Thursday, June 4, 2009

Federal Government Over Control Dangerous to America

The federal government is moving rapidly into a very dangerous over control situation and the most startling thing is that the American people have no say. Within a very short time of the Obama administration the federal government seized control of the Census, normally under the Commerce Department specifically to avoid political influence. This gives the White House the opportunity to manipulate congressional redistricting, the allocation of federal funds, and even the composition of the Electoral College.

In a little over 4 months the federal government has taken control of some of the nations largest banks and financial institutions; the auto industry; the housing industry; and will soon control the energy and healthcare industries. This is much, much more than "oversight", this is outright control. Only a day after President Obama announced that the federal government had no desire to run the auto industry, a congressional committee was hammering auto executives over their plan to close dealerships in an attempt to cut costs and become profitable. It doesn't take much intelligence to tell that you can't run a company with that sort of meddling in a business, much of it potentially driven by political motives. This no doubt will be ruinous to the auto industry.

Even more dangerous is the impending bailout of states, cities and towns by the federal government. It needs to be understood that when bailed out, the federal government effectively owns these government entities and will dictate to them. Currently 47 of our states are in financial difficulty, some of them severe. The same is true of many of our cities and towns. What will occur is that our states and localities will, in effect, lose their sovereignty. We will become a federal government dominated country vs. local control.

This is all being funded with taxpayer money that will jeopardize the financial well being of our country and citizens, not only today, but for future generations with the out of control spending. None of this is being done with permission of the people. If all of the above isn't bad enough the federal government effectively controls the main stream media. At first this was voluntary by the media since they overwhelmingly favored the Obama administration. This, however, is gradually becoming a situation of control through innuendo and fear.

As a result of this over control by the federal government and additional legislation that is being rammed through congress personal freedoms will be severely restricted. People who lived through the dictatorial take over of Venezuela by Hugo Chavez are warning us that this is exactly what happened in that country during his early rein.

Our only hope to put an end to this runaway freight train of federal government control will be the 2010 elections and any elections preceding 2010. After that it will be too late, America will become something none of us will recognize, it will no longer be our great democracy. The Founders of our country specifically warned us not to allow this to happen. We are faced with an urgent fight for our very freedoms and democracy.

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