to reduce costs he clearly implies that those who are lesser to society such as the elderly should not be fully treated. He essentially favors a eugenics approach to healthcare. This is one of Obama's top advisors on healthcare!
Some leaders in the House of Representatives are confirming reports that the healthcare restructuring bill that the House is currently considering promotes euthanasia. Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments. They report that the counseling would be focused on telling seniors how to end their lives sooner. Page 425 of the legislation indicates that Congress would make it mandatory that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session where They will be told how to end their life sooner. A WorldNetDaily report indicates the bill calls for the recommendation of "palliative care and hospice" (rather than treatment) in the mandatory counseling sessions, which is pain relief as patients die.
The clear message to patients is to do what's in society's best interests, and cut your life short.The House healthcare reform bill proposes to decrease hospital visits by establishing a “medical home pilot program” for elderly and disabled Americans. These medical homes would dump Medicare/Medicaid patients in facilities that would not require a physician to be on the staff, and therefore could be run solely by nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Physicians’ group say the legislation could lead to restrictions on which treatments may be used to effectively help elderly patients.
President Obama has given a clear signal on what to expect in his April 14, 2009 interview where he stated, "That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here." He went on further to say, shockingly, "What I've been constantly searching for is a ruthless pragmatism when it comes to economic policy." So much for the elderly.
Is this where we have arrived in America? The pure evil of the federal government acting as God, making decisions on who is worth medically treating and who dies? And further when a group of elderly people visit the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein in West Los Angeles to talk about healthcare and she calls the police on them. Is this the America of the future? A Police State?
The elderly should be fully informed on what to expect and be outraged. All people should be outraged. This isn't rumor, conjecture, opinion, or anything else. The reality of the Obama healthcare plan is that the elderly are expendable members of America society. They cost too much.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Obama Administration Attacks Private Insurance
If there is anything we have learned in recent times is that we should judge Washington politicians by what they do, not by what they say. They will make promises, take positions, or make statements one way, then do just the opposite. Many times they just outright lie.
President Obama has stated, many times, that in regard to healthcare people can choose and keep their private medical insurance. Yet underway is an orchestrated effort to discredit private medical insurance companies in order to pave the way for COMPLETE federal control of health insurance. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, recently called private insurers "villains". At the same time Senate Majority Leader, Henry Reid, has spoken out attempting to demonize private medical insurance companies. Still further, in a deceptive back handed manner Dr. David Scheiner, who was Barack Obama's personal physician, has spoken out making it appear that he is criticizing the Obama health plan and saying that ALL insurance should be government controlled. Yet this is consistent with what the Obama administration REALLY wants.
There is an ongoing attempt to play the American people like a fiddle toward federal control of our lives. All of this is occurring at breakneck speed. Americans need to wake up and put a halt to it before it is too late.
President Obama has stated, many times, that in regard to healthcare people can choose and keep their private medical insurance. Yet underway is an orchestrated effort to discredit private medical insurance companies in order to pave the way for COMPLETE federal control of health insurance. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, recently called private insurers "villains". At the same time Senate Majority Leader, Henry Reid, has spoken out attempting to demonize private medical insurance companies. Still further, in a deceptive back handed manner Dr. David Scheiner, who was Barack Obama's personal physician, has spoken out making it appear that he is criticizing the Obama health plan and saying that ALL insurance should be government controlled. Yet this is consistent with what the Obama administration REALLY wants.
There is an ongoing attempt to play the American people like a fiddle toward federal control of our lives. All of this is occurring at breakneck speed. Americans need to wake up and put a halt to it before it is too late.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
One Last Chance for America
The destruction of America started with the Bush administration and is proceeding at breakneck speed under the Obama administration. If nothing else, the current crisis in America should point to an irresponsible, incompetent, low integrity, dishonest, and even corrupt Congress. This includes both major parties. If one reads about the formation of our great country and the words of the founders, nearly ALL of their warnings are being violated in regard to how to preserve of our democracy.
First, all power is being consolidated at the federal government level. Correspondingly, the independence and sovereignty of all 50 states is being undermined. Bankruptcy level debt is being generated, not only for today, but for future generations. This, in turn, will result in a heavily overtaxed population greatly limiting financial freedom and independence. Underway are complete federal control of banking, financial institutions, the auto industry, energy sources, the media and communication, transportation, executive pay, the healthcare of citizens, faux environmental programs, and more. There is a stampede, under the guise of urgency, to pass through Congress legislation with "sound good" titles that will take away many of our basic freedoms. These include freedoms of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and other constitutional rights of people, as well as the rights of private industry.
The word "socialism" is frequently heard today, but what we have now occurring is worse than socialism. We are headed toward a totalitarian state. We have one chance, and one chance only, and that is through our votes in all upcoming local, state, and federal elections. Those in power know this and that is why they are attempting to ram through legislation with a sense of urgency. Once they have passed all their intended legislation the framework will have already been lain so the direction will become irreversible. It will be too late.
Irrespective of party, or party loyalty and affiliation, we need to elect excellent, competent, high integrity people at all levels of government. We need to get rid of those who brought us to this point of crisis and those who are primarily responsible. Whether a local selectman, a mayor, or the president of the United States we need to look critically, AS NEVER BEFORE, at each candidate. It is only by this process, using our right to vote, that we can re-capture America and our democracy. Our failure to do this, without question, will result in an America that we will no longer recognize within just a few short years. It is a battle against time. It will become irreversible unless we critically exercise our right to vote, critically as never before.
We have one chance and one chance only to save our country. It starts with the very next election at the local, state, and federal levels. It is urgent for us to all exercise our rights and speak out loudly, and particularly exercise our right to vote at this time. No one should be silent, and everyone needs to vote critically in whatever election that is before us.
First, all power is being consolidated at the federal government level. Correspondingly, the independence and sovereignty of all 50 states is being undermined. Bankruptcy level debt is being generated, not only for today, but for future generations. This, in turn, will result in a heavily overtaxed population greatly limiting financial freedom and independence. Underway are complete federal control of banking, financial institutions, the auto industry, energy sources, the media and communication, transportation, executive pay, the healthcare of citizens, faux environmental programs, and more. There is a stampede, under the guise of urgency, to pass through Congress legislation with "sound good" titles that will take away many of our basic freedoms. These include freedoms of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and other constitutional rights of people, as well as the rights of private industry.
The word "socialism" is frequently heard today, but what we have now occurring is worse than socialism. We are headed toward a totalitarian state. We have one chance, and one chance only, and that is through our votes in all upcoming local, state, and federal elections. Those in power know this and that is why they are attempting to ram through legislation with a sense of urgency. Once they have passed all their intended legislation the framework will have already been lain so the direction will become irreversible. It will be too late.
Irrespective of party, or party loyalty and affiliation, we need to elect excellent, competent, high integrity people at all levels of government. We need to get rid of those who brought us to this point of crisis and those who are primarily responsible. Whether a local selectman, a mayor, or the president of the United States we need to look critically, AS NEVER BEFORE, at each candidate. It is only by this process, using our right to vote, that we can re-capture America and our democracy. Our failure to do this, without question, will result in an America that we will no longer recognize within just a few short years. It is a battle against time. It will become irreversible unless we critically exercise our right to vote, critically as never before.
We have one chance and one chance only to save our country. It starts with the very next election at the local, state, and federal levels. It is urgent for us to all exercise our rights and speak out loudly, and particularly exercise our right to vote at this time. No one should be silent, and everyone needs to vote critically in whatever election that is before us.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Open Letter to Congress on Healthcare
I URGE you NOT to vote in favor of a national healthcare system. We need to fine tune what we have, NOT go to a federally controlled program. The stampede to drive America toward a national healthcare system would be a disaster. Polls have shown that most people are satisfied with current health care coverage and the number of the current uninsured is grossly exaggerated. This is confirmed by credible independent sources such as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). We need fine tuning, not massive change.
The costs will be enormous adding over 1 trillion dollars to our already bankrupt nation. Warnings from Europeans and Canadians not to go to a national healthcare system are being ignored. It is widely recognized that the United States has the best healthcare in the world.
Following are suggestions on what we should do:
Put a limit on the amount of money in medical related lawsuits. Doctors currently pay exorbitant amounts of money for medical insurance, this can be significantly reduced.
Streamline and reduce paperwork for medical claims. A huge amount of cost and lack of focus on the primary medical purpose presently exists. This will also significantly reduce costs.
The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs.
Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced.
Place stronger control over pharmaceutical and medical / healthcare lobbies in Washington that serve to heap billions upon billions on dollars on our nations healthcare costs through special interest legislation that does not help but only hinders and compounds the problem. This influence needs to be curtailed, it is damaging America.
Where the government can help is by providing incentives toward needed medical specialties in our country by offering financial assistance to students in the various medical professions and other types of assistance.
There needs to be severe criminal penalties against those who commit medical fraud, or those who attempt to take advantage of our country's healthcare system. Medical fraud adds significant cost to our nations healthcare at present, this needs to be addressed.
We should use the significant cost savings of those measures mentioned above to provide medical coverage for those Americans who are poor or otherwise uninsured, who not by choice lack insurance. Note this number is significantly less that currently claimed. There may be some who are wealthy or for other reasons desire not to have health insurance and that is their right in a free democracy.
We will be watching your leadership and vote very closely on this critical issue.
The costs will be enormous adding over 1 trillion dollars to our already bankrupt nation. Warnings from Europeans and Canadians not to go to a national healthcare system are being ignored. It is widely recognized that the United States has the best healthcare in the world.
Following are suggestions on what we should do:
Put a limit on the amount of money in medical related lawsuits. Doctors currently pay exorbitant amounts of money for medical insurance, this can be significantly reduced.
Streamline and reduce paperwork for medical claims. A huge amount of cost and lack of focus on the primary medical purpose presently exists. This will also significantly reduce costs.
The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs.
Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced.
Place stronger control over pharmaceutical and medical / healthcare lobbies in Washington that serve to heap billions upon billions on dollars on our nations healthcare costs through special interest legislation that does not help but only hinders and compounds the problem. This influence needs to be curtailed, it is damaging America.
Where the government can help is by providing incentives toward needed medical specialties in our country by offering financial assistance to students in the various medical professions and other types of assistance.
There needs to be severe criminal penalties against those who commit medical fraud, or those who attempt to take advantage of our country's healthcare system. Medical fraud adds significant cost to our nations healthcare at present, this needs to be addressed.
We should use the significant cost savings of those measures mentioned above to provide medical coverage for those Americans who are poor or otherwise uninsured, who not by choice lack insurance. Note this number is significantly less that currently claimed. There may be some who are wealthy or for other reasons desire not to have health insurance and that is their right in a free democracy.
We will be watching your leadership and vote very closely on this critical issue.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
National Healthcare a Disaster for America
The stampede to drive America toward a national healthcare system would be a disaster. It will result in worse healthcare than we presently have, place all important personal medical decisions under the control of the federal government, deny necessary life saving care for the elderly, and worse. The costs will be enormous adding over 1 trillion dollars to our already bankrupt nation. Warnings from Europeans and Canadians not to go to a national healthcare system are being ignored.
The drive toward a national healthcare system is based upon false premises. The number of the current uninsured is grossly exaggerated and this is confirmed by credible independent sources such as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and several others. The claim that the costs will be budget neutral are also false. Any logical thinking person knows that the costs to our nation will be immense, with the burden thrust upon taxpayers today and future generations. This also has been confirmed by the CBO and other independent assessments.
The dangers of the national healthcare plan are not hearsay, opinion or conjecture, but facts. It is well known that an irresponsible Congress does not even read legislation, but others have...every page, every word, of both the House and Senate plans. Those who have read it including doctors and other credible groups are sending strong alarms quoting specific inclusions in the legislation and what page they appear on.
Rather than a massive federally controlled healthcare system all we need to do is fine tune what we have. Most people are satisfied with their current healthcare (polls have shown this) and it is widely recognized that the United States has the best healthcare in the world. We need to reduce costs, provide coverage for those Americans who desire healthcare and do not have it, and unclog some of the current paperwork bureaucracy. We also need to provide more incentives for people to enter the medical profession.
Here is the suggested plan:
Put a limit on the amount of money in medical related lawsuits. Doctors currently pay exorbitant amounts of money for medical insurance, this can be significantly reduced.
Streamline and reduce paperwork for medical claims. A huge amount of cost and lack of focus on the primary medical purpose presently exists. This will also significantly reduce costs.
The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs.
Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced. For example, there is a tendency to just pass on costs rather than run these entities as true businesses. There is a need to critically look at ALL suppliers in regard to quality and cost. An ongoing goal should be to reduce cost, and in return, reduce prices. There should also be more competiveness with these institutions in regard to pricing, quality and total value received by patients.
Place stronger control over pharmaceutical and medical / healthcare lobbies in Washington that serve to heap billions upon billions on dollars on our nations healthcare costs through special interest legislation that does not help but only hinders and compounds the problem. This influence needs to be curtailed, it is damaging America.
Where the government can help is by providing incentives toward needed medical specialties in our country by offering financial assistance to students in the various medical professions and other types of assistance.
While being very supportive to the medical profession and to those related to the healthcare industry, there also needs to be severe criminal penalties against those who commit medical fraud, or those who attempt to take advantage of our country's healthcare system. Medical fraud adds significant cost to our nations healthcare at present, this needs to be addressed.
We should use the significant cost savings of those measures mentioned above to provide medical coverage for those Americans who are poor or otherwise uninsured, who not by choice have lack insurance. Note this number is significantly less that currently claimed. There may be some who are wealthy or for other reasons desire not to have health insurance and that is their right in a free democracy.
While taking costs out of healthcare as mentioned, large businesses should be offered tax incentives for offering good healthcare plans for their employees. Small businesses should have an opportunity to group together under a Chamber of Commerce, or some other entity that would allow them the advantages of larger numbers under health insurance plans for their employees. This has shown promise in the past.
Finally, we need to elect good, responsible Senators and Congressmen in Washington and get rid of those who have helped to create or have done little to address the REAL current healthcare system problems. This is not a party or political issue, we just need to get better people in Washington representing us. If there is anything that has been revealed through our current national crisis is that we need better representation.
A federal healthcare system would be a total disaster for the United States and consolidate too much power at the federal level to the detriment of our democracy. We currently have a very good healthcare system in America, all we need to do is fine tune it. The measures above are suggested.
The drive toward a national healthcare system is based upon false premises. The number of the current uninsured is grossly exaggerated and this is confirmed by credible independent sources such as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and several others. The claim that the costs will be budget neutral are also false. Any logical thinking person knows that the costs to our nation will be immense, with the burden thrust upon taxpayers today and future generations. This also has been confirmed by the CBO and other independent assessments.
The dangers of the national healthcare plan are not hearsay, opinion or conjecture, but facts. It is well known that an irresponsible Congress does not even read legislation, but others have...every page, every word, of both the House and Senate plans. Those who have read it including doctors and other credible groups are sending strong alarms quoting specific inclusions in the legislation and what page they appear on.
Rather than a massive federally controlled healthcare system all we need to do is fine tune what we have. Most people are satisfied with their current healthcare (polls have shown this) and it is widely recognized that the United States has the best healthcare in the world. We need to reduce costs, provide coverage for those Americans who desire healthcare and do not have it, and unclog some of the current paperwork bureaucracy. We also need to provide more incentives for people to enter the medical profession.
Here is the suggested plan:
Put a limit on the amount of money in medical related lawsuits. Doctors currently pay exorbitant amounts of money for medical insurance, this can be significantly reduced.
Streamline and reduce paperwork for medical claims. A huge amount of cost and lack of focus on the primary medical purpose presently exists. This will also significantly reduce costs.
The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs.
Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced. For example, there is a tendency to just pass on costs rather than run these entities as true businesses. There is a need to critically look at ALL suppliers in regard to quality and cost. An ongoing goal should be to reduce cost, and in return, reduce prices. There should also be more competiveness with these institutions in regard to pricing, quality and total value received by patients.
Place stronger control over pharmaceutical and medical / healthcare lobbies in Washington that serve to heap billions upon billions on dollars on our nations healthcare costs through special interest legislation that does not help but only hinders and compounds the problem. This influence needs to be curtailed, it is damaging America.
Where the government can help is by providing incentives toward needed medical specialties in our country by offering financial assistance to students in the various medical professions and other types of assistance.
While being very supportive to the medical profession and to those related to the healthcare industry, there also needs to be severe criminal penalties against those who commit medical fraud, or those who attempt to take advantage of our country's healthcare system. Medical fraud adds significant cost to our nations healthcare at present, this needs to be addressed.
We should use the significant cost savings of those measures mentioned above to provide medical coverage for those Americans who are poor or otherwise uninsured, who not by choice have lack insurance. Note this number is significantly less that currently claimed. There may be some who are wealthy or for other reasons desire not to have health insurance and that is their right in a free democracy.
While taking costs out of healthcare as mentioned, large businesses should be offered tax incentives for offering good healthcare plans for their employees. Small businesses should have an opportunity to group together under a Chamber of Commerce, or some other entity that would allow them the advantages of larger numbers under health insurance plans for their employees. This has shown promise in the past.
Finally, we need to elect good, responsible Senators and Congressmen in Washington and get rid of those who have helped to create or have done little to address the REAL current healthcare system problems. This is not a party or political issue, we just need to get better people in Washington representing us. If there is anything that has been revealed through our current national crisis is that we need better representation.
A federal healthcare system would be a total disaster for the United States and consolidate too much power at the federal level to the detriment of our democracy. We currently have a very good healthcare system in America, all we need to do is fine tune it. The measures above are suggested.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Deval Patrick Driving Massachusetts to Ruin
Governor Deval Patrick is driving the state of Massachusetts into ruin. Unemployment is at 8.6% and rising. The private sector (non government jobs) is now approaching 11% unemployment. He did not manage our state budget, and there are 3 major problems with the $5 billion shortfall. First, he is relying upon $1.8 billion in federal bail out money. This is like a drug, since you get it once, then you become dependent upon it, and you really haven't solved the fundamental problem in managing the state's finances. Secondly, you squeeze the taxpayers and businesses out of money with taxes, tolls, fees, and hidden charges associated with legislation. Third, the projected income in the Patrick budget is not realistic, which makes the $5 billion shortfall even greater. It is a guarantee as fiscal year 2010 proceeds that income shortfalls will become apparent and reported.
Retailers, to no avail, have warned Patrick and our legislators about loss of business due to increased taxes. Some businesses will close, some will move out of state, some will just record lower sales and profits. This all compounds the state's financial crisis. Contrary to what has been reported, the income generating population of Massachusetts has decreased. This also has a detrimental impact upon state finances. This means less income for the state, but also means more pay-out to the non income generating population which is increasing.
Deval Patrick has not shown the ability to make the tough decisions to manage the state's budget. He relies on smooth glib talk and lip service, and ineffective budget actions that are far from what is necessary. In addition, and very disappointing, the legislature is failing to speak up and take action, and is not representing the people of the state.
The people of Massachusetts should be alarmed. The media needs to ask the tough questions and do the investigative reporting in order to bring to light the true and significant financial crisis facing the state of Massachusetts. Sate Senator, Steven Panagiotakos, declared that our current financial crisis is one of the worst in our history. He is right. This is not the time for silence.
Retailers, to no avail, have warned Patrick and our legislators about loss of business due to increased taxes. Some businesses will close, some will move out of state, some will just record lower sales and profits. This all compounds the state's financial crisis. Contrary to what has been reported, the income generating population of Massachusetts has decreased. This also has a detrimental impact upon state finances. This means less income for the state, but also means more pay-out to the non income generating population which is increasing.
Deval Patrick has not shown the ability to make the tough decisions to manage the state's budget. He relies on smooth glib talk and lip service, and ineffective budget actions that are far from what is necessary. In addition, and very disappointing, the legislature is failing to speak up and take action, and is not representing the people of the state.
The people of Massachusetts should be alarmed. The media needs to ask the tough questions and do the investigative reporting in order to bring to light the true and significant financial crisis facing the state of Massachusetts. Sate Senator, Steven Panagiotakos, declared that our current financial crisis is one of the worst in our history. He is right. This is not the time for silence.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Healthcare, The Right Way
The United States has the best healthcare system in the world. All it needs is fine tuning with an attack on the root causes of cost and the reduction in bureaucratic paperwork. What it DOESN"T need is a massive ongoing trillion dollar federal takeover of healthcare, that would be a disaster.
Misleading numbers have been used. The claim is that there are 47 million people are without healthcare coverage. Out of that number 9.1 million people who earn $75,000 a year or more chose not to have healthcare insurance, even though they can afford it. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 59% of the nations illegal immigrants are uninsured, or about 7.1 million people. This means that effectively 90% of Americans, who want it, have health insurance. Further, for the most part, these 90% are very satisfied with their coverage. These are the real facts.
We need to attack the root cause of costs. First there needs to be a limit on medical malpractice dollar awards and correspondingly a significant reduction in medical insurance payments necessary by doctors. The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs. Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced. It is nothing short of ridiculous to pay up to $25 for the dispensing of 2 aspirins and there are many other similar charges to patients and medical insurance companies.
Bureaucratic paperwork needs to be significantly reduced and streamlined. This paperwork costs a significant amount of money, better ways are available to reduce these costs. Finally and very importantly the healthcare and pharmaceutical lobbies in Washington need to be placed under control. Billions upon billions of dollars are heaped upon the nations healthcare costs due to these lobbies, which serve to drive up the total costs of healthcare in the United States.
With an attack on costs we can then address the issues with our current healthcare system and fix them, including providing for those who cannot afford healthcare. It is possible to be compassionate toward taking care of the medical needs of all Americans, while at the same time being both cost effective and smart on how we do it.
The current direction toward a massive, extremely high cost, and what surely will amount to an ineffective national healthcare system is the wrong one. We need to do things right for a change.
Misleading numbers have been used. The claim is that there are 47 million people are without healthcare coverage. Out of that number 9.1 million people who earn $75,000 a year or more chose not to have healthcare insurance, even though they can afford it. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that 59% of the nations illegal immigrants are uninsured, or about 7.1 million people. This means that effectively 90% of Americans, who want it, have health insurance. Further, for the most part, these 90% are very satisfied with their coverage. These are the real facts.
We need to attack the root cause of costs. First there needs to be a limit on medical malpractice dollar awards and correspondingly a significant reduction in medical insurance payments necessary by doctors. The cost of pharmaceutical products, drugs, have skyrocketed. This needs to be addressed, the current excuses for high cost should be questioned and action taken to reduce the high cost of drugs. Hospital and medical center management needs to be improved significantly so that these costs can be significantly reduced. It is nothing short of ridiculous to pay up to $25 for the dispensing of 2 aspirins and there are many other similar charges to patients and medical insurance companies.
Bureaucratic paperwork needs to be significantly reduced and streamlined. This paperwork costs a significant amount of money, better ways are available to reduce these costs. Finally and very importantly the healthcare and pharmaceutical lobbies in Washington need to be placed under control. Billions upon billions of dollars are heaped upon the nations healthcare costs due to these lobbies, which serve to drive up the total costs of healthcare in the United States.
With an attack on costs we can then address the issues with our current healthcare system and fix them, including providing for those who cannot afford healthcare. It is possible to be compassionate toward taking care of the medical needs of all Americans, while at the same time being both cost effective and smart on how we do it.
The current direction toward a massive, extremely high cost, and what surely will amount to an ineffective national healthcare system is the wrong one. We need to do things right for a change.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Obama Apology Uninformed
Simply stated President Obama doesn't know what he is talking about when he recently apologized by saying "the U.S. has fallen short of meeting our responsibilities." The real truth is that the United States led the way internationally through the Environmental Protection Agency regulations and actions. During the 80's and 90's I was involved in the management of a manufacturing company that did business internationally. We did detailed competitive analysis and found out that while we had significant costs in environmental protection, European companies and even Japanese companies, did not. This placed us at a competitive disadvantage as far as cost since we were responsible and they were not.
As further proof, our company built a brand new, state of the art, manufacturing plant in England. In the United States the EPA had strict regulations, rigorously enforced, that required environmental protection on any new facility. Yet in England there were no air quality regulations, we were under no requirements for air quality protection and the associated costs to do so. We were responsible and put them in anyway, investing over $1.5 million.
While the United Sates had strict air pollution control on motor vehicles, Italy, as one example, had none. American school children while visiting Italy, particularly in heavy traffic areas such as Rome, would get sore throats due to the dirty air vs. cleaner air they were used to in the U.S. As a further indication of poor air quality, statues in Rome, some of historic value, became blackened due to soot and dirty air. Only then did they take action. This fact appeared in Italian newspapers.
The United States is criticized for not participating in the Kyoto Protocol. Yet the Protocol amounts to near insanity and would be a major net negative to the environment. Out of the 182 parties that have ratified the agreement, 146 of them are given the ability to pollute-at-will. This includes countries like China and India that are involved in major and massive industrialization.
Yet at the same time the UN initiated Kyoto Protocol is targeted specifically at throttling an already decimated U.S. manufacturing and would impose significant economic damage on the U.S. economy. Costs have been estimated at over $300 billion per year. Further, targets and timetables imposed on the United States were impractical from even a technological standpoint. Still further, severe penalties imposed for not meeting the targets would serve only to further damage the U.S. economy and decimate American manufacturing.
Anyone that has been involved in environmental programs knows that it is the exact opposite of what needs to be done in order to make progress in protecting the environment. The United States, in fact, has had it right for many years. The EPA and many of the state environmental protection agencies require new manufacturing sites and new sources to be designed and built with current state of the art environmental controls as part of the start up. What this does is head off even further pollution of the environment while at the same time placing aggressive, but rational reduction targets on existing sources. If done properly this can and will reduce harmful environmental emissions. Kyoto Protocol on the other hand by allowing China and India (and many others) to pollute-at-will while they are going through massive industrialization will cause a situation where catch up many years down the line will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. This will without question result in a net negative for the environment. Even today, both China and India absolutely refuse to do anything to halt air pollution or anything else in regard to environmental responsibility. With them, it isn't even on the table for discussion.
Mr. Obama, you are flat out wrong. The United States should be proud of it's record of environmental protection through the EPA and state environmental protection agencies. In many cases we led the way internationally. We should continue to do more. With a rational "protocol" it is possible to protect the environment and significantly reduce harmful emissions without severely damaging the economy and decimating the manufacturing of a country such as the United States. The answer is to put state of the art environmental controls on all new sources and manufacturing sites, while placing aggressive yet achievable reduction goals on existing sites. The answer is to also invest in research and technology in order to come up with new product designs and environmental protection technology. This is a formula that has proven to work.
Americans should hold their heads up proud. No apologies are necessary.
As further proof, our company built a brand new, state of the art, manufacturing plant in England. In the United States the EPA had strict regulations, rigorously enforced, that required environmental protection on any new facility. Yet in England there were no air quality regulations, we were under no requirements for air quality protection and the associated costs to do so. We were responsible and put them in anyway, investing over $1.5 million.
While the United Sates had strict air pollution control on motor vehicles, Italy, as one example, had none. American school children while visiting Italy, particularly in heavy traffic areas such as Rome, would get sore throats due to the dirty air vs. cleaner air they were used to in the U.S. As a further indication of poor air quality, statues in Rome, some of historic value, became blackened due to soot and dirty air. Only then did they take action. This fact appeared in Italian newspapers.
The United States is criticized for not participating in the Kyoto Protocol. Yet the Protocol amounts to near insanity and would be a major net negative to the environment. Out of the 182 parties that have ratified the agreement, 146 of them are given the ability to pollute-at-will. This includes countries like China and India that are involved in major and massive industrialization.
Yet at the same time the UN initiated Kyoto Protocol is targeted specifically at throttling an already decimated U.S. manufacturing and would impose significant economic damage on the U.S. economy. Costs have been estimated at over $300 billion per year. Further, targets and timetables imposed on the United States were impractical from even a technological standpoint. Still further, severe penalties imposed for not meeting the targets would serve only to further damage the U.S. economy and decimate American manufacturing.
Anyone that has been involved in environmental programs knows that it is the exact opposite of what needs to be done in order to make progress in protecting the environment. The United States, in fact, has had it right for many years. The EPA and many of the state environmental protection agencies require new manufacturing sites and new sources to be designed and built with current state of the art environmental controls as part of the start up. What this does is head off even further pollution of the environment while at the same time placing aggressive, but rational reduction targets on existing sources. If done properly this can and will reduce harmful environmental emissions. Kyoto Protocol on the other hand by allowing China and India (and many others) to pollute-at-will while they are going through massive industrialization will cause a situation where catch up many years down the line will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. This will without question result in a net negative for the environment. Even today, both China and India absolutely refuse to do anything to halt air pollution or anything else in regard to environmental responsibility. With them, it isn't even on the table for discussion.
Mr. Obama, you are flat out wrong. The United States should be proud of it's record of environmental protection through the EPA and state environmental protection agencies. In many cases we led the way internationally. We should continue to do more. With a rational "protocol" it is possible to protect the environment and significantly reduce harmful emissions without severely damaging the economy and decimating the manufacturing of a country such as the United States. The answer is to put state of the art environmental controls on all new sources and manufacturing sites, while placing aggressive yet achievable reduction goals on existing sites. The answer is to also invest in research and technology in order to come up with new product designs and environmental protection technology. This is a formula that has proven to work.
Americans should hold their heads up proud. No apologies are necessary.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Treasurer Timothy Cahill, The Next Governor of Massachusetts
Finally somebody is Massachusetts state government is speaking up. Treasurer, Timothy P. Cahill, has recently stated the true condition of our state's financial crisis and the current administration's irresponsibility in managing it. Deval Patrick ran his campaign on slogans (Together We Can) and hype, and unfortunately the voters of Massachusetts fell for it. He continued with his slogans and hype after being elected, yet with little substance and little ability or willingness to manage our state. He was an instant hero by promising millions of dollars here, and billions of dollars there. Nowhere was it apparent where all this money was going to come from. When backed into a corner, he first tried the silver bullet of casino gambling. When that didn't work he turned to an increase in taxes, fees and tolls all at the expense of taxpayers. In addition, what taxpayers don't know is that there were all kinds of additional hidden "taxes" piggybacked onto legislation passed through the legislature. He is now in the process of squeezing essentially any money he can out of the taxpayers of Massachusetts.
The June 29, 2009 report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities showed a fiscal year 2010 pre-budget shortfall of $5 billion. This is now all coming out of the hide of Massachusetts taxpayers. Yet both parties of the legislature, with few exceptions, have essentially stood silent. Where is the voice of the people? Finally, someone in responsibility has spoken up. Treasurer, Timothy Cahill, has a bird's eye view of the states finances and is not only speaking up but is going to do something about it. He has stated what should have been obvious to all: "We're spending too much and taxing too high. I think we could have cut more and staved off that tax increase". He also said he would have balanced the $27 billion state budget. How refreshing!
If Timothy P. Cahill runs for governor based upon fiscal responsibility and common sense management of our state he will win in a landslide. Governor Patrick warns he must bring his A game. Well he doesn't have to bring any "game", he just needs to properly represent the citizens of our state, that are not being represented by the current administration, nor the current legislature, for that matter.
The June 29, 2009 report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities showed a fiscal year 2010 pre-budget shortfall of $5 billion. This is now all coming out of the hide of Massachusetts taxpayers. Yet both parties of the legislature, with few exceptions, have essentially stood silent. Where is the voice of the people? Finally, someone in responsibility has spoken up. Treasurer, Timothy Cahill, has a bird's eye view of the states finances and is not only speaking up but is going to do something about it. He has stated what should have been obvious to all: "We're spending too much and taxing too high. I think we could have cut more and staved off that tax increase". He also said he would have balanced the $27 billion state budget. How refreshing!
If Timothy P. Cahill runs for governor based upon fiscal responsibility and common sense management of our state he will win in a landslide. Governor Patrick warns he must bring his A game. Well he doesn't have to bring any "game", he just needs to properly represent the citizens of our state, that are not being represented by the current administration, nor the current legislature, for that matter.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sarah Palin, The Real Story
Even before she was selected to be a Vice Presidential candidate she made sense. Interviewed outside of the main stream of media attention, she gave an interview that made a lot of sense on energy, oil, and the environment, something that you never hear from the typical Washington types…and it was refreshing. For those listening it caught people’s attention.
The best move, and in reality the only good move, made by the McCain run for the presidency was selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. It was a sudden, refreshing, and popular shock to potential voters. A woman who was smart, articulate, good looking, with (the rare) experience in managing something, and with a good track record. The far left, democrats, the media, and even the republican elite began looking closer. What they soon found is that she was the antithesis of everything that they believed in, if she ever were to get elected it would turn back the clock on their vision of America and everything they had worked for. And what did they find?
Unfortunately what it revealed was an introspective look at where we are in America today, the reality of a very sad and shameful state that we have degenerated to. This could not be allowed.They found she had the deep faith and a belief in God, worse (to them) she is a Christian. Imagine a person practicing her faith with a belief in God! They also found that she is a family person with several children. A woman running for high office with a family? The critical and all important issue concerning her is that she is pro-life. She supports the right of a baby to live. Even worse, how could she give birth to a child who knowingly had Down Syndrome? What is the matter with her, why didn't she have an abortion? There is a way of getting rid of less than perfect children. And again, why did she allow her unmarried pregnant daughter to have a child? Abortion would have been so easy, this is the convenient way to deal with such a "problem". This is what they think. Eugenics and convenience should rule.
They found so much else wrong with her. She is patriotic and supports our troops, in fact she has a son who is serving in the military. And how dare her run for high office without an ivy league education? You know, the graduates of those “great” schools that have screwed up our country and given us the mess we are in today. She is a Christian, who believes in traditional marriage, family, country, life, state sovereignty, democracy, freedom, our Constitution, a rational approach to energy independence and the environment, secure borders, a strong national defense, …and so much more that is repulsive to the far left, democrats of today (not yesterday, they have changed), the media, and to some republican elites who have lost their way. Her family represents the quintessential American family with traditional values, living in rural Alaska.This could not be allowed, this could not happen to have her propel to national attention in a positive light, a sure thing to happen. They had to stop it.
The media, like vultures ascended to Alaska, not to find out more about Sarah Palin in an objective journalistic sense, but to find what dirt they could dig up…anything. Unfortunately as with the media today, if they can't find anything wrong, they will create something, and even lie if necessary, and that is exactly what they did. The prime objective was to destroy Sarah Palin, the end justifies the means, a well known far left mantra.
The McCain campaign didn't have a clue on how to utilize the great strength of Sarah Palin in a positive way that would have significantly helped. Senator McCain ran a very poor, mushy, unorganized campaign. People were looking for him to hit hard on the issues of terrorism, the economy, immigration, energy independence, etc. He also had tons of issues to raise about Barack Obama and his lack of experience, highly questionable associations with several radical people, his voting record in Illinois as well as the US Senate, his far left record and more. He failed to address any of these issues and the results speak for themselves. Those running his campaign, many republican elites, looked down their nose at Sarah Palin, she wasn't one of them. What they failed to realize, the American people DID NOT WANT one of them running for office!
Even with the presidential election over, the far left and the media want to make sure that Sarah Palin doesn't have a chance to rise again for a future opportunity for high office. Like never before in history, they have been on the attack, accusing her of everything imaginable, hurling insults not only insulting at her, but to all women. The have sought investigations on her in an all out attempt to discredit her. So desperate in their attack they have also attacked her family, fearful of what she represents. If she were not a public figure, the coordinated and collusive attacks border on criminal. Harassment, libel, slander, and even to some degree stalking.
These attacks were so massive and vicious that, yes, it did affect her family as well as her ability to perform her duties as Governor of Alaska. She and her family are not like the Clinton's and the Gore's with millions of dollars mysteriously and continually sifting through her hands, $500,000 personal debt spent to defend herself is a lot of money. She also cared about the disruption to her office of governor through this continual harassment and the cost to the state of over $2 million as a result of this. Unlike to what is being reported, it was a sign of strength, not of weakness, to resign as governor. This was done because she cares about the state of Alaska and doesn't want personal attacks on her to affect the smooth running of the state. This was also done to remove her family from the vicious attacks as an “in office” fair game political figure. This took great courage.
As far as future political high office, the media seems to prefer those who use their current elected political office as a platform, while selfishly shirking their present duties and obligation to their constituents, to seek higher office. You know, like using a US Senator position while campaigning for the Presidency of the United States for 4 years. Sarah Palin on the other hand is honest about her intentions. Sarah Palin is her own person and that should be highly admired. The far left, some democrats, and the media of course are going to attack her no mater what she does. Most people, however, love her and find her to be very refreshing. She will be formidable and that is what they are afraid of. The talking heads don't understand an honest and sincere person and look for all kinds of excuses and ways to criticize her honesty and integrity….simply because they don't understand it. They want her to act as everybody else does. That isn't Sarah Palin.
Whatever Sarah Palin chooses to do in the future, she will do well. She cares about her family, she cares about the sate of Alaska, she cares about her country. She has the inner strength and courage to continue to do what she thinks is right, in spite of all opposition. It will be interesting to see all the media types eat their words when she succeeds.
I am betting on Sarah Palin.
The best move, and in reality the only good move, made by the McCain run for the presidency was selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. It was a sudden, refreshing, and popular shock to potential voters. A woman who was smart, articulate, good looking, with (the rare) experience in managing something, and with a good track record. The far left, democrats, the media, and even the republican elite began looking closer. What they soon found is that she was the antithesis of everything that they believed in, if she ever were to get elected it would turn back the clock on their vision of America and everything they had worked for. And what did they find?
Unfortunately what it revealed was an introspective look at where we are in America today, the reality of a very sad and shameful state that we have degenerated to. This could not be allowed.They found she had the deep faith and a belief in God, worse (to them) she is a Christian. Imagine a person practicing her faith with a belief in God! They also found that she is a family person with several children. A woman running for high office with a family? The critical and all important issue concerning her is that she is pro-life. She supports the right of a baby to live. Even worse, how could she give birth to a child who knowingly had Down Syndrome? What is the matter with her, why didn't she have an abortion? There is a way of getting rid of less than perfect children. And again, why did she allow her unmarried pregnant daughter to have a child? Abortion would have been so easy, this is the convenient way to deal with such a "problem". This is what they think. Eugenics and convenience should rule.
They found so much else wrong with her. She is patriotic and supports our troops, in fact she has a son who is serving in the military. And how dare her run for high office without an ivy league education? You know, the graduates of those “great” schools that have screwed up our country and given us the mess we are in today. She is a Christian, who believes in traditional marriage, family, country, life, state sovereignty, democracy, freedom, our Constitution, a rational approach to energy independence and the environment, secure borders, a strong national defense, …and so much more that is repulsive to the far left, democrats of today (not yesterday, they have changed), the media, and to some republican elites who have lost their way. Her family represents the quintessential American family with traditional values, living in rural Alaska.This could not be allowed, this could not happen to have her propel to national attention in a positive light, a sure thing to happen. They had to stop it.
The media, like vultures ascended to Alaska, not to find out more about Sarah Palin in an objective journalistic sense, but to find what dirt they could dig up…anything. Unfortunately as with the media today, if they can't find anything wrong, they will create something, and even lie if necessary, and that is exactly what they did. The prime objective was to destroy Sarah Palin, the end justifies the means, a well known far left mantra.
The McCain campaign didn't have a clue on how to utilize the great strength of Sarah Palin in a positive way that would have significantly helped. Senator McCain ran a very poor, mushy, unorganized campaign. People were looking for him to hit hard on the issues of terrorism, the economy, immigration, energy independence, etc. He also had tons of issues to raise about Barack Obama and his lack of experience, highly questionable associations with several radical people, his voting record in Illinois as well as the US Senate, his far left record and more. He failed to address any of these issues and the results speak for themselves. Those running his campaign, many republican elites, looked down their nose at Sarah Palin, she wasn't one of them. What they failed to realize, the American people DID NOT WANT one of them running for office!
Even with the presidential election over, the far left and the media want to make sure that Sarah Palin doesn't have a chance to rise again for a future opportunity for high office. Like never before in history, they have been on the attack, accusing her of everything imaginable, hurling insults not only insulting at her, but to all women. The have sought investigations on her in an all out attempt to discredit her. So desperate in their attack they have also attacked her family, fearful of what she represents. If she were not a public figure, the coordinated and collusive attacks border on criminal. Harassment, libel, slander, and even to some degree stalking.
These attacks were so massive and vicious that, yes, it did affect her family as well as her ability to perform her duties as Governor of Alaska. She and her family are not like the Clinton's and the Gore's with millions of dollars mysteriously and continually sifting through her hands, $500,000 personal debt spent to defend herself is a lot of money. She also cared about the disruption to her office of governor through this continual harassment and the cost to the state of over $2 million as a result of this. Unlike to what is being reported, it was a sign of strength, not of weakness, to resign as governor. This was done because she cares about the state of Alaska and doesn't want personal attacks on her to affect the smooth running of the state. This was also done to remove her family from the vicious attacks as an “in office” fair game political figure. This took great courage.
As far as future political high office, the media seems to prefer those who use their current elected political office as a platform, while selfishly shirking their present duties and obligation to their constituents, to seek higher office. You know, like using a US Senator position while campaigning for the Presidency of the United States for 4 years. Sarah Palin on the other hand is honest about her intentions. Sarah Palin is her own person and that should be highly admired. The far left, some democrats, and the media of course are going to attack her no mater what she does. Most people, however, love her and find her to be very refreshing. She will be formidable and that is what they are afraid of. The talking heads don't understand an honest and sincere person and look for all kinds of excuses and ways to criticize her honesty and integrity….simply because they don't understand it. They want her to act as everybody else does. That isn't Sarah Palin.
Whatever Sarah Palin chooses to do in the future, she will do well. She cares about her family, she cares about the sate of Alaska, she cares about her country. She has the inner strength and courage to continue to do what she thinks is right, in spite of all opposition. It will be interesting to see all the media types eat their words when she succeeds.
I am betting on Sarah Palin.
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