Monday, December 17, 2012

On the Right to Bear Arms & Gun Control

Early American settlers felt it was important to have the right to bear arms for several reasons including deterring tyrannical government and facilitating a natural right to self defense. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the right of the people to bear arms and it was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. In 2008 and in 2010 the Supreme Court, in landmark decisions, declared that this right is unconnected to service in a militia. There were, and are those today, who attempt to claim that the only purpose of the 2nd Amendment, and the right to bear arms, was for militia purposes. They are wrong.

The Founding Fathers were also very strong in their statements concerning the right to bear arms. George Washington said: "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." Thomas Jefferson stated :"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." He went on further to say: "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes"....and..."No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."

Today people in the United States are buying guns in record numbers. Why do you think that is the case? Yes, for self protection, but increasingly people today DO have a fear of the tyranny of our own government. They see our freedoms threatened and increasing over control by our federal government into every aspect of our lives. They see the government invading our privacy and actually spying on our own people in many forms, in violation to the Constitution. They see an irresponsible Congress and government that are pushing us further and further into debt. They see our sovereignty being threatened as a nation, being given up to the UN and other international organizations. They see our Constitution being not only circumvented, by actually violated. People fear the tyranny of our own government. They know that one of the first things that is done in a dictatorship is take the guns our of the hands of the people, so they can be more easily controlled. All these reasons are why people are buying guns in record numbers...let's be honest about it.

We have had terrible tragedies in the United Sates in recent times, most recently in Newtown, Connecticut. Gun control advocates, and many in our government, shamelessly seize on this as an opportunity, not even allowing the grief of the tragedy to begin to subside. They use it as an opportunity. Yet we all know that criminals, those who have a propensity toward violence, will always have access to weapons through various underground, or black market, sources. Our own government sold weapons to known Mexican criminals! Our own government routinely provides for the distribution of weapons to those forces who are seemingly friendly to our cause. (And in many cases turn out not to be.)

With the "gun control" that is now being sought, criminals and those who have a tendency toward violence will find guns and weapons. Law abiding citizens who want self protection and actually do fear the tyranny of government will be the ones who will be hurt. Thomas Jefferson said: "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

There is a reason for the 2nd Amendment and it had been very well thought through at the time in the forming of our great country by some pretty amazing people.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas & Holidays - A Time to Reflect on God

The underlying problem with America is not the economy, jobs, the debt, the threat of terrorism, or other frequently mentioned problems. The problem is the increasing absence of God from our nation. Throughout history it has been proven, time and time again, that a nation's moral condition and its character are key to its survival. Nations, as well as individuals, are subject to God's moral laws. It is said that we should learn from history. Yet one only needs to look at history and the ruination of empires and nations of the past...the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and in more recent times Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia. The common thread is that God was removed in favor of the emperor, the dictator, the ruler, and / or the state. The fact is that they cannot co-exist. Loyalty to God interferes with loyalty to the ruler and the state. In effect, the ruler and the state become God.

Our Founding Fathers believed that God was important to both the founding and survival of our nation. Some modern day historians have tried to bury and ignore this very important part of our heritage. They want us to believe that the Founding Fathers were mainly Deists or Agnostics. Yet most of them were devout Christians and even those who weren't believed that God was critical to the survival of our nation. The proof of this is through their writings and speeches, our history is laced with their references to God.

Today, there is an ongoing distortion of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting the establishment of religion and impeding the free exercise of religion. Yet we have several groups today in our country that have twisted this toward actual violation of the Amendment by specifically preventing the free exercise of religion. The underlying motive is to take God out of every aspect of American life. It is a real and ongoing battle, and for the most part they are succeeding.

We see the bad fruits of eliminating God from our country. This starts with the destruction of marriage and the family, the very cornerstone of society. It extends to rampant immorality, the deterioration of our education system, the dumbing up of our population through wide spread drug use, crime, political and corporate corruption, the lack of respect for life, the use of propaganda in order to fool people...and even brainwashing in our schools. We see signs of it all around us. This is what always happens when God is removed from a nation, from a society.

As we approach the Christmas and Holiday season, we should all reflect on what God means to us individually and as a nation. Facts and history have shown that removing God from our lives, and from our nation, will result in ruination. Conversely, by placing God strongly in our lives and recognizing Him to be foundational to our nation will result in both personal success, and the lasting success of our nation. We WILL solve our problems, one by one.

Forewarning on New Major Economic Crisis in America

The "fiscal cliff" will be far overshadowed by the next looming financial crisis in America. The burst of the inflation bubble will be an economic catastrophe for America. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the monthly Consumer Price Index, that represents the "reported" inflation rate in our country. In 2009 the inflation rate was reported as flat, and even went negative for a few months! In 2012 it is running about 2%, or less. Yet those of us who buy food and all the necessities to live by, and pay for energy costs, gasoline, health insurance, increasing taxes and fees, etc. realize that REAL inflation is running from 10 to 15%...much higher than reported.

Generally, under normal times, keeping interest rates low is a good thing since it stimulates investments and eases debt burden. But these are far from normal times. Interest rates on savings have been artificially suppressed, actually squashed down, for over 3 years now to levels typically well under 1%. This has a tremendous negative impact on seniors who place a good amount of their life savings into conservative investments such as savings and CD accounts, but get practically nothing in return. It also affects the middle class and the poor since they are unable to improve their financial state through savings. Further, with interest rates artificially so low much less money goes into the economy through spending. Even worse, money that is in savings and CD accounts is worth less and less since real inflation is quite high and the value of the dollar is decreasing.

The final nail in the coffin comes from the Federal Reserve printing paper money, flooding the economy with nothing to back it up, to the tune of $40 billion per month, or $480 billion per year! The result of this is that the dollar is worth less and less.

 The result of real inflation being already high + interest rates squashed artificially low + the value of the dollar being lowered by printing an enormous amount of paper money = an economic disaster for America.

The inflation bubble will burst, causing prices / inflation to skyrocket. Prices of food and needed goods to live by will be staggeringly high. Millions, upon millions of Americans will be driven into a state of poverty and dependency. It will become a seemingly different America almost overnight.

It seems that all the economists and the "financial experts" have their head in the sand on this. We are headed toward a very major economic crisis in America that will overshadow anything that has happened so far. It will hit us in 2013, or at the latest in the first quarter of 2014. This is a forewarning.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Unions Gone Wild - Obama 2nd Term

Union operatives, behind the scenes, are USING Wal-Mart employees and stirring them up in attempts to unionize their stores using false arguments. Yet Wal-Mart employs 1.4 million people in the United States, many of whom are minorities and handicapped, offers them reasonable pay and benefits, as well as upward mobility into management. A very large number in management have worked up through the ranks up in job status. Otherwise content employees are being stirred up and USED. What Wal-Mart offers to the public is a large variety of goods and food items at a significant discount, including excellent prices on such things as pharmaceutical items and eyewear. So what's the beef??

One of the false arguments (there are many) is that Wal-Mart sells items made in China. We've got news for those who make this accusation. Unfortunately, not only Wal-Mart, but nearly every store and every item we purchase in America today is made in China. This is a whole other issue, but it is NOT attributed to Wal-Mart.

Under the second Obama term, corrupt union bosses are being given a free reign in an attempt to take over all workers in America. During this second term you will witness "unions gone wild". What you will see is even stronger federal government control over ALL aspects of American life, a severe restriction on freedoms...combined with attempts of union control over all workers in our country. Centralized control over all people in a country is not democracy.
This is not an affront to the many good, hard working, union workers in our country...this is in reference to corrupt union leadership who do not have the best interests of workers of America in mind. They want power and control. Union employees should be equally as concerned as all Americans.
"We like to say: We use the power of persuasion first, If it doesn’t work, we try the persuasion of power.” ... "Because workers of the world unite, it’s not just a slogan anymore. It’s the way we’re going to have to do our work."  Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).


Friday, November 9, 2012

The Genesis of Romney Loss - A Sad Time for America

The really sad part is that anybody who knows Mitt Romney, or knows the real facts about him, knows that he is a decent, caring and a very capable man and leader. He has done all kinds of charitable acts in support of those in need. He has grown companies and created jobs. He is a good family man and has a strong faith in God. His background and experience were ideally suited to lead our nation, particularly at this time. He, nor our nation, deserve what was done to him.

He was lied about and demonized by the Obama administration with the full cooperation of many of the major media sources. They made things up and said things that they knew not to be true. Outright lies. They took a page from Saul Alinsky, in Rules for Radicals. "The ends justify the means".

Many people were fooled and followed like sheep in how they voted. This is a sad time for America. Our country will pay dearly for it and may never recover.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And Now...Reality Sets In

For the last 3 years the United States was "made to look good", by hype from the Obama administration on how much progress was being made, and a constant stream of media communication to the American people that did the same. Articles were purposely headlined to make things appear positive...the economy, jobs, the housing market, education, foreign policy, etc., you name it. Seldom did you pick up a newspaper without reading something positive that was happening, all attributed to President Obama and his administration. There was a barrage of propaganda constantly fed to the American people.

It worked, President Obama was reelected.

Now the 2012 elections are over and reality will set in. The real and inescapable truth is that the United States is in very deep trouble, on the verge of economic collapse. The numbers and facts speak for themselves. Enormous and rapidly growing national debt; huge unemployment and underemployment; an extremely large number of people on food stamps and in poverty; real inflation, what it cost to live by, much higher than reported; the middle class and seniors in a financial squeeze; mounting healthcare costs; billions of dollars of paper money being printed per month flooding the market, devaluing the dollar. The super inflation bubble is about to burst. Medicare and Social Security are headed toward bankruptcy in a few short years with no plan in place to do anything about it. There are a very large percentage of people who have been pushed into a state of financial dependency upon the federal government. The U.S. Postal Service and the National Park Service are both in financial trouble. There is more...much more.

The numbers are right there in front of us, they are inescapable. For the next 4 years and beyond, all of the hype in the world and propaganda are not going to erase the looming financial disaster that confronts our nation. We cannot continue to ignore the fact that all of these issues need to be addressed, and with a sense of urgency.

Reality is right here before us. Urgent action is needed by our federal government as we close out 2012, and enter 2013. Failure to do so will result in the sure financial collapse of our nation. Politicking is over.

2012 Elections

The 2012 elections show how much the American people have drifted from truth, reality, values, and our country's founding principles . Most importantly it shows how much the American people have drifted from God. Make no mistake about it, these next several years will become increasingly difficult for all of us, for our families, our country, and for the world.

Years ago, as a high school student, I remember finding a note in a book that I was reading that had the quotation: "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Unfortunately this quote from the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Galatians, voters in the 2012 elections will come to realize this to be true.

It is important for us going forward to keep our strong faith, to fight for and speak up what is right and for our country in the appropriate way, and to not get discouraged.

May God bless you, your families, and our country.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It IS Bush's Fault, But a Lot More

We all must of heard, at least a thousand times…“It’s Bush’s fault”. But the real facts show that it is BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats fault. We can start during the Clinton administration where he put the Community Reinvestment Act on steroids and put tremendous pressure on banks forcing them to offer home loans to people who obviously couldn’t afford them, creating a looming financial disaster. This continued throughout the Bush years without doing anything to head off the certain disaster.

Two individuals whose actions can be considered close to criminal were Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut, and Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, who headed oversight over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They lied and covered up about the true dire financial condition of these two government sponsored financial institutions, both to Congress and the American people. It is on record and on video. In addition there was all kinds of corruption going on with executive salaries, bonuses, pay-offs, and more.

During the presidency of George W. Bush he spent money like it was going out of style. His response to 9/11 in attacking both the Taliban and Al-Qaeda who orchestrated an attack on America was appropriate. He should have focused on bringing Osama bin Laden to justice and did not. What would have been appropriate was swift military action in Afghanistan and then get out, NOT a long drawn out campaign. We should NOT have started a war in Iraq. Both of these long drawn out wars cost the United States thousands of American lives. They also drained the economy and took focus off from domestic issues that needed attention.

And then there is the wheeling, dealing, and corruption of some of the larger financial institutions in America. It is very complex on what they did, but suffice it to say that they also heavily contributed to the economic crisis in America. BOTH political parties had a hand in allowing this to happen, and in some cases even being involved in the process.

So when we hear, almost constantly, that it is “Bush’s fault”...well yes it is. But it is also the fault of BOTH political parties and certain key individuals and there is a lot of blame to go around.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

In The Real World Obama Would Have Been Fired By Now


In the real world, in a turn around situation, when a new leader inherits a bad situation, the following should be done:

1) Take the high road and don't continually blame your predecessor. It will quickly get stale if you do, those who hired you who are looking forward to positive change. That is why they hired you!

2) Surround yourself with good competent people.

3) Within the first 6 months come up with a specific turn around plan and make it clear and visible to all concerned. Set realistic, yet needed, goals in order to accomplish the turn around.

4) Bring people together cooperatively, eliminate divisiveness. Continually communicate and have regular reviews of progress vs. the goals that were set.

5 At the end of the first year there should be some initial progress. Make course corrections if necessary.

6) At the end of the 2nd year substantial progress should be shown. Again, course correct as necessary.

7) At the end of the 3rd year you should be well on the way to a major positive turn around. Keep it going.

Obama has done none of the above. He has relied entirely upon hype, charm, and spin in attempting to try to make people believe that something positive has been done under his leadership. Yet the results speak for themselves. An objective media would have pointed this out. In the real world Obama would have been fired, probably not too long after the first year.


Friday, November 2, 2012

New Media Direction In America ?

The New Media Potential
What Could and Should Happen

We have seen the worst of the worst in media reporting prior to the 2012 elections in America. It is time for a change. The following will be done:

The sacredness of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution concerning “freedom of the press”, and its responsibility toward preserving our democracy will be reinforced.

We will visit colleges and universities throughout the country in order to found and install new schools of journalism, founded upon firm principles of true journalism, objective media reporting based upon truth and facts, full and unbiased coverage of all important news, and tenacious investigative reporting.

We will then found a new national newspaper called The American Free Press. This newspaper, in its’ charter, will clearly state that it will have NO allegiance to any political party, to any ideology, to any organization, nor to any person. As far as journalistic freedom, this will also disallow any undue pressure from any executive, manager, or editor of the newspaper.

We will then hire editors, reporters, journalists, and columnists, who as a condition of employment, must leave their own political, or ideological views “at the door”, with one exception that will be outlined below All relevant issues important to America and the world will be covered. Nothing important will be purposely left out or covered up. All news stories printed will be thoroughly and objectively researched; and based upon verifiable truth and facts. Any bias will not be allowed, and we will continually follow a policy to pursue purity of reporting to the extent humanly possible. One of the additional strengths of the newspaper will be hard hitting tenacious investigative reporting in order to get to the truth, and to expose corruption and wrongdoing….all based upon verifiable facts….wherever it leads.

The exception to the above will be to have opinion columns on important subjects, representing different points of view. Contrary points of view will always be present to any opinion article so that the reader can make up their own mind. The model that will be used is that which is similar to ballot issues when voting. For the most part, this is usually handled extremely well, presenting both sides of the voting issue, allowing the voter to decide.

The American Free Press, will as the name implies will be free to readers., no money will be charged for the paper. Funding for the newspaper will be entirely from contributions from people who believe in our purpose to bring the American people factual, verifiable, relevant, and objective news, without bias and void of propaganda. Contributions can be for any amount up to a maximum of $1,000. Any contribution of $500 or over will require the donor to sign a simple statement (provided in each paper) that indicates that the donor fully understands that they acknowledge that they will NOT receive any preferential treatment in the news reporting, whatsoever. There will be a maximum contribution level in any year up to $4,000 from any single donor.

We will have ongoing contact with the new schools of journalism that will be established at the various colleges and universities, with an opportunity for interchange between the students and faculty, as well as an opportunity for student co-op jobs while a student.

The American people are fed up with what they have been getting for news. The 2012 pre-election news given to the American people has been a disgrace to the profession of journalism, an insult to the First Amendment, and a threat to our democracy. It is also evident that corrupt polling has been used by some news organizations that attempt to influence public opinion, not measure it. Look for this to be addressed at a later time.

This will an exciting and much needed new direction for news in America.

Obama's Domestic Record

Obama's Domestic Record
* 25 million people unemployed or underemployed

* 50% of college graduates can't find work

* 1 in every 6 people in poverty

* 47 million people on food stamps

* Real inflation, what it REALLY cost to live by has increased about 15% or higher, prices are much higher

* Interest rates on savings near zero, placing an immense squeeze on seniors with fixed income

* The Fed is flooding the economy with $48 Billion per month making the value of the $ worth much less

* Median household income has decreased (about $3,000 to $4,000 per year)

* A massive inflation bubble is about to burst, prices of necessary items, food, etc. will skyrocket

* Gasoline prices have doubled over the last 4 years

* The inflation bubble burst will send the economy into still another tailspin

* Stimulus money spent on paybacks, wasted, with nothing to show for it

* Operating without a federal budget for 3 1/2 years, playing the crisis / "continuing resolution" game

* Federal spending continuing out of control

* Obama increasing debt well over $1 trillion per year, has increased debt by $6 trillion in 3 1/2 years

* Federal debt now well over $16 trillion will go to over $20 trillion in just a few years


* Our core strength as a nation, manufacturing given up

* NO initiatives to make America energy independent, just the opposite, they are being BLOCKED

This is just PART of Obama's domestic record.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Where is Our Government in Bringing Justice??

Why don't we get this guy? It should be pretty easy to find him with this photo that he posed for. They should have him already! Sophisticated Image enhancement techniques at the Rochester of Institute of Technology can make this photo MUCH better and even clearer. What are we doing??

Election Message From One of the Best Men of Our Times

Major Inflation Bubble About to Burst

While everyone seemingly has their heads in the sand, there is a major financial crisis looming that will cause still another devastating blow to the economy of the United States. How many more of these can we take?

While the reported inflation rate is running about 2% and lower, the REAL inflation, what it costs to actually live by, is running about 15%. This includes food cost that has skyrocketed, gasoline that has doubled over the last 4 years, healthcare costs, clothing, all kinds of tax and fee increases, and the higher cost of many necessities. In fact, 15% may even be a conservative number. The 2% number is not realistic vs. the actual financial impact upon the American people.

At the same time the Federal Reserve has artificially and dramatically suppressed interest rates over the last 4 years. The thinking is that low interest rates will stimulate investments while at the same time easing debt burdens. During normal times this might be a good thing, but these are not normal times, in fact far from it.

What is actually is happening is that investments are not occurring for a variety of reasons that can be summarized by saying there is no confidence in the direction of our economy. Growth is stymied. Artificially lowering debt burden is only delaying the inevitable and temporarily avoiding the responsibility for the debt. Think about placing your hand on top of a balloon filled with water and continually pushing down. The predictable will happen, the balloon will burst. We are now at the burst point.

Low interest rates are actually hurting the economy in several ways. Seniors, at the later stages of life, have generally two objectives for their life long savings. One is to help their children and grandchildren, the second is to enjoy life, and that means spending. Yet on a fixed income they are in a severe financial squeeze. Interest on savings is close to zero. Secondly the money that they have saved is increasingly losing value through real inflation. The result is that they don't spend as normal, their money is not going into the economy as it normally would. The second major negative impact due to artificially suppressed interest rates is on small community banks. They are also in a squeeze since a good part of their income results from home mortgages and small business loans. Their profit margin, by low rates, is pushed way down. In fact, there is little incentive to loan money. This also has a major negative impact on the economy. This is the reason we see so many of the smaller banks being swallowed up by the larger banks...not a good thing for the country. The larger banks don't worry about this issue since they are "protected". Protected with taxpayer money.

While all of the above is going on the Federal Reserve is printing money, flooding the economy, at the tune of $ 40 billion per month, or $ 480 billion per year! By flooding "paper" into the market, with nothing to back it up, obviously the dollar will be worth less and less.

Another factor is that according to the U.S. Census the median household income fell by 1.5%, people are making less money in a very difficult economy. In addition it was reported that 46.2 million Americans were in poverty in 2011 and we have about 23 million people either unemployed or underemployed.

All of the above is a formula for sure disaster and you can count on it, there will be no avoiding it. We have real inflation (today) running about 15 %. Artificially suppressed interest rates are actually hurting seniors, small banks, and the economy, as well as avoiding reality. People have less money and the money that they do have is worth less. A large number of people have either have no income or very little income. The Federal Reserve is flooding the economy with "paper" and this will make the dollar worth much less since there is nothing to back it up.

Within the next 2 years the bubble will burst and result in super inflation. The price of even items necessary to live by will be astronomical. An already delicate economy will go into a tailspin from which it may never recover. This is clearly predictable.

With a sense of urgency we need to take our heads out of the sand on this and begin addressing the fundamental issues discussed here. Immediately!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Party Before God and Country?

We have seen very strong evidence in recent times of those in politics, those in positions of leadership, and those in the news media, selling their souls, so to speak, for political or personal gain. Commitment, loyalty and support of the "club" or party takes precedent over anything else and it is felt that this will secure both approval of other "club" members and will result in personal gain. This goes so far that it even takes precedent over God and country. This "club" mentality becomes so powerful through self sustaining group approval that many never stop to even think that they are effectively selling their souls.

Nowhere was this more evident than in the recent attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya where a U.S. Ambassador and 3 other brave Americans were left abandoned for sure death while under attack. Yet previously well respected Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and CIA Director, General David H. Petraeus, and others, knowingly participated in lies and cover up in order to protect the "club", while truth, God and country were set aside.

Kathleen Sebelius, U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, purports to be a Catholic yet she supports unrestricted abortions, including partial birth abortion. She in fact is the prime mover behind forcing Catholic Institutions and Catholic personnel to offer contraception and early abortion medication in violation of the Catholic faith, and even the First Amendment to the Constitution concerning freedom of religion. She has placed the "club", the party, over her faith.

At the recent Democratic Convention an honored speaker was Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 350,000 children per year. As an honored speaker? During this same convention an acclamation vote had to be taken in order to decide whether or not the word "God" should be included in the party platform. Think about it. The actual acclamation vote resulted in the desire to exclude God, but was overridden since it would be an obvious embarrassment...for votes, not based upon religious belief. The reality is, God HAS been excluded from the Democratic Party in recent times as demonstrated in positions and actions...over and over.

Massachusetts is the most prominent example of the "club" or party taking precedence over everything else. It is clearly a one party state, not only at the state level, but from the ground up including every town and city's elected (and appointed) positions. Many are very good people, family people, community oriented...and many are Catholics. They attend Catholic Mass regularly. When you watch them interact they seem to delight in each other, yet at the same time there is a sense of ownership of the state. And they like the power. Yet they seem to sense that in order to keep the power and to continue to progress in their political careers that they have to do what is necessary to get votes, and to be "politically correct". This is where the selling of their soul comes in through rationalization and the "club" mentality that takes over. They then routinely violate their faith through supporting abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia, same sex marriage, and even the Sebelius initiative of forcing Catholic Institutions and Catholic personnel to offer contraception and early abortion medication in violation to the Catholic faith since it is the party line. Essentially selling their soul in order to preserve their "club" membership.

On the national level the "club" becomes not only the party, but the ideology. Members of Congress, members of the administration, and most of the media clearly place the ideology over everything else...certainly over God and country. Any clear thinking intelligent person can see that our country is in a shambles, actually on the brink of ruin. All the attempted good words and headlines, all the propaganda that is given to the American people, doesn't change this fact. The record, facts, and numbers are all right there in front of us, one has to be blind not to see them. On the international front, it is the same. The Mid East is not only unstable, but on fire. There is a threat of nuclear war; it is so bad that could easily erupt into World War III. Yet throughout Congress, throughout our administration in Washington, and throughout the media it is evident that many have placed the party, or the ideology first over God and country. The "club" rules.

It is not wrong to be affiliated with a party and to be loyal to it. It is not wrong to believe in a certain ideology. What IS wrong, however, is to place the party, the ideology, the "club", over God and country. We have plenty of examples throughout our American history of people who have placed God and country first. They were our heroes. More than ever today...we need more heroes in positions of leadership in our country.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Benghazi MUCH Worse Than Watergate

On September 11, 2012 the United States of America was attacked. According to international (and U.S.) rule, our consulate in Benghazi , Libya represents a sovereign state, any attack is considered an attack on the country it represents. Further, a high official of the United States was murdered, as well as 3 other Americans. This was a serious affront to our country that could have very easily been considered an act of war. It was that serious.

The consulate was inadequately protected on September 11, 2012 even though previous terror acts had occurred, and consulate people, and others requested more protection. This failure falls directly on the shoulders of the Obama administration and the State Department.

On the day of the attack there was no public protest on the streets, Ambassador Christopher Stevens had even walked on the streets prior to the attack. During the attack there was live communication, several E-mails, and even a video, showing that it was an organized terrorist attack with heavy weapons. It is clear that the Obama administration knew it was a terrorist attack.

Yet, for apparently political purposes, the next day and for several days (even weeks) thereafter, even though there was more than enough information to know this was a terrorist attack and not just a street uprising, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, Press Secretary Jay Carney, UN Ambassador Susan Rice (repeatedly) told the American people either by direct statements, or by inference, that the attack on the consulate was caused by an obscure anti-Muslim video on YouTube. The American people were lied to and there was an attempted cover up.

Matthew G. Olsen, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told the investigating Congressional Committee flat out that it was known to be a terrorist attack.  For this, for telling the truth before a Congressional Committee, he was severely reprimanded by the Obama administration!  What should this tell us?

Equally alarming, many of the major media sources helped cover up the truth about the attack on our country, the murder of Americans, and the deception / cover up by our government.  

Recently in his campaign for re- election President Obama said "trust matters". The truth and facts on what happened on September 11, 2012 need to be fully brought out and those who have lied to the American people and covered up this murderous attack on the United States need to be held accountable.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Need to Reassess - Bring Back a Respect for Life

In the past when a person died, even of old age or natural causes, there was deep mourning by family members, relatives, friends, and even the community at large. It was considered a deep and sad tragedy by everyone...the loss of a life.

Yet today, this respect for life appears to be lost. There are now over 16,000 murders per year in the United States, about 45 per day. In Chicago alone murders in 2012 are on track to reach 504, approximately 43 per month. There is hardly a pause for sadness. Approximately 4,500 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq and over 2,000 in Afghanistan. Yet they appear to be reported as "numbers" without the deep sadness over the loss of human life, most of them young people who had everything to live for.

Across the world there is even deeper tragedy in regard to the loss of life. In the Sudan the slaughter of Christians goes practically unnoticed and unreported, yet goes to lengths that are difficult to comprehend. Houses are burnt; churches are leveled; women are raped and mutilated. Children and whole families are murdered. Since 1983 over 2.5 million Christians have been slaughtered and it goes mainly unnoticed and unreported. The holocaust continues to this day. Nobody seems to care, 2.5 million!

In Pakistan, a beautiful and bright 14 year old young girl, Malala Yousufzai, is fighting for her life after she was shot by the Taliban as she was returning home from school. The reason? She was promoting the education of girls. Militants who oppose the education of girls in Afghanistan were responsible for the recent poisoning of over 100 girls. This was preceded by the throwing of acid in the faces of school girls in Afghanistan. Young boys are used by radical Muslims as suicide bombers where they have blown themselves up while killing thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Terrorists continue to launch thousands of rockets into Israeli civilian populations. Our society has come to the point where hundreds of billions (even trillions) of dollars are being spent for security at airports, train stations, and at other public transportation sites. The reason, someone may try to plant a bomb that will kill innocent people. This is what we have come to in regard to the respect for life. Yet most all religions have some rule about not killing people, although some apply it only to their "faithful". Nonetheless we are headed down the path of an increased propensity to kill others. Life is losing its' sacredness.

Since 1973, in America alone, over 50 million lives of helpless, innocent, beautiful children have been taken through abortion, the worst holocaust of humankind. Yet the president of Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 350,000 children a year, was an honored speaker at the 2012 Democratic Convention. What have we come to? The slippery slope of euthanasia in on the ballot in Massachusetts, and so it goes.

Blessed Pope John Paul II called our current era, what we are becoming, as the "culture of death". Very profoundly Mother Teresa said that "the fruits of abortion are nuclear war". By that she meant that if there is no respect for the life on an innocent child, then that will escalate to the lack of respect for ALL life, ultimately leading to nuclear war, the most destructive of all weaponry for eliminating life. If we stop for a moment, and look around us, listen to the is very evident that human life is no longer sacred.

Life may not be sacred to many today....but it is to God and that will never change. Those that are wise should see it coming. We had better change course before it is too late.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Benghazi MUCH Worse Than Watergate, Unreported

On September 11, 2012 the United States of America was attacked. A U.S. embassy or a consulate has a special status, and any attack is considered an attack on the country it represents. Thus, the United Sates was attacked in Benghazi, Libya on September 11. A high official of the United States was murdered, as well as 3 other Americans, This was a serious affront to our country that could have very easily been considered an act of war.

Prior to September 11 there was plenty of prior warning and full knowledge that Benghazi, Libya was a danger zone. State Department officials have given testimony that they had asked for increased security. Testimony from the head of an elite security force in Libya said that he expected an attack and the U.S. was the "last flag flying" in Benghazi. Middle East expert, Michael W. Hanna, said radical Salafi groups had been planning for weeks to demonstrate at U.S. embassies and consulates on Sept. 11. These plans were hardly secret. Eric Nordstrom, the regional security officer in Libya, referenced a State Department document detailing 230 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012 that demonstrated the danger there to Americans. Nordstrom told the Congressional committee that he sent two cables to State Department headquarters in March and July 2012 requesting additional diplomatic security agents for Benghazi, but that he received no responses. There was more, but common sense alone should have told us that with the upcoming September 11, 2012 that security should have been strengthened. It was not, Americans were clearly left abandoned in harm's way.

On the very day of the attack it was known within minutes that this was a terrorist attack and not a street uprising. Heavy weapons were used in a highly organized attack. Also within minutes members of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were in communication with Washington in regard to the ongoing attack. There is little question that this quickly spread to the CIA, the National Security Administration, the Sate Department, the Department of Defense, to NATO, and to other intelligence agencies...and certainly to the White House. There are also reports that a live video of the attack exists but for some reason this is being kept under wraps, not even allowing a Congressional Committee to see it. All of the organizations above within a very short period of time knew that this was a terrorist attack. Yet during this attack on the United States of America the Obama administration did nothing. The attack on the consulate that lasted 6 hours resulted in the murder of 4 Americans. They were (let's name all of them, they were real people and Americans): Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith. The United States did nothing, just watched the destruction of our consulate and the murder of 4 Americans, didn't even try to scramble military jets, or any other means of defense.

After this attack on the United States of America President Obama left Washington to go to Las Vegas to campaign.

The next day and for several days (even weeks) thereafter, even though there was more than enough information to know this was a terrorist attack and not just a street uprising, President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Press Secretary Jay Carney, UN Ambassador Susan Rice (repeatedly) told the American people either by direct statements, or by inference, that the attack on the consulate was caused by an obscure anti-Muslim video on YouTube. They even apologized for it. Yet it was KNOWN that it was a terrorist attack. The American people were purposely lied to. To compound the lie even further, in a recent Vice Presidential debate, VP Joe Biden said they had no knowledge of the threats to the consulate prior to September 11, and that "intelligence" told them that it was due to an uprising, and it was only later that they found out it was a terrorist attack.

Since the real truth has been forcing its way out, primarily through Congressional testimony, the Obama administration has back tracked, but unbelievably still remains fuzzy, on the fact that it was indeed, a terrorist attack.

Benghazi is MULTITUDES greater and worse than Watergate. It shows a major failure in leadership. It shows a failure of the Obama Mid East foreign policy. It shows a lack of competency in the assessment and protection of U. S. territory, our consulate. It shows a failure to act in defense of our country that was attacked. It shows outright lies to the American people and a cover up by the Obama administration, apparently for political purposes.

Most discouraging of all it shows the corruption of the major media sources in America. The attack on our country, the murder of Americans, and the deception / cover up by our government SHOULD have been front page news over the past month. It was not.

Our country was attacked. Four Americans, including a high level government official were murdered. Major lies and a cover up were given to the American people, not facts and the truth.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Shift of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of 2012 is drastically different than the Democratic Party of 1960 during the era of President John F. Kennedy. In the past it was known as the "party of the people" and genuinely cared about people and those in REAL need. However, the party platform today, either written or unwritten, includes approval of abortion, euthanasia, and the marriage of two people of the same sex. A key speaker at the Democratic Convention was the President of Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 350,000 children per year. (Imagine!) It includes a strong strain of socialism, something that we considered evil during the Cold War. At the recent Democratic Convention they had to vote on the inclusion of God, and the recognition of Israel. The acclamation vote actually appeared to be more in favor of exclusion, rather than inclusion. For appearance purposes it was forced to look like the vote was for inclusion, but to even raise the question if God and Israel should be mentioned or excluded should be an eye opener for everyone.

The party convention had a speaker who represented the need for free contraception for women as part of "women's rights", and if you are against this, you are against women. The Party seized upon this, in direct violation of the Constitution, to force Catholics and Catholic institutions to offer contraception and early abortion medication contrary to the Catholic faith.

The party today believes that you don't have to balance a budget and that a massive debt of over $16 trillion fast approaching $20 trillion is not a problem that needs urgent addressing. It believes in strong federal government control over all aspects of American life. The party believes in distribution of wealth, where money is taken from those who are wealthy, and those who have worked hard all their lives and given to those not only in real need, but to those who choose not to work and who, by choice, wish to be dependent upon the federal government. Dependency on government, not individual initiative and responsibility seems to be a party theme.

It does not believe in American exceptionalism, on the contrary, it believes in "mea culpa" that the United States is a major source of the world problems and that we should apologize for our failures. The Democratic Party believes that the United Nations should play a stronger role, not only in the world, but in reference to laws that place the people of America under the UN jurisdiction. Yet this runs contrary to the U.S. Constitution and is a threat to our sovereignty as a nation. The party believes in vastly reduced military strength and presence.

Welfare, disability, and voter fraud are allowed to thrive under the current unwritten party platform, as well as illegal immigration. The party also believes that American citizens should pay for the education, healthcare, and living expenses of those who are here illegally where in many cases even American citizens do not receive these benefits.

The party does not believe in identifying the #1 threat to the United States and to the world....radical Islamic terrorism. The belief seems to be if it is not mentioned or identified that it will just go away. This places the United States in great jeopardy.

The party wishes to force America into expensive and inadequate energy sources while at the same time, not only ignoring, but actually preventing, the realization of readily available domestic energy sources that will lead to complete energy independence.  This would lower costs for all Americans, create millions of jobs, and greatly strengthen our national defense.

The Democratic Party today supports union bosses, but not union members. There is a movement underway to take the (sacred) secret ballot away from union member voters, allowing bosses to have a strong intimidation lever. This is only one example of the concentration of more dictatorial power and wealth in the hands of bosses at the detriment of union members. Nowhere has the devastation of union bosses been more detrimentally felt than in education. Through their strong opposition to charter schools (choice), and their disallowance of any type of educational or teacher performance rating, education in the United States has alarmingly deteriorated. Many of our public schools are simply out of control.

The Democratic Party today inflames racism and division as a means to divert criticism, and as a means to attempt to rally minorities to the party, it's platform agenda...and for their vote.

The Democratic Party of today has moved from being considered the "party of the people" to the party of government and union boss control, and to the party of dependency, not of individual initiative and responsibility.

Those that have been life long Democrats and always vote accordingly should think long and hard about voting "Democrat" today.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Time to End Media Betrayal of America

It is time for the media to do their job.

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States offers the sacred right of "freedom of the press". This right is absolutely essential in the preserving of our democracy and in guaranteeing the freedoms of all our citizens.

Yet over the last 15 years this sacred right has been abused. In collusion, various media organizations have:

* Purposely biased news and used the news as a means of propaganda, not for informing the public

* Covered up reporting, and in some cases failed entirely to report vital news...vital to America and vital to the world

* Attacked individuals and organizations that do not agree with their ideological positions

* Created news that is false or completely inaccurate

* Issued purposely biased "poll" information that attempts to influence public opinion, not measure it

* Offer what amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising and promotion to individuals, organizations, and causes that meet their ideological positions. Not for what is best for the country.

The problems facing the United States and the world are very solvable problems. Yet due to the media failure to accurately and objectively report the news they have helped create the following:

* The numbers and facts are all right in front of us, we don't have to go into the details...they are self evident. The United States is on the verge of economic collapse, not only today, but for many future generations and possibly may never recover.

 * The current direction of our country, and foreign policy, has led to an unstable world, primarily in the Mid East. This may very well lead to a nuclear war, with the potential of World War III.

* For many years during the Cold War era we fought against the evils of socialism and communism. Yet with the support of the media we are now marching America into the depths of socialism, in spite of its' historical and glaring failures, and the devastation that it brings to people.

Twenty years from now, looking back, the greatest betrayal of America will have been by the media, where the media played a major part. During a critical era, where the First Amendment, concerning freedom of the press, was intended to be exercised with full integrity in order to shine a light on truth and facts for the good of America and for the people, the media not only acted contrary to this, but outright betrayed our country.
This will be the media legacy.
Yet at this critical juncture in the election of a President of the United States it is not too late. All facts support, if you look at them objectively, that Barack Obama has not only failed as President, but he has failed miserably. Domestically our economy is in shambles. He has exercised federal government over control, not only contrary to our founding as a country, but as actually warned against by our Founders. He is marching America into the depths of socialism. His foreign policy has pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war. Our sovereignty as a nation is threatened. Objective and factual news reporting should reveal all of this if the media were doing their job.
As previously stated all of our problems are solvable, some rather easily. What we need is "freedom of the press" as intended. What we need is objective and factual journalism to bring the truth to the American people. What we need is new leadership.
It is time for the media to do their job. America depends upon it like no other time in our history.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Vote to Save America

The U.S. economy is in shambles and it is getting worse. We have been operating without a federal budget for well over 3 years and continue massive spending using an avenue of budget circumvention called a "continuing resolution". This is a trick...push it to crisis, then continue spending after minor concessions. Our national debt is over $16 trillion and rapidly increasing at the rate of about $1.3 trillion per year, with no plan to do anything about it. Over 23 million people are out of work or underemployed. There are 47 million people on food stamps, with 1 in 6 people in poverty. The Federal Reserve is flooding the monetary system with new printed money with nothing to back it up that will result in a significant lowering in the value of the dollar and super inflation. Interest rates are being artificially suppressed which is causing still another bubble, while people are already experiencing significant real inflation in the purchase of food / groceries, at the gas pump, in energy costs, with healthcare costs, with all sorts of taxes and fees, and with practically all necessary items to live by.

There are approximately 9 million people on federal disability. According to a recent report more than 100 million people are now on some form of welfare, a third of the U.S. population, not counting Medicare or Social Security. Both are laced with significant disability and welfare fraud with no action to do anything about fact it is encouraged.

A federally mandated, federally controlled healthcare system was forced upon the American people. A fundamental premise of those who designed it is that money for healthcare should be spent "only for those most productive to society". When it gets into full swing there will be rationing, as intended, seniors and others "not productive to society" will not receive expensive, live saving medical care. They will become expendable. Is this what America has become under Obama? We had the best healthcare system in the world that only needed fine tuning. Yet we have been forced into a system that has already proved to be a failure in Europe and other places. Healthcare for Americans will be significantly worse, if it is available at all to certain groups of people, and rationing will be in place.

For many years we fought a Cold War against the evils of socialism and communism. They were believed to be evil ideologies. Yet now we are rapidly moving the United States toward socialism. What has happened to America?

The stock market which has the appearance of holding up, may actually be riding on a bubble. With the exception of a few well performing companies (like Apple, for example), much of the trading volume that props up the market is illusionary. The buying is based upon high frequency traders that bid up prices that do not result in real transactional volume. This is the same high frequency trading that led to the 2010 market melt down. High frequency trading accounts for more than half the volume in U.S. stock trading. Not healthy.

There is no serious attempt underway to achieve the energy independence that is vital to United States, not only for our economy, but for national defense. Yet this would create millions of jobs and lower costs for Americans. Most disturbing is the fact that energy independence is readily available, all it needs is a committed plan and action. There currently is a stranglehold on business with over regulation that is preventing businesses from succeeding, growing, adding jobs and putting money into the economy. Our space program has been essentially canceled. A program that in the past has produced spin off technology, business and jobs. This has also decreased our status in the world and is a step backward for national defense. Yet countries like China and Russia are moving full speed ahead with their space programs.

The Constitution and the Congress have been circumvented by Obama by fiat. Forcing the Catholic Church's institutions and personnel against their will and faith, in violation of the First Amendment, to offer contraception and early abortion services is an abomination, and is only one example. Dictating a change in immigration status of illegal immigrants without Congressional approval is another.

The very sovereignty of the United States in under attack. The Obama administration is working with the United Nations to enact gun control in violation with the Second Amendment. There are also talks underway to subject American citizens to a "world court", and international laws not within the bounds of the Constitution. Healthcare directions, such things as vaccination make ups, are gradually being turned over to the dictates of the World Health Organization (UN). There is much more back dealing going on that threatens the very sovereignty of our country, in violation with the Constitution.

We have significantly lost status and respect in the world. Our foreign policy is confusing and / or nonexistent. Barack Obama started off his presidency, and has continued with, a policy of apology, appeasement, and signs of weakness. Our military strength is in the process of being significantly reduced. We have turned our back on, and insulted, one of our greatest allies, Israel. Yet they are strategically important -even vital - to the Mid East, the United States, and the free world. The Obama administration refuses to recognize and identify the greatest threat to our country, and to the world, radical Islamic terrorism.

Our current foreign policy has pushed the Mid East to the brink of a nuclear war. The Obama administration pushed for the removal of dictators, yet did so with no plan on what might happen in the vacuum created by their removal. Mid East stability was upset, enemies have been emboldened, while at the same time abandoning one of our greatest allies, Israel. The administration misled America by telling us that the Muslim Brotherhood were nothing but an innocuous, harmless organization and had no chance of taking charge in the Mid East. They now are on the verge of doing so and they do have very radical Islamic strains. We failed the Iranian people, when we had a chance to bring about a positive change. Total incompetence was exhibited in this recent loss of American lives and over 30 assaults on our embassies, world wide. The Obama administration sits idly by as Israel is being pushed into a corner in order to fight for their very survival.
We were not given the full truth on the murder of the U.S. ambassador in Libya and three other Americans. There was, in fact, a cover up by the Obama administration. It is felt that this was done for political purpose, not what is best for the United States. Total incompetence was exhibited by ignoring early warning signs given by radical Islamic groups, lack of intelligence, and a failure to protect our embassies and personnel on September 11, an obvious day for some type of radical terrorist action.
The foreign policy of the United States is directly responsible for what we see in the Mid East out of control riotous turmoil, much of it aimed at the United States. By turning our back on Israel, and showing weakness, we have greatly emboldened those who want to destroy Israel and the United States. The Mid East has been pushed to the brink of nuclear war, possibly even leading to World War III.

A true leader takes responsibility for their record.  A true leader brings people together and shows clear progress.  A true leader does not continually blame other people for his failures.  A true leader does not purposely create division among people in order to obfuscate their own record of failure.  President Obama is not a leader.   
For all of the reasons above, and more, all those who care about the future of the United States and the world....all those who care about their families, their children, grandchildren, and future generations not only should, but must end the Obama reign and vote for Mitt Romney. The wake of what has been created by the Obama administration, all of the above, and more, should be convincing enough.
It should have NOT been necessary for me to write this letter. It should have all been fully covered and reported by the media across our nation through all media outlets.
Vote to save our country. There never has been such a critical time in our history as a nation.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Unreported: A Critical Failure in Foreign Policy

As if the domestic situation is not bad enough with an extremely poor economy, a massive and rapidly growing debt, and a very poor job situation, our current foreign policy is equally bad. President Obama began his presidency with a worldwide apology tour exhibiting a naivete that this somehow would gain respect and place America in a more positive stead internationally. Just the opposite. Our two staunchest allies are Great Britain and Israel. He insulted England early on by returning a bust of Winston Churchill, but even worse he has continually insulted our vital ally in the Mid East, Israel.

Most critical to our foreign policy is the Mid East. During an Iranian uprising, President Obama failed to say one word in support of the Iranian people while they were being slaughtered in the streets. This was a loss of a major opportunity. Although some undesirable dictators were in place in Egypt and Libya, there was at least some degree of stability. Any attempt at change should have had a plan for assurances that the situation wouldn't actually become worse. Obama had no plan, yet went ahead supporting the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya, even though there was a distinct threat of very radical anti-American Islamic leadership taking over. The most highly organized are the Muslim Brotherhood with clear strains of radical Islam. The naivete was further exhibited when Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, and the Obama administration, attempted to dispel any radical aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood and painted them as an innocuous "boy scout" like group, simply interested in democracy. Not so.

Obama's solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, out of the blue with no consultation with the Israeli Prime Minister, was to declare that there should be a return to the borders before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. A shocked Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu, called this "indefensible". Obama has continually insulted our strong ally, Israel, and the Prime Minister. At the same time Obama had no problem with inviting the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House.

We now have an extremely volatile flash point with Iran fast approaching nuclear bomb capability. Not only has the Obama administration been weak and unclear on their opposition to Iran, Obama has refused to meet with Prime Minister, Netanyahu during this time. Unbelievable! Yet Iran has repeatedly stated that their goal was to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. This critical situation, as Obama does nothing, could lead to a nuclear conflict and the possibility of World War III. What greater failure in foreign policy could there be?

We are beginning to see the early fruits of Obama's foreign policy in the Mid East. Our embassies are under attack with Americans murdered. Radical elements are beginning to take over in the vacuum created by the administration's foreign policy. The Muslim Brotherhood, just as most Americans suspected, are not "boy scouts", but very radical Islamists, that hate America.

The foreign policy of the Obama administration is not only a total failure, it is in the process of placing the United States and the world in great danger. This needs to be factually reported by ALL media sources.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Expendables - Seniors in America

Seniors are expendable in America today. This is according to The National Healthcare, H.R.3590 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (referred to as Obamacare), and supported by fact. If you are a senior and need expensive live saving treatment and care it will not be given to you in the very near future. This is not rumor or partisan is factual!

Let's first look at the background leading up to Obamacare, that sets the stage for this legislation. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel was a chief advisor to President Obama on healthcare. Both by words and implication Dr. Emanuel indicated that expensive healthcare treatment should be given to those only most productive to society. A direct Emanuel quote: “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 and 40 years get the most substantial chance…” The clear implication here is that seniors are not a priority, thus discriminated against. This has been followed by President Obama, himself, in answer to questions on ABC, where he said that "maybe you're better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller." (In reference to the elderly). In another instance he said, "I mean, the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health care bill out here. It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels. And that’s part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance".

Now that Obamacare has been passed President Obama has chosen Harvard Professor, Dr. Donald Berwick, to head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, who will be overseeing implementation of America’s new government-run health care. Berwick said in the Biotechnology Journal in 2009, "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care; the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open". He stated costs must be contained, so decisions are made through a "comparative effectiveness" formula, which compares various treatments versus benefits the patient receives. If a treatment costs more than the "quality adjusted life years" merit, treatment is denied. Is there any doubt whatsoever that by designed intent that this will be extremely detrimental to seniors and their healthcare?

It is a fact that $ 717 Billion will be taken out of Medicare, essentially to fund Obamacare. What this means is that the doctor reimbursement rate will be significantly reduced. (A new Independent Payment Advisory Board will do this.) Already many doctors are refusing new Medicare patients due to the financial hardship. In addition Obamacare is designed to take on 30 million new patients not previously covered. As it is implemented this will cause a shortage of doctors. If doctors are already refusing new Medicare patients, this will cause an even further de facto rationing of healthcare that will exclude seniors, especially from expensive treatment for serious illnesses. Former AMA President Donald Palmisano has warned that the 15 member "Advisory Board" will represent an immediate danger to seniors since in order to cut costs they will refuse to provide certain effective treatments to patients who need them based on costs and patients’ remaining "quality adjusted life years", in other words cut off treatment for seniors.

The massive Obamacare bill is 2,409 pages long, with several reiterations that make it even more confusing. If we can freeze one version for a moment, Page 29, Lines 4-16 mandates the rationing of healthcare; Page 30, Section 123 states that there will be a committee that decides allowed treatments and benefits; Page 42 recognizes the power of the Health Choices Commissioner to determine your health benefits; Page 85, line 7 gives the government the right to ration benefits for Medicare basically rationing the care of every senior citizen; Page 268, Section 1141 regulates costs of power drive wheelchairs affecting many seniors; Page 272, Section 1145 regulates cancer hospitals, again rationing the care of cancer patients greatly affecting seniors; Page 335, Lines 16-25 and Pages 336-339 mandates the establishment of "outcome based healthcare". This will result in seniors being denied treatments simply because the statistics of success in their demographic category (age / seniors) is poor; Page 425 Lines 4-12 mandates "Advance Care Planning Consultation" encouraging seniors to accept death rather than expensive treatments to continue life.

How many facts and how much proof do we need? The premises of, and background planning intent of Obamacare, show a discrimination against seniors and the person responsible for implementation has clearly stated that he believes in rationing. Obamacare provides for both de facto rationing and explicit line items in the Bill support cutting costs by rationing as well as by denying expensive care to seniors.

Finally, there is no mention whatsoever that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act violates the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 that dictates that no federally funded legislative program can discriminate against seniors. Obamacare clearly does.

What has happened to our country where legislation can be proposed and passed by our Congress that denies life saving treatment to one segment of our population - seniors? What kind of country have we become?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Is Second Amendment Under Attack?

Some of the reasons why American settlers viewed the right to bear arms as being very important were: to deter a tyrannical government; to repel an invasion; to suppress an insurrection, and to facilitate a natural right of self defense. Thus the Second Amendment to the Constitution was passed in December of 1791 along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". This is very clear and unambiguous. In 2008 in order to clarify it even further, however, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia.

Yet today there appears to be an ongoing attack on the right to bear arms. Every time that there is violence involving a gun this is thrown up as an example as to why the Second Amendment should be revised and guns either more strictly controlled, if not taken out of the hands of the people entirely. Yet at the same time everyone knows that criminals, and those who wish to do violence, can very easily obtain guns since millions of them are available (and will continue to be available) "on the street", illegally, and through underground markets. This will not stop, no matter what kind of legislation is passed in order to control guns.

In addition to attempts to control or eliminate guns in the United States, there is a similar effort going on through the United Nations, in fact our involvement with this is very worrisome to those who strongly support the Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment, and the very sovereignty of our country. An outside entity dictating what is done in the United States, especially since it is contrary to our Constitution? This should not sit well with any American.

There is even further government hypocrisy, since while there is an ongoing effort to control or eliminate guns in the hands of the people, at the same time there are massive gun and weapon sales going on to other countries by the United States, Russia, China, Iran, and other countries. Hundreds, upon hundreds, of billion dollars worth of guns and weapons. Where do these arms selling governments think that these guns and weapons will end up?

During this time of "gun controversy" the American people are buying guns at record numbers, gun sales have skyrocketed. What is the reason for this? First and fundamentally people see a threat to their Constitutional right to bear arms and fear it will be taken away. But it is much, much deeper than that. People don't trust our government. What they see is more and more dominating federal government control over their lives. They see surveillance cameras on street corners and all over public places. They read about the governments ability to track their cell phones, to read inside their computers and other personal devices. They are aware of government ability to track their motor vehicles with some sort of mysterious implanted "black box" as well as through GPS devices. More recently our federal government is using drones to secretly surveil the American people. Even further, the federal government is attempting to exercise more control over the Internet.

Perhaps the scariest of all is the fact that by a series of acts of Congress, executive orders, and HR 645, known as the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act of 2009, a number of FEMA camps have been set up all over the United States. There over 800 camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive people. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full time guards, but they are all empty. This is factual, but if it appears to be too far out "conspiratorial" for you, it is suggested that you do your own research on this and draw your own conclusions.

Again, why are people buying guns at record rates? Yes, for self defense, but also since, for all of the reasons above, they do not trust our government. In fact, as the original American settlers, they fear a tyrannical government, and many feel that this is where we are headed. At the same time we should be asking..."Why is the federal government attempting to strictly control, or even eliminate guns in the hands of the American people?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why NOT to Trust Polls

As we approach the elections of 2012 we will see a constant stream of polls. Many are reported by the media as if they were the absolute truth. Yet we should be asking if they are they being used to measure public opinion, or to influence it? Following are some of the reasons why we should be very weary of polls:

In many cases the organizations that conduct and report polls have a definite bias toward a desired outcome. This should be an immediate warning sign to everyone.

The U.S. Census reports that there are about 211 million voter eligible citizens, and 137 million registered voters. Typically polls are based on a sample size of about a thousand people. What this means is that they are sampling only 0.0000047 of the voter eligible population; or only 0.0000072 of registered voters, and they typically claim an error potential of plus or minus 3%. Oh yes, if you understand statistical sampling theory this would be perfectly adequate for sampling widgets off a production line, but it gets much, MUCH more complex when doing the non parametric sampling of human opinion.

Such things as how questions are letter, by phone, in person; how the question is worded and in what context; the series of questions asked along with the reported result on a given topic; the timing of the question vs. other happenings in the U.S. or the world; who is asking the questions can make a difference; if the question is asked by a person, voice inflections can make a difference...and so it goes. Sampling human opinion is tremendously complex. From personal experience, on polls reflecting critical issues affecting our country, I have asked the polling organization about some of the above questions raised above. I never received a response. Yet the polls spread like wildfire throughout the country and are treated as absolute truth.

David W. Moore a former senior editor of the Gallup Poll, now a senior fellow at the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire published a book, entitled "The Opinion Makers". In his book Moore stated, "But the truth is that most of today's polls claiming to measure the public's preferences on policy matters or presidential candidates produce distorted and even false readings of public opinion that damage the democratic process." Does this statement from a former senior editor of Gallup give you pause on polls?

Mark Crispin Miller, a Professor of Media Studies at New York University commented on Moore's book, "A Powerful argument that polls do not merely misinform us but pose a genuine, if subtle, threat to our democracy." Robert W. McChesney, the Gutgsell Endowed Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois, commented "You will never regard political polls the same after reading David W. Moore's devastating inside account of their severe limitations and misapplications."

In many cases where public opinion seems to be headed in one direction, suddenly a poll will pop up, usually by an organization that has a definite bias, showing poll results giving confirmation of their bias in another direction.

For all the reasons given above, I do not trust polls. Should you?

Friday, May 25, 2012

"The 1%" Concept False and Misguided

The 1% concept is nothing but a big farce, purposely created to bring about class warfare. In the ancient empires, monarchies, dictatorships, communist and socialist states, theocracies, Islamic states, as well as in democracies, there have ALWAYS been a small percentage who are most wealthy and have the greatest power and influence in the country. It is a given certainty no matter what the form of government and has been the case throughout history. There is always a small percentage who are most wealthy and powerful.

To single out a democracy, such as the United States, and to attack those who have success in life is not only dead wrong, but misdirected. Those who attack the so called 1% and want to do away with capitalism and our great democracy need to study some of the brutal regimes that have resulted when democracies and freedoms have been done away with in favor of some form of pseudo idyllic government that turns out to be just the opposite, being very repressive to the people.

This whole 1% issue is a false one and not well thought through by those that go to the streets, by the media, and by those in government who align themselves with it.

No matter what form of government, there will always be a small percentage who have the most wealth and power. Yet, of all forms of government, a democracy offers the people, whatever their status in life, not only a voice in their government, but the opportunity to succeed and become wealthy and gain positions of influence, like no other.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WARNING: Obama Take Over Plan of America

The Obama administration has been planning for some time for a take over of the United States. They have purposely weakened the pushing us to the brink of bankruptcy. Obama has incited class warfare and division between groups for some time in setting us up for the take over. Here are the steps taken and what to look out for:

1) Continually push the United States toward a position of crisis. This includes purposely bankrupting the country; very high unemployment and dissatisfaction among people; creating divisions between people; class warfare; race animosity; immigration anarchy; nullifying Congress; inflation and high prices; health scare pandemic warnings; shock value announcements, directions, and legislation in order to keep people off balance; federal government over control; placing more and more people into a state of government dependency...and more. Purposely keeping people in a state of frustration and turmoil. This is both a real and psychological "set-up".

2) Extreme invasions of personal freedoms and privacy by the federal government. These include the federal government's ability, now in place, to listen to phone conversations, look at personal E-mail, look at all information in personal computers, track cell phones, track your car / vehicle, look at credit card information and personal finances, look at medical history...all and any personal information. In addition, surveillance cameras are now in place (and increasing) all over the United States in every place imaginable. Still further, the recent addition of drones that can both spy on, and eventually threaten, the American people. All of this is now in place. You can't imagine how far they have gone!

3) The Obama administration now meets secretly through a confluence of media sources in order to feed the American people a constant stream of propaganda. All dictatorships in history have strictly controlled information to the people. In addition efforts are now underway attempting to shut down all other avenues of information and news that run contrary to the Obama propaganda. These include talk radio, certain television networks / programs, and all other print media. The Internet is also under attack since this represents a major threat to the Obama take over. They are using false arguments as to why these other sources of information need to be controlled. Look for this to continue. Information is critical.

4) This may sound "conspiratorial" but it is ABSOLUTELY true. You may not want to look at it but there are over 800 internment camps set up in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed, surrounded by full time guards, and empty, ready to receive people. These camps are operated by FEMA. Once Martial Law is declared (see below) all it would take is a presidential signature on an order by the attorney general. You are urged to do your own research on this. Here is one reference:

5) President Obama has recently, and somewhat secretly, not covered by the media, signed a series of executive orders that have given him full power to declare Martial Law and to order the dispensing of personal freedoms during a "crisis", and to give the federal government all kinds of control not given in the Constitution. This is very dangerous authority that has been taken in secret and without the full knowledge of the American people.

6) THE TAKE OVER PLAN goes into effect if the Obama administration senses that he will lose the November election. The timing of it may be at that point, OR, it may take place after he actually loses the election, but before the new president is sworn in, in January 2013.

7) The Obama administration at that point will use such groups as ACORN (they are still there), a variety of George Soros front organizations, corrupt union heads and union thugs (not most union members who are good people), the new black panthers, such movements as "Occupy", some student groups, groups that will be incited to think they will lose their benefits, and others, to go the streets and protest. This will be all orchestrated, the plan is already in place. Some of these people actually WANT to see the overthrow on the U.S. government and will include socialists, Marxists, and even communists. Others may be people who have good intentions and are just caught up in the movement, and are just misguided. They will be USED. It will make no difference, the result will be the same. Once in the streets throughout the country, those who are leading it behind the scenes will incite riot. This will lead to mob violence. Many of the cities and towns across the United States will be out of control.
8) Obama, will seemingly come to the rescue. He will then declare Martial Law under the powers of executive orders previously snuck through. Militia, under Obama control, will take to the streets in order to regain order. He will then declare that it is necessary to STAY in a state of Martial Law indefinitely in order to keep control. He will have full and unchallenged authority. Personal freedoms will be suspended. All directions, rules, and laws will come from the federal government (Obama). He will declare it necessary for him the continue as the president due to the crisis at hand and cancel out any swearing in of a new president.

9) MANY of the American people, members of Congress, and even previous supporters of Obama will not like what they see and begin to protest. If they continue to protest they will be rounded up and placed in local jails, and eventually in one of the 800 internment camps placed throughout the United States. Once people begin to see the action by Obama, they will be in fear. Many will become silent and become lambs of what will amount to nothing short of an Obama dictatorship.

10) The United States, seemingly overnight, will be gone, as will the Constitution, state's rights, personal freedoms, and all previously existing laws. It will become an absolute rule of our country by Obama and his administration.

If you weren't previously aware of this, then become aware. Do YOUR OWN research on this. Research the executive orders issued by Obama giving him this authority. Research the FEMA camps set up all over the country and ask why. Ask WHY drones are being used to watch the American people. This IS NOT a political party issue, democrat, republican, etc. This is about ALL of us and OUR country! Pay attention and be aware of what is going on. If your senses are open, you will see it, clearer and clearer.

What can you do:

* Become aware of this yourself and pass this on to all those that you know. One of the greatest enemies to the Obama take over plan is information, knowledge as to what is going on so that people will not be fooled. When it begins it will happens so fast that people will not know what hit them. That is why we ALL have to be prepared in advance.

* Look for the signs, if you see it beginning, speak up and expose it. Fight for your country. Don't be led like sheep.

* Pray and stay close to God.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Plan to Beat Obama and Save America

The Plan That Will Beat Obama and Save America

Please send this to everybody that you know, E-mail lists, place on blogs, communicate through Facebook, Twitter…every means of communication possible. The great strength of the Internet is that we can send this “viral”, where in a very short time, with your help, millions of people can read it.


Mitt Romney is now the Republican candidate and he will make an excellent President. With your help he will beat Obama. Following are the 4 simple Steps that we need to take. Please take them seriously and become involved in this process to beat Obama and save our country. Below are the powerful yet simple Steps that we need to take. This is followed by some background information on Romney for your information.

Here is a suggested approach on what we need to do to rid our country of Obama by making SURE he gets voted out of office before he completely destroys America. People who have never before been activists should become activists to the extent recommended here. The future of our country, the future of your children, grandchildren, and future generations depends upon it. Don't be a person who failed to act when it was needed.

Here is what you can do:

1) Give financial donations to the extent that you can to the Tea Party. Why give to the Tea Party? We need to counteract the many "Obama" organizations, their activities, the onslaught of the media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and the over billion dollars that he will raise from these sources. Organizations like ACORN (they are still there),, Media Matters, Hollywood, corrupt Union bosses (union workers are not the issue, leadership is) , and the hundreds of front organizations funded by George Soros. The Obama campaign will also use widespread voter fraud and this has to be exposed and overcome. (Why do you think they fought against voter ID's?) All this has to be counteracted and the Tea Party can do it since they are already organized and will strongly support Romney. Many think they have gone away, but they have not, they have been just laying in wait.

The Tea Parties have become a very powerful force in America and this is the reason why the left hates them so much and falsely portrays them. They are just good ordinary people, next door neighbor types...very responsible and friendly. Many had never attended a political rally before. Most of their signs were home made, not provided by an organization. They are not all "right wing", but include concerned democrats, independents, and just plain concerned Americans that have attended their rallies. They all share a deep concern for the current direction of our country and are peacefully expressing their concerns. Nothing could be more American. They ARE NOT racists, radicals, terrorists, barbarians, etc. etc.

Most all Americans are concerned. The Tea Party represents a voice for the concerned. We should all be concerned. You don't have to be a "member" or attend any rally, but you are urged to give them your financial support. They are a voice and an organized strength that can help turn this situation around.

Step 1 is to support the Tea Parties.

2) Give a financial donation to the Romney Campaign for President. Even if you have never given financial support to a candidate before, this presidential race is will determine the future of America. It is critical that we financially support Romney. You can bet that people like George Soros, Jeffrey Immelt of GE, and others will pour millions of dollars into support of Obama. Some of it will be done illegally through front organizations, or through false people (made up, deceased, etc.) . They have done this before. The media will represent hundreds of millions of dollars free advertising / propaganda support for Obama. This is a huge hurdle that needs to be to overcome through our financial support.

Please give the Romney Campaign your financial support....$10, $20, $50, $100....up to the legal limit, whatever you can afford...BUT GIVE. This financial support will definitely be needed to overcome the Obama onslaught.

Step 2 to is to financially support the Romney Campaign for President.

3) Make sure you vote and encourage others to vote in the Presidential election in 2012. Your vote is sacred and is critical. Also vote for those who will be supportive of Romney in the US Congress, he will need all the support that he can get. Vote very carefully at the state and local levels of government so that we elect people who will be supportive to bring back America to what it should and can be.

It is pretty obvious that we are now headed in the wrong direction. We need a groundswell, starting at the local level, to turn this situation around.

Step 3 is to VOTE and encourage others to vote!

Step 4 is to become an activist during this election to the extent that you feel comfortable, but do something! It may be a sign on your lawn, a bumper sticker, attending a rally, helping in some way with his campaign, writing a Letter to the Editor, or Op-ed, calling a television or radio news organization or program, etc. Those with prominence and positions should attempt to use your position to appear in the media and state your position. By doing all of the above, by people seeing your willingness to stand up for what you believe in…this will influence others…YOU can make a difference and influence others.

Step 4 is to be active in your support of Romney.

These are 4 simple Steps where we all can be activists toward placing in office a President and those who represent the American people, and the future of America. This is a very, very critical time. To not act at this time would be tragic. To act is easy. All you have to do is keep informed, be active, and financially support, to the extent that you can, those who can bring America back to what it should be....and VOTE.

You are urged to consider this. If we all work together we can succeed. Let’s take back America. This is a critical time. Please do your part.

Romney Background Information

It is very important to have good and factual information on Romney since he will be under unmerciful attack. His qualifications for President are nothing short of excellent. He has a business, managerial, and leadership background. He knows how to manage finances and a budget. He is an excellent communicator. He speaks clearly and can be firm, yet he knows how to work with others who have a different view in order to get things done, without sacrificing the basics, the principles, of what he is attempting to accomplish. He is an excellent family man, has an excellent moral background...and he is clean from corruption and personal issues that seem so prevalent in politics today.

In regard to the issues that he will be faced with, it is important to deal with the facts, not what is reported and purposely distorted in the media about him. First, Romney is a conservative, he is miscast as being a moderate. This will be explained below. If his characterization as a moderate brings in more votes in that area, so be it.

Being a Republican Governor of Massachusetts, a one party Democratic state, is no easy chore. Yet he did an excellent job with an 85% Democratic legislature, and with most all city / towns controlled by Democrats in the state. Not easy, yet he did an excellent job. He kept his "finger in the dam" on spending and managed the budget with a legislature that wanted to spend, spend, spend, as well as do other outrageous things in Massachusetts.

Very importantly on healthcare, people forget that the strongly Democratic legislature in Massachusetts pushed like crazy for a state controlled healthcare approach. An opinion on this is that they wanted to set up a forerunner model in order to force a nationally controlled healthcare on America, and that Ted Kennedy was strongly behind this. Yet Romney pushed back on the legislature and refused to sign the state bill until certain concessions were made that were more reasonable and rational. He did then sign the bill. It now has mixed reviews, some good, some bad. Yet if he had stayed on as governor he would have made corrections on the bad aspects of healthcare in the state since that is the type of leader that he has demonstrated to be. Healthcare will continually come up during the campaign and he will have to answer the questions on this. You should at least know some background.

As Governor of Massachusetts he was an excellent and SMART communicator. On every single critical issue facing the state he clearly stated his positions and the reasoning behind them. He did this through TV and radio ads, or through publicly communicated interviews. In other words he brought his positions DIRECTLY to the people so that they knew exactly where he stood on the issues. Many politicians do not do this and allow the conduit of newspapers, such as the Boston Globe, NY Times, the Washington Post, etc. to put any spin they want on their positions. He went directly to the people.

Concerning the issue of abortion and the fact that he changed his mind after being pro-choice: Most important is where he stands now and the fact that he is he sincere. Saint Paul changed his mind, as well, since earlier in his life he persecuted Christians. At a Massachusetts Citizens for Life Mother's Day Dinner, on May 10, 2007, where he was the guest speaker, people listened very, very critically to every word that he said. He fully explained his transition and reasoning for becoming Pro-Life. He was believed to be sincere and today this is believed to be his true position. That is what counts.

In regard to his tenure as CEO of Bain Capital he actually had an excellent record of helping and growing the majority of companies that he was involved with, while at the same time making money for Bain. In some cases they had to make some tough decisions on companies that were not successful...they were in the minority. That is what leadership and capitalism is all about.

On the issue of being a Mormon that will most probably come up... It is suggested to look at the type of person that he is, the values that he displays, and the fact that he is an excellent family man, with a beautiful family. His religion should NOT be an issue and hopefully it isn't with you.

Here is why Mitt Romney is REALLY a conservative:

* He is a fiscal conservative, believes in cutting spending, reducing the debt, and balancing the budget.

* He believes in a strong military and a clearly communicated firm foreign policy. He will NOT apologize for America.

* He believes in securing the border and a legal PROCESS of immigration.

* He is Pro-Life and stated he would de-fund Planned Parenthood.

* He believes in the Constitution and the founding principles of our country.

* He is in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman. He has strong family values and a strong belief in God.

* He would repeal Obamacare.

* In regard to gun control, he has stated: "Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand. I support the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every American. It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights..."

The media and many of the "talking heads" on television try to label people in certain ways, but with all of the above, and more, Mitt Romney is a pretty conservative candidate...wouldn't you say?


This is the most critical Presidential election in the last 100 years, if not ever. So much so that if we do not elect Mitt Romney and rid our country of Barack Obama the United States will be pushed to a point of complete ruin. We all have an obligation and a duty NOT to let that happen.